The Boy in the Room Cover Image

The Boy in the Room

Author/Uploaded by Remi Florusse

Contents Contents The boy in the room The boy in the room Part I Aiden Sarah Mother Nightmare Expansion Training Unexpected Society Outside Survival Protocol War The Shelter Initiation Part II Routine Conversation Made Fungi The Door Two Bright Eyes The Plan Scraps Beautiful Sight Exit Nature Born A New day Guide Contents Start of Content The boy in the room The Boy in the Room Author: Remi Flor...

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Contents Contents The boy in the room The boy in the room Part I Aiden Sarah Mother Nightmare Expansion Training Unexpected Society Outside Survival Protocol War The Shelter Initiation Part II Routine Conversation Made Fungi The Door Two Bright Eyes The Plan Scraps Beautiful Sight Exit Nature Born A New day Guide Contents Start of Content The boy in the room The Boy in the Room Author: Remi Florusse No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Copyright © 2023 by Remi Florusse - All rights reserved Part I Aiden “We will call him Aiden,” she said, while slowly setting him down in the crib. The baby, sound asleep, barely moved when she softly released him on the mattress. She didn’t leave her hunched position above the crib, observing him and displaying a warm, motherly smile. She felt an attachment towards him, a strong maternal instinct slowly growing inside of her. She knew she would be there and care for him until the time she would have to let him go. At that very moment, she didn’t know why, however. She couldn’t understand how she could get attached to this being and dedicate her life to ensure their safety and well-being until the time was right. She did try to reason as a scientist, to figure out how she could actually feel something for this boy. He was just a boy, after all, and above all, one she didn’t give birth to. But she didn’t care! This was what she was now: a mother. She remained still for a few more minutes, her eyes fixated on this small thing. She lingered on his thin brown hair, wondering if he would keep this colour all his life. Her eyes wandered to his tiny hands, imagining them holding a pen or a baseball bat in a few years. She quickly brushed it all off, reminding herself that she still had many things to do before calling it a day. She turned around and peered around the room. Aiden’s room. The one where he would live the next few years. For now, it was fairly empty, besides the crib and the fluorescent mobile suspended above it, and the formula generator faintly humming in its corner. Soon, however, it would be decorated with different furniture and many stimulating objects. The room wasn’t overly spacious, but it had been built this way so it can evolve with him. “It will grow with you,” she thought, casting one last look at the boy. She straightened herself up, gently pulled her hair behind her ears, and quietly left the room. She had to be ready for tomorrow. Sarah Years passed, and as Sarah had promised herself, she had stood by Aiden; she had taken care of him from the moment she had placed him in this room. She had fed him, changed him, and made sure he had received the proper care any being would require. She had also witnessed his first steps, along with his first word. “Home”. When he had come of age, she had acted as his tutor. She had taught him everything a two-year-old should learn about: colours, letters, numbers, and many other things. Her own knowledge about psychology had allowed her to make his learning engaging and stimulating; a difficult task as he would never have any classmates to learn with. His social skills would be more challenging, she had initially reckoned. But she had quickly found a solution! That day, a few months after his third birthday, she invited William into the room. Aiden, as expected, got afraid and ran to his bed, shying away from the tall black man crossing the threshold of his room. “It’s alright, Aiden,” said Sarah, displaying her usual angelic smile. “He’s a friend. This is William. He also works here.” The man slowly walked to the centre of the room, where Aiden’s squared classroom table had been set the previous year. He sat on one of the kid chairs, showing a warm smile which easily transpired friendliness and trust. The sight of a fully grown, two-metre-high man sitting down on a tiny chair must have been intriguing and even funny to Aiden. He eyed the individual for a few seconds and slowly approached him, joining him in the centre of the room. Sarah, who had stayed between William and the door, away from the encounter, took a mental note. This was the first time Aiden was seeing another being besides her, and another adult at that. She had expected him to run away at first, and maybe cry, but she hadn’t thought he would get over it and join the man this quickly. He was indeed a brave and curious boy. “Hi Aiden,” started William, extending his right hand. “I’m William, but everybody calls me Bill!” The boy didn’t move, looking at the man’s hand, not sure about what to do. “Oh, it’s easy! Look!” He slowly extended his left arm to point at Aiden’s right one. “You just take my hand with yours. It’s how boys say hi.” Still showing signs of uncertainty, and while keeping his eyes peeled on the black arm extended in front of him, Aiden slowly put his hand in William’s, mimicking his gesture. The man’s smile broadened, and he gently shook the small and frail limb he was now holding. “Ah, that’s it,” he said. “Nice to meet you, young man.” His grin must have been contagious, or maybe he realised the man wasn’t a threat after all, as, in turn, Aiden displayed a broad smile. At the sight of such joy during this first encounter, Sarah felt something deep inside. Hope? Attachment?

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