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Author/Uploaded by Michelle M. Bruhn

 Find out where Alísa’s connection to the dragons all started in Mindsong, available for free at

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 Find out where Alísa’s connection to the dragons all started in Mindsong, available for free at
 Alísa has finally started developing her psychic power of empathy, growing in her psychic strength as every slayer must. But when the excitement of the clan’s ceremonies is drowned out by foreign sorrow, rage, and fear, Alísa and her father discover there is more to her developing empathy than they’d initially thought—a mystery that may one day condemn her in the eyes of the clan.
 Copyright © 2023 by Michelle M. Bruhn
 All rights reserved.
 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
 Cover by Kirk DouPonce,
 Map by Soraya Corcoran,
 Edited by Katie Phillips,
 ISBN 978-1-7349925-3-3 (paperback)
 ISBN 978-1-7349925-4-0 (e-book)
 Created with Vellum
 Pronunciations & Definitions
 Farren’s Song
 1. Remembrance
 2. Presentation
 3. Compromise
 4. Specters of the Past
 5. A Holder’s Return
 6. The First Visit
 7. Paili’s Wrath
 8. Céilí Confrontation
 9. Slayers & Holders
 10. The Hues Of Dragons
 11. Stormdance
 Interlude I
 12. Perspective
 13. Between Two Worlds
 14. Messenger
 15. Knives
 16. Whatever I Can
 17. Aftermath
 18. Cracks In The Mask
 19. Again
 20. Enough
 21. Honor
 22. Singers & Slayers
 23. The Stable
 24. True Colors
 25. The Heart’s Calling
 26. Truth-Bringer
 27. Blue
 28. Camaraderie
 Interlude II
 29. Peace
 30. A Desperate Plan
 31. Goodbyes
 32. Surrender
 33. Family
 34. Breaking
 35. Other Eyes
 36. Release
 37. Allara’s Bane
 38. Pain
 39. United
 40. Truth
 41. Constellations
 42. Pyres
 43. Alliance
 44. Clan
 About The Author
 A’dem (ah-DEHM) — the planet
 Alísa (ah-LEE-suh) — slayer, wayfarer, daughter of Karn & Hanah
 Allara (ah-LAH-ruh) — (deceased) slayer, the second known Dragon Singer
 An’reik (AHN-rayk) — “sold-soul”, mortals who have given their souls to the Nameless in exchange for power
 Anam (AH-nahm) — “soul”
 Aree (ah-REE) — dragoness, hunter, mate of Saynan
 Aresia (ah-REE-shah) — normal, fiddler from Me’ran, sister of Lethín
 Ari (AHR-ee) — slayer, daughter of Namor & Tenza
 Arran (eh-RAN) — the continent
 Belinor (BEHL-ih-nohr) — a human figure of legend, who led humans, dragons, and fairy-folk to Arran
 Bodhrán (BOW-rahn) — a wide, flat drum played by mallet or hand
 Branni (BRAH-nee) — the Eldra of warriors and slayers
 Bria (BREE-uh) — (deceased) slayer, warrior, the first known Dragon Singer
 Briek (breek) — slayer, second-in-command of Segenn’s eastern wayfarers
 Céilí (KAY-lee) — a dance for two or more partners where steps are called; also a social gathering with music, dancing, and story-telling
 Chrí1 (chree) — (deceased) drek, name gives impression of lavender, Alísa’s friend, mate of Rann, mother of Rís & Chrí
 Chrí2 (chree) — drek, name gives impression of bluebells, daughter of Chrí & Rann, sister of Rís
 D’tohm (dih-TOHM) — the Eldra of wind & spirit, carries souls to the Maker’s Halls
 Draemen (DRAY-mehn) — normal, dairy farmer from Me’ran
 Drek (drehk) — small, dragon-shaped creature that lives in the forests; plural form: dreki (DREH-kee)
 Elani (eh-LAH-nee) — slayer, wayfarer, Alísa’s aunt, wife of L’non, mother of Levan & Taer
 Eldra (EHL-druh) — an angelic being given stewardship over specific aspects of A’dem; plural form: Eldír (EHL-deer)
 Faern (fayrn) — dragon, scout, father of Komi
 Falier (fah-LEER) — holder, slayer, son of Parsen & Kat, brother of Selene
 Farren (FAYR-ehn) — songweaver, wayfarer with Karn’s clan
 Galerra (gal-EHR-ah) — dragon, flight-leader, daughter of Tsamen & Paili
 Garrick (GEHR-ihk) — normal, elder of Me’ran, husband of Meira
 Graydonn (GRAY-don) — dragon, son of Koriana
 Hanah (HA-nuh) — weaver, wayfarer, wife of Karn, mother of Alísa
 Harenn (HEHR-ehn) — dragon, scout, son of Tsamen & Paili
 Iila (EE-luh) — dragon, hatchling, born to Rorenth’s clan
 Iompróir Anam (YOHM-proh-ihr AH-nahm) — “soul-bearer”
 Kallar (ka-LAHR) — slayer, wayfarer, apprentice of Karn
 Karn (kahrn) — slayer, wayfarer, chief, husband of Hanah, father of Alísa
 Katessara “Kat” (ka-teh-SAR-uh) — holder, wife of Parsen, mother of Selene & Falier
 Kerrik (KEHR-ihk) — (deceased) slayer, wayfarer, training master who left Falier in Me’ran, husband of Serra
 Komi (KOH-mee) — dragoness, scout, daughter of Faern
 Koriana (kohr-ee-AN-uh) — dragoness, scout, mother of Graydonn
 Korin (KOHR-ihn) — dragon, warrior, mate of Rayna
 L’non (luh-NON) — slayer, wayfarer, brother of Karn, husband of Elani, father of Levan & Taer
 Laen (layn) — drek, name gives impression of rain dripping off leaves
 Lethín (leh-THEEN) — normal, percussionist from Me’ran, brother of Aresia
 Levan (LEH-vehn) — slayer, wayfarer, trainee,

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