Recovery Road Cover Image

Recovery Road

Author/Uploaded by Christine Feehan

 “A dark, detailed, gritty and complex storyline.”
 —The Reading Cafe
 “Feehan definitely shows the true core of her talent with this one. . . . While the scenes were hot and intense, there was also so much heart packed within this one story that won me over completely.”
 —Addicted to Romance
 “The second thrilling book featuring S...

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 “A dark, detailed, gritty and complex storyline.”
 —The Reading Cafe
 “Feehan definitely shows the true core of her talent with this one. . . . While the scenes were hot and intense, there was also so much heart packed within this one story that won me over completely.”
 —Addicted to Romance
 “The second thrilling book featuring Savage and Seychelle!”
 —Fresh Fiction
 “The queen of paranormal romance. . . . I love everything she does.”
 —J. R. Ward
 “A new cast of characters as heartwarmingly interesting as those in her Drake Sisters novels and as steamy as those in her Dark [Carpathian] novels.”
 —Fresh Fiction
 “Ms. Feehan is at the top of her game with this magical romance.”
 —The Romance Readers Connection
 “An action-packed and romantic tale. Awesome as always!”
 —RT Book Reviews
 “Avid readers of Ms. Feehan’s work should dive in.”
 —Fiction Vixen
 “Stunning, vivid, lushly visual. . . . It’s the perfect way to escape.”
 —Romance Books Forum
 Titles by Christine Feehan
 The GhostWalker Novels
 Phantom Game
 Lightning Game
 Lethal Game
 Toxic Game
 Covert Game
 Power Game
 Spider Game
 Viper Game
 Samurai Game
 Ruthless Game
 Street Game
 Murder Game
 Predatory Game
 Deadly Game
 Conspiracy Game
 Night Game
 Mind Game
 Shadow Game
 The Drake Sisters Novels
 Hidden Currents
 Turbulent Sea
 Safe Harbor
 Dangerous Tides
 Oceans of Fire
 The Leopard Novels
 Leopard’s Scar
 Leopard’s Rage
 Leopard’s Wrath
 Leopard’s Run
 Leopard’s Blood
 Leopard’s Fury
 Wild Cat
 Cat’s Lair
 Leopard’s Prey
 Savage Nature
 Wild Fire
 Burning Wild
 Wild Rain
 The Sea Haven/Sisters of the Heart Novels
 Bound Together
 Fire Bound
 Earth Bound
 Air Bound
 Spirit Bound
 Water Bound
 The Shadow Riders Novels
 Shadow Fire
 Shadow Storm
 Shadow Flight
 Shadow Warrior
 Shadow Keeper
 Shadow Reaper
 Shadow Rider
 The Torpedo Ink Novels
 Recovery Road
 Savage Road
 Annihilation Road
 Reckless Road
 Desolation Road
 Vendetta Road
 Vengeance Road
 Judgment Road
 The Carpathian Novels
 Dark Whisper
 Dark Tarot
 Dark Song
 Dark Illusion
 Dark Sentinel
 Dark Legacy
 Dark Carousel
 Dark Promises
 Dark Ghost
 Dark Blood
 Dark Wolf
 Dark Lycan
 Dark Storm
 Dark Predator
 Dark Peril
 Dark Slayer
 Dark Curse
 Dark Hunger
 Dark Possession
 Dark Celebration
 Dark Demon
 Dark Secret
 Dark Destiny
 Dark Melody
 Dark Symphony
 Dark Guardian
 Dark Legend
 Dark Fire
 Dark Challenge
 Dark Magic
 Dark Gold
 Dark Desire
 Dark Prince
 Edge of Darkness
 (with Maggie Shayne and Lori Herter)
 Darkest at Dawn
 (includes Dark Hunger and Dark Secret)
 Sea Storm
 (includes Magic in the Wind and Oceans of Fire)
 (includes The Awakening and Wild Rain)
 (with Emma Holly, Sabrina Jeffries, and Elda Minger)
 Lover Beware
 (with Fiona Brand, Katherine Sutcliffe, and Eileen Wilks)
 Hot Blooded
 (with Maggie Shayne, Emma Holly, and Angela Knight)
 Dark Crime
 The Awakening
 Dark Hunger
 Magic in the Wind
 Red on the River
 Murder at Sunrise Lake
 Published by Berkley
 An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
 Copyright © 2023 by Christine Feehan
 Penguin Random House supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin Random House to continue to publish books for every reader.
 BERKLEY and the BERKLEY and B colophon are registered trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.
 ISBN: 9780593439227
 First Edition: January 2023
 Cover design by Judith Lagerman
 Cover photo illustration by Neils Antone
 Adapted for ebook by Molly Jeszke
 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
 For Pat McGuire. Your coastal family misses you.
 Be sure to go to to sign up for my private book announcement list and download the free ebook of Dark Desserts. Join my community and get firsthand news, enter the book discussions, ask your questions and chat with me. Please feel free to email me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.
 Thank you to Diane Trudeau and JoCarol Jones, without whom I would never have gotten this book finished under such circumstances. Shylah Sparks-Diehl for taking all the work off me with the animals while I got this done. Brian Feehan for making certain he was here every day to set up the pages I needed to write in order to hit the deadline. Denise for handling all the details of every aspect of my life that has been so crazy. Pat McGuire for his help in answering questions on addiction. Any mistakes are mine alone. Thank you all so very much!!!
 Viktor Prakenskii aka Czar—President
 Lyov Russak aka Steele—Vice President
 Savva Pajari aka Reaper—Sergeant at Arms
 Savin Pajari aka Savage—Sergeant at Arms
 Isaak Koval aka Ice—Secretary
 Dmitry Koval aka Storm
 Alena Koval aka Torch
 Luca Litvin aka Code—Hacker
 Maksimos Korsak aka Ink
 Kasimir Popov aka Preacher
 Lana Popov aka Widow
 Nikolaos Bolotan aka Mechanic
 Pytor Bolotan aka Transporter
 Andrii Federoff aka Maestro
 Gedeon Lazaroff aka Player
 Kir Vasiliev aka Master—Treasurer
 Lazar Alexeev aka Keys
 Aleksei Solokov aka Absinthe
 Rurik Volkov aka Razrushitel/Destroyer
 Gavriil Prakenskii
 Casimir Prakenskii
 Fatei Molchalin
 Viktor (Czar), Gavriil and Casimir
 Reaper and Savage
 Mechanic and Transporter
 Ice, Storm and Alena (Torch)
 Preacher and Lana (Widow)
 Czar heads Team One
 Reaper, Savage, Ice, Storm, Transporter, Alena, Absinthe, Mechanic,

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