Thatcher Cover Image


Author/Uploaded by Tara Lee; DL Gallie

CONTENTS 1. Thatcher 2. Remy Remy 3. Thatcher 4. Remy Remy 5. Thatcher Thatcher 6. Remy 7. Remy 8. Thatcher 9. Remy 10. Thatcher 11. Remy 12. Thatcher 13. Remy 14. Thatcher 15. Remy 16. Thatcher 17. Thatcher 18. Remy 19. Thatcher 20. Remy 21. Thatcher 22. Remy 23. Thatcher 24. Remy 25. Thatcher 26. Remy 27. Thatcher 28. Remy 29. Thatcher Thatcher 30. Remy 31. Remy 32. Thatcher 33. Remy 34. Thatc...

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CONTENTS 1. Thatcher 2. Remy Remy 3. Thatcher 4. Remy Remy 5. Thatcher Thatcher 6. Remy 7. Remy 8. Thatcher 9. Remy 10. Thatcher 11. Remy 12. Thatcher 13. Remy 14. Thatcher 15. Remy 16. Thatcher 17. Thatcher 18. Remy 19. Thatcher 20. Remy 21. Thatcher 22. Remy 23. Thatcher 24. Remy 25. Thatcher 26. Remy 27. Thatcher 28. Remy 29. Thatcher Thatcher 30. Remy 31. Remy 32. Thatcher 33. Remy 34. Thatcher 35. Remy 36. Thatcher 37. Remy 38. Thatcher 39. Remy 40. Reign 41. Thatcher 42. Hendrix 43. Remy 44. Thatcher 45. Remy 46. Thatcher 47. Remy Epilogue Reign Spotify playlist About Tara Lee Also By Tara Lee About DL Gallie Also by DL Gallie Copyright © Tara Lee & DL Gallie 2023 Thatcher, LOCP #1 First published 31 May 2023 Email: [email protected] [email protected] All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the owner of copyright and the above publishers. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be stored or reproduced by any process without prior written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the produce of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to the actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and meant with no prejudice or harm. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the various products referenced in this works of fiction, which have been used without permission. The use of these trademarks is not sponsored, associated or endorsed by the trademark owner. Proofread by Karen Hrdlicka, Barren Acres Editing Edited by Lisa Edwards, More Than Words Proofreading and Margaret Neal Cover Designed by Tara Lee Interior formatting by DL Gallie The Lords rule supreme, they're cruel, reckless, and crave the power their status brings. Their world is corrupt—filled with lies and secrets. They rule Crestwood Prep like their fathers before them, but nothing lasts forever. Secrets are about to spill free, lies uncovered, The Lords aren't as invincible as they once thought. Let The Games Begin. This is my school, my kingdom. My brother’s and I rule, we are The Lords. Our secrets have always been just that, ours. Until her—Remington Hearst. She hates me, but I despise her and what her family did. She needs to learn her place because she doesn’t want to cross me. I'll make them pay. I’ll make her pay. This is a game she isn’t prepared for. Turns out, neither was I. 1 THATCHER My jaw ticks as my gaze follows her. She walks through my school like she belongs here. Breathing the same air as us. Her long brunette locks, blowing in the slight breeze. My heart races, it feels like a tornado rippling through my chest, but lust isn’t what provokes it, it’s hatred. Pure, everlasting hatred flows through my veins as I watch her. Seeing her here after what happened has my blood boiling. My body vibrates as anger pumps through my system. I never thought she would ever face coming here. But I guess she has a death wish, just like them. My fists clench tightly. My body tightens with each step she takes. Like a hawk, I watch her every move. She has not a care in the world but not for long, she’s in our world now. Her gaze filters across the grass, taking everything in and finally it lands on me. From where I am, I see her breath hitch and her eyes blink rapidly as we continue to stare at one another. From all the way over here, I feel the air change around us. From the blank look on her face, she has no idea who the hell I am, but I know who she is. I know everything about Remington Hearst and her family. I know everything. But soon, she will know who I am. I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to make my move and as if she’s been presented to me on a silver platter, finally, the time has come. The time has come to make them pay. Nothing will stop me from seeking out my revenge, and since she’s the Hearst that’s here, she gets to feel my wrath. Lucky her. When I heard she was coming to Crestwood, I didn’t believe it. She was enrolled here, just like her brothers, but I still wasn’t convinced I’d actually see her here on school grounds with my own two eyes, which makes this all the more delicious. She’ll pay for their sins. Pay for her mistakes. She. Will. Pay. I’ll delight in toying with her. Taunting her. I’ll show her just who rules these halls. Her eyes hold immense pain, but seeing how she’s nothing to me, what do I care? I know her story. I know why she's here. As I said, I know everything about her. I’d have to be an idiot not to. But nothing passes through these walls without my knowledge. After all, I'm one of The Lords. Our name holds everything. Power. Wealth. Respect. And my favorite—fear. I take small, measured steps as I make my way toward my brothers, Hendrix, Saint, and Reign. Hendrix, Saint, and I are triplets and Reign is a year younger than us but he’s a super genius and they skipped him a grade, allowing him to be in the same grade as us. Poor Mom had four kids under two, Dad knocked her up again when she was breastfeeding us triplets. We like to tease Reign that he’s adopted or a stork dropped him off because he’s blond whereas

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