Tangle Of Obsession Cover Image

Tangle Of Obsession

Author/Uploaded by Akwaah K

Tangle Of ObsessionBy Akwaah K Trigger warnings:Mentions of death, suicide, self-harm, descriptive scenes of physical abuse, mentions of illegal drug usage, mentions and descriptive scenes of child abuse, PTSD, blood and gore, mentions and descriptive scenes of murder. PrologueAlora Bradbury has been arrested now twice for attempted murder and is now going under final trial.Close resources have i...

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Tangle Of ObsessionBy Akwaah K Trigger warnings:Mentions of death, suicide, self-harm, descriptive scenes of physical abuse, mentions of illegal drug usage, mentions and descriptive scenes of child abuse, PTSD, blood and gore, mentions and descriptive scenes of murder. PrologueAlora Bradbury has been arrested now twice for attempted murder and is now going under final trial.Close resources have informed the Chicago Times about the famous corporate lawyer who has taken the courtrooms by storm, has been charge for attempted murder.The police have denied giving any information on the case but rumors say it may have been her parents. While suspicions rise within the public, they are demanding for her to have her lawyer license revoked.While having bailed out for lack of evidence the first time, Ms. Bradbury has been arrested once more as the case has been reopened after a statement has been given by an anonymous bystander present at the scene.Reports are confidential but the young twenty-five-year-old lawyer seems to be hanging on fine as we see in the pictures shown below as she exits the courtroom with a smile on her face and black sunglasses.Handcuffs seem to be doing nothing to scare the lawyer.Charges may be dropped soon due to lack of evidence again but the lawyer could be in a tough spot after this trial ends.What are your thoughts on Ms. Alora Bradbury? Should her license really be revoked?Article by Amora Bills Editor & Reporter at Chicago Times 1 | AloraIgnoring the article about me in my hand, I focus on the piece of paper with the street name before grabbing my purse from the passenger seat and getting out.It’s no surprise to find that another newspaper has printed my name on its front page featuring the murder trial from years ago, many publishers love making money from the hottest topics and now, it seems I am one this month.Most people’s life goal is to find someone they feel remotely close to, feel love towards, to spend time with, to have someone dear to their heart they can share secrets with, to cry and laugh with.Mine? Mine includes wanting to find something that can possibly warm my cold heart and touch my soul. Something that can make me feel remotely normal and less of a person with no emotions to show.These fancy wide white trousers with a puff sleeve shirt were perfect for the gallery event I came from, however, not quite ideal for apartment viewing.Staring at the high glass skyscraper, a thought occurs to me. Compared to my previous apartment, the sheer size of this building is a lot more significant in terms of sizing. My head falls back as I try to see the top of the building but fail to do so as it merges within the clouds.The rush of cars behind me and the wet sidewalk creating the perfect opportunity for reckless drivers to splash the pedestrians. The many glass buildings surrounding me create a beautiful residential area for ones with money in their pockets that have no problem spending it on lavish things. Including me.There is a buzz of people around me as I walk through the sliding glass doors of the building, the low chatter of people, laughs across the city that make you want to look back, the sound of people entering through the restaurants just down the road.None of this makes me want to join them, to experience what they have because emotions and my own heart has failed me time and time again. I may want to feel normal but I have pushed people away from me so much that it just isn’t appealing anymore.I don’t want anything to do with someone else. I don’t need or want anyone to be in my life.Taking the last few steps towards the empty reception area as the glass doors slide close behind me, the scent of lavender air freshener hits me in the face. The instructions made it clear where I had to go, directly to apartment number three on the twentieth floor. To my right, the sleek elevator opens to reveal cream-colored pillars complementing the tan walls. Pressing the wooden button for the twentieth floor, I stand back and wait, the sound of soft piano strumming in the elevator filling up my mind.Leaving my bags in my car was probably the most sensible idea. Being evicted from your apartment with only a week to leave meant finding a place needed to be quick. This place looked too good to be true with the price tag that it had but it was the only one available other than the option to buy a big house that would be too empty for one person.Sure, being a senior lawyer has a good salary but with me being short on time, Chicago sure had a lot smaller number of available apartments than I originally thought. It only proves how high the real estate demand is within the city and also why I had to settle for this apartment for now.Soon, my floor arrives and I get off the elevator and walk towards the left side of the hallway where I find the door with the gold number three.Taking my given key out, I open the door and stop dead in my tracks.Boxes. Many, many boxes inside the empty living room, on the kitchen counter to my left. There shouldn’t be anything but the three-seat couch and the TV mounted on the wall so confusion clouds me as I take further steps in the apartment and stop in the middle of the living room.My senses are on high alert as my eyes scan for anything out of the ordinary from what I have been already told about the apartment. Doors of both bedrooms are open, the one next to the kitchen counter and the one on the right of the living room.Someone is here.Instead of trying to focus on why there are so many boxes and the thought of an intruder in my brand-new home,

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