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Terror Crea Reitan dragon fire fantasy Contents Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31AcknowledgmentsBooks by Crea ReitanKnotty & Sw...

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Terror Crea Reitan dragon fire fantasy Contents Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31AcknowledgmentsBooks by Crea ReitanKnotty & Sweet OmegaverseThe Harem ProjectWhere To Find MeAbout the AuthorThank You Terror Copyright © 2023 by Amber Reitan writing as Crea Reitan www.facebook.com/LadyCreaAuthor Cover Copyright © 2023, Kay Covers Editing by Hatters All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations for review purposes. This is a work of fiction - all characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, or events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Dragon Fire Fantasy, Inc. [email protected] ISBN: ASIN: B0BKY6N6LP Version 2023.02.11 - E.NA Created with Vellum I will start by saying this is a horror whychoose monster read. This is a dark paranormal romance in an alternate version of reality. There was once technology and now there’s only darkness. This is a story of greed, violence, and cruelty. And the darkness that comes from that. The world that follows is fictional with some loose parallels into the world around us. The main character is a severely scarred female who has been bullied and picked on her entire life because of her appearance. She is not beautiful or perfect - at least, not as society defines it. That doesn’t matter to the monstrous Terrors, though. The monsters within these pages are not sexy nor do they have a human shape. They’re monsters and they remain monsters throughout although their bodies rearrange for… purposes. They are the embodiment of fear itself - the Eldridge Terrors. And while the world is broken and corrupt, there is only a single person alive who sees beyond their exterior and teaches them what it means to care about someone. You will find a lot of extreme graphic violence, death and gore, violence, cruelty, harsh words, and much murder. There are also bits of bloody sexy times (blood play) and other not-quite wholesome scenes. There is emotional trauma, past trauma, and bully from outside the harem. While this story is primarily about Voe, as with everything I write, there is MM and other relationships. However, this is mostly Voe’s story. Her second chance to live. Also there are tentacles. Limbs. Tendrils. Cords…. Well… suffice it to say more than just hands are going to be involved. And also, there is a character called “We” who refers to himself in the tense of many. Meaning, he sees himself as plural. However, no one else calls him by the many but just as himself, singular. Please do not be confused. Only within We’s chapters (The Eerie) or when We speaks, will you find that plural reference for him. This is a polyamorous romance, a whychoose reverse harem that isn’t revolving around a single female who gets all the males’ attention. There are other relationships that are just as important as those between the men and the single female. If anything that you just read bothers you, it isn’t what you’re interested in, or you find might be triggering, please do not read this book. Otherwise, please enjoy this story of a severely bullied and shunned girl, One Voe Ipeek out my window, barely moving the curtain aside. The day is dark and gloomy, but then, it always is. That’s the world we live in, overrun with horrors and fear. The trees are still, their twisted branches curving overhead, making a thick canopy. When the sun shines, there are little windows of light that peek down on the mossy ground. There are no windows today. A fog settles on the ground, moving around as if it’s living. Obscuring the path that leads from my house and into the dense forest. No one is there, because only the desperate come into the woods. Those willing to risk what may lurk in the shadows and face me. I turn away, pulling my cloak from the peg by the door, and wrapping it around my shoulders. Fastening it under my neck, I pull the hood over my head, letting it hang low to shroud my face in its dark depths. When they can’t see me, I receive fewer sneers. They still stare, but I can’t feel it when my skin is covered. Taking my basket in hand, I open the door and step outside. The forest is quiet, but not silent. A rustle through the branches from a cool breeze. Birds in the distance. The crunch of leaves and twigs on the forest floor as animals move through the trees. Breathing in the forest, I close my eyes. Letting the familiar sounds settle me. I’ve known the dark forest for most of my life. While everyone fears the darkness, it’s been my only friend. My constant companion. I move down the lane in front of my house until it disappears. Only this one path that exists a hundred feet in front of my door is well traveled. Otherwise, I change my route frequently. I don’t want many paths leading to my house. I would rather remain alone. For the world is cruel. The walk from my house to the nearest village takes me about a quarter of the daylight hours this time of year. I don’t hurry but admire the serenity that can be found in the deep solitude. People say the woods are haunted. They say that if you go in, there’s a good chance you may not come out. There are Terrors in the trees. I’ve never seen any monsters. Only those who live in the villages. As I break the tree line, I pause just inside their welcoming

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