The Bronc Rider's Twins: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance Cover Image

The Bronc Rider's Twins: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance

Author/Uploaded by Danica Favorite

 “But we don’t love each other.”
 Wyatt took Laura by the hands. “I know. As far as I’m concerned, it would be a marriage in name only. I’ll be able to put you on my insurance so the boys have health care, and you won’t have to worry about a job right away. I can help you.”
 It was a far cry from the last marriage proposal she’d received.
 But where had all that...

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 “But we don’t love each other.”
 Wyatt took Laura by the hands. “I know. As far as I’m concerned, it would be a marriage in name only. I’ll be able to put you on my insurance so the boys have health care, and you won’t have to worry about a job right away. I can help you.”
 It was a far cry from the last marriage proposal she’d received.
 But where had all that romance gotten her?
 She was trying to raise twins on her own, and the people who were supposed to be supporting her now wanted to take her children away.
 Maybe it made her seem weak, but she would do anything for her sons. She’d had romantic love, and now she was looking at a different kind of love. The one where she put her children first.
 And if Cash’s parents followed through with their threat to sue for custody?
 Laura didn’t think she could handle any of this on her own.
 She squared her shoulders and looked Wyatt in the eye. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
 Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life. She loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily-ever-after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps refine imperfect characters as they live the lives God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the endings of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun. Find her at
 Books by Danica Favorite
 Love Inspired
 Shepherd’s Creek
 Journey to Forgiveness
 The Bronc Rider’s Twins
 Double R Legacy
 The Cowboy’s Sacrifice
 His True Purpose
 A True Cowboy
 Her Hidden Legacy
 Three Sisters Ranch
 Her Cowboy Inheritance
 The Cowboy’s Faith
 His Christmas Redemption
 Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.
 Danica Favorite
 Blessed are they that mourn:for they shall be comforted. 
 —Matthew 5:4
 For all those who grieve.
 Chapter One
 Chapter Two
 Chapter Three
 Chapter Four
 Chapter Five
 Chapter Six
 Chapter Seven
 Chapter Eight
 Chapter Nine
 Chapter Ten
 Dear Reader
 Excerpt from Winning His Trust by Toni Shiloh
 Chapter One
 Laura Fisher balanced the crying twins on her lap as she stared at the thug standing in her living room. “I need to feed my babies. They’ve been napping and they’re starving.”
 As if to prove her point, Garrett let out another loud, plaintive wail.
 The thug crossed his arms against his chest. “Just give us our money and we’ll be out of here.”
 She pressed her fingers to her temples. “I told you. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 Gesturing around the room that had been ransacked, Laura continued, “You have searched my entire house. There’s nothing here.”
 “That husband of yours borrowed fifty grand from me six weeks ago. I want my money. With interest.”
 Laura took a deep breath as she cradled the twins closer to her, praying for God’s wisdom and protection. “Cash died in a car accident six weeks ago. There has to be some mistake.”
 Deep in her heart, though, she knew it wasn’t a mistake. She’d seen Cash with this man before, at a rodeo, about a year ago. He’d looked like he was threatening Cash, but when Laura asked him about it, Cash told her it was nothing, just a misunderstanding.
 What had Cash done?
 And why wasn’t he here to fix whatever this was? Since her husband’s death, Laura had asked herself this question many times. It seemed incredibly unfair that God would take him from her so soon. She already felt lost, trying to raise the twins on her own. He’d promised her that she and their family would always be taken care of, but what she found upon his death were empty bank accounts and a mountain of debt. She’d quit working when she started going through fertility treatments to get pregnant with the twins, because Cash had told her that being there for their family was her most important job. As it was, she had no idea how she was going to pay next month’s rent, let alone come up with money for all the other bills, and now this guy wanted fifty thousand dollars.
 The thug’s partner came out of her bedroom. “Nothing of value here,” he said. “He didn’t even have the decency to buy her good jewelry. Just cheap costume stuff.”
 As if to prove his point, he held out her jewelry box and dumped the contents onto the ground.
 The first thug looked over at Laura again. “Your husband was one of the top bareback bronc riders in the world. What did he do with all those winnings?”
 Laura wanted to ask the same question. But Cash was dead, so she couldn’t. Instead, she had two crying babies and a pair of hoods demanding money she didn’t have. Cash had always told her he was investing the money for their future, so they had to live lean. Where was that investment for their future?
 “I told you—I don’t know,” she said.
 The thug walked up to her, reached out and lifted her chin so she had to look at him. “I believe you,” he said. “So what are we going to do about my fifty grand?”
 Tears rolled down her face. The babies screamed louder. “I don’t know,” she said. “I just need some time to figure it out.”
 He moved his hand from her chin and gently rubbed it over Cody’s head. “I don’t know if I like that answer.”
 Laura jerked back, clutching the babies tighter to her. “Leave them alone.”
 The sound of a truck pulling up to the house drew everyone’s attention.
 “Expecting visitors?” the thug said.
 Laura shook her head. “No. But a lot of people like to check on me to see how I’m doing after Cash’s passing.”
 The punk gestured at the front

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