Stolen by the Wolf Cover Image

Stolen by the Wolf

Author/Uploaded by J.E. Cluney

STOLEN BY THE WOLF J.E. CLUNEY CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 About the Author and Other Books 1 ALEXANDER * * * Why the fuck did it take women so long to get their d...

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STOLEN BY THE WOLF J.E. CLUNEY CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 About the Author and Other Books 1 ALEXANDER * * * Why the fuck did it take women so long to get their damn hair done? It was something I’d never understand. A simple trip to Uncle Wes’ and mine was done in twenty minutes flat. How the fuck could hair take over six fucking hours? Was she getting a damn hair transplant? Extensions coming from fucking Italy? “Women,” I muttered as I drummed my fingers on the polished steering wheel of my Mercedes. But night was falling, and my brothers, Paxton and Carlos, had handled the little issue we had to deal with for this plan to work. I pulled up the little brunette’s photo on my phone again, scowling at her fine features. Brandy Connors. Yet another one of those damn bloodsuckers pets. Bile wanted to rise up at the mere thought of what she would do for those parasites, especially the one who owned her. Fucking vamps. Not that it mattered. She was the key now, a pawn in this battle with the walking dead. And I had my job, one my uncle had assigned to me, not trusting any others of the Pack to get it done right. Not even his own sons. The thought made me smirk. My father was Alpha for a reason, but while he handled business interstate, my uncle was calling the shots. As first-born son, I was to follow in my father’s footsteps, carefully molded since birth to be a lethal weapon and deadly businessman. I stiffened as the salon door finally budged, a leggy blonde striding out like she owned the place with a skimpy dress on. I blinked as I focused on her face. So Brandy had undergone a full color change, from the earthy brown to a nearly silver blonde, the drastic change not suiting her in the slightest. Not that it was any of my business. I shoved my door open, stepping out into the street as she strutted down the sidewalk in heels that screamed for attention. She moved well in them, I’d give her that, but the thought was quickly banished as I spied the obvious mark on her neck. “Miss Connors,” I moved to block her path, forcing myself to use a more placid tone as she pulled up short. She was nothing before me, those heels only just making her stand taller than my shoulders. Without them, she’d be cowering, although that glazed look in her eye had my jaw clenching. Was she… “Can I help you?” She cocked her head at me, those green eyes rather dull, as if she barely saw me. “Bartholomew sent me to pick you up, Zach had to run other urgent errands,” I said with utmost sincerity. I’d been taught how to lie through my teeth from a young age, to dazzle with a devilish grin and lure many into a false sense of security. Although saying that wretched vampire’s name had my blood boiling already. Thankfully this human wouldn’t be able to tell. “Oh, Zach always picks me up.” Her brow furrowed, her lower lip pushing out just slightly, as if she was debating whether I was telling the truth or not. “And he sends his apologies, but it was urgent business, you know how Bartholomew gets,” I said sweetly, fighting the urge to grit my teeth. “True,” she breathed as she turned to my sleek black merc expectantly, buying my blatant lies. “What about George?” I moved instantly to open up the backseat, and she more than willingly slid in as I racked my brain on who George was. He must’ve been the human sidekick that was with Zach. Carlos had said he’d disposed of him. “He had to assist Zach as well, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” “Thank you,” she said as she settled into the backseat and I shut the door. It was as easy as taking candy from a fucking baby. Maybe she was a natural blonde underneath all that. I fought the urge to snicker as I shut the door on her and climbed back in. Brandy was silent as I pulled away from the curb, and I glanced at her in the rearview mirror as I shot a quick text to my brother. ‘On board. Easy as cake.’ His response was immediate. ‘Damn bloodsucker pets. They make it too easy. Talk over radio if needed.’ I smirked at Paxton’s comment as I eyed the little blonde in the backseat. She just gazed lazily out the window like a perfect little doll, oblivious to everything. Vampires and their damn pets, it made me sick, but it was their choice to become their little playthings. Any human that chose that was despicable, signing away their life for the thrill of being captive to a vampire, or a mere blood-bag. From what we knew, Brandy was a personal favorite of that fucker, Bart. He hated that name, always wanting his full name. Not that we gave a shit. Our kind had waged war for millenia, our races feuding since the beginning of time. It was ingrained into our blood, a core part of our being. And we would not let them continue to control the districts that belonged to us. This territory was ours, and we wouldn’t let them take over. Brandy would help us make sure of that. Paxton and my other brother, Carlos, would be waiting for me at the safe house. They’d dealt with her original driver, a young vampire who’d been nothing against a couple of wooden bullets. Now little Zach was taking a permanent nap. The fact he was even

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