The Alpha’s Betrayed Mate Cover Image

The Alpha’s Betrayed Mate

Author/Uploaded by Kayla Wolf

The Alpha’s Betrayed Mate Rejected Mate Pregnancy Romance Alpha Wolf Island Book 3 Kayla Wolf Copyright © 2023 by The Wolf Sisters Books. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the publisher,...

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The Alpha’s Betrayed Mate Rejected Mate Pregnancy Romance Alpha Wolf Island Book 3 Kayla Wolf Copyright © 2023 by The Wolf Sisters Books. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Contents Chapter 1 - Belmont Chapter 2 - Venna Chapter 3 - Belmont Chapter 4 - Venna Chapter 5 - Belmont Chapter 7 - Belmont Chapter 8 - Venna Chapter 9 - Belmont Chapter 10 - Venna Chapter 11 - Belmont Chapter 12 - Venna Chapter 13 - Belmont Chapter 14 - Venna Chapter 15 - Belmont Chapter 16 - Venna Chapter 17 - Belmont Chapter 18 - Venna About the Author Books by The Wolf Sisters Chapter 1 - Belmont The day had finally arrived. The day he’d been looking forward to for eighteen months, ever since he’d left his pack behind to join the mission to settle a new land in a new world. The day that had been on his mind constantly, even through the tumultuous journey that had been the first year and a half on Kurivon. At long last, Belmont’s pack were coming to join him here, for the newest and most exciting chapter in their lives together. He’d been so deeply focused on making the final preparations over the last few weeks that a curious sense of unreality seemed to pervade the scene as he waited by the portal with the other Alphas to welcome his pack to their new homes. “Lone wolf no longer, huh?” Belmont glanced up to meet Reeve’s dancing eyes. The charismatic Alpha never had been able to let a silence hang for too long. Not that the tropical island of Kurivon was ever particularly quiet—even now, the piercing cries of birds carried high over the constant low roar of the waves crashing against the beach, a constant reminder of how close to the ocean they were. That was going to be an adjustment for his people, he thought with a faint smile. Back home, the largest body of water for hundreds of miles had been a lake no larger than the archipelago’s smallest island. Back home…. he’d have to stop thinking of Halforst as home, now that his pack were coming through at last. This would be home now. “I bet you’re looking forward to seeing your son again.” Reeve and his soulmate had recently welcomed a brand new baby girl, and since he’d become a father it seemed the other Alpha could think of little else. “I still can’t believe we only found out you were a family man a week ago. Can’t wait to learn all the rest of your secrets.” “Reeve,” came Renfrey’s disapproving voice. Among the six Alphas based here on Kurivon, Renfrey was unique in that he didn’t lead a pack of his own. Instead, he’d been appointed as a leader for the settlement overall, with the responsibility of keeping the peace between packs as the population grew. The role had been of particular importance over the last year or so, during which tensions had been high between the packs led by Reeve and his brother Darion. Thankfully, the warring packs had since been united. That lasting peace was what had finally cleared the way for Belmont’s pack to come through the portal from the other world. Homes had been prepared for them, and the community were all looking forward to the next stage of settlement that their increased numbers would allow. Renfrey was even considering the prospect of establishing a subsequent settlement on another island on the archipelago, especially with future plans to expand their farming and food-growing operations to reduce their dependence on food shipments from the mainland. “I’m not going to pry,” Reeve said now, the expression on his face making Belmont doubt his claim. “I’m just saying—you’ve always been a man of mystery, Belmont. I’m looking forward to finding out a little more about you.” “The details of my personal life didn’t seem—relevant, to our work here,” Belmont said calmly. “I can’t say it’s part of my leadership style to share much.” “Understatement of the century,” Reeve said. “It took six months of me talking nonstop about my daughter before you thought to mention you’ve had a son this whole time. We could have been bonding, Belmont. We could have had a dad club.” “It’s not too late for that,” Renfrey pointed out with a soft chuckle. It was good to hear their leader laugh, especially given the stress they’d all been under since they’d arrived here on Kurivon. The political ramifications of moving five packs onto one island were a full time job all by themselves—and then, of course, there was the demonic presence to consider. Kurivon’s infestation by demons was the reason the Halforst Council had decided to settle the archipelago in the first place. Positioned as the islands were around a portal that led to the heart of Halforst, it had always been of utmost importance to maintain a protective presence that would prevent demons breaching that bridge between worlds. For decades, that role had been served by Council lorekeepers posted for short periods on the island. But after a terrible disaster had claimed the lives of nearly every wolf on Kurivon, it had become clear that a stronger presence was needed. The demons would be held at bay not by temporary postings, but by a community of wolves who made their homes and built their lives right here on Kurivon. It was a tremendous responsibility and a great honor—and Belmont was determined that his pack’s arrival and

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