The Case of the Musical Mishap Cover Image

The Case of the Musical Mishap

Author/Uploaded by Veronica Mang

 An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, New York
 First published in the United States of America by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2023
 Copyright © 2023 by Veronica Mang
 Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promote...

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 An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, New York
 First published in the United States of America by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2023
 Copyright © 2023 by Veronica Mang
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 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
 Ebook ISBN 9780593204429
 Cover illustrations © 2023 by Veronica Mang
 Cover design by Kate Renner
 Design by Kate Renner, adapted for ebook by Andrew Wheatley
 The art for this book was made using graphite and gouache, and then colored digitally.
 This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 
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 For Phoebe, and all our giggles
 Far away from you, there is an ordinary town. In that town, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and upon first inspection, nothing would seem out of place. But in this ordinary town, there are peculiar figures and unusual happenings. In hot pursuit of these mysteries are three little girls named Peggy, Rita, and Dot. They, too, seem ordinary upon first inspection. But if you got to know them well and they began to trust you, you might learn something extraordinary: they were young spies in training, studying under the tutelage of a remarkable league of Lady Spies. The Lady Spies, who were famed for their wit and bravery, knew that ordinary settings made the best hiding places and had decided to create a special club right here in this seemingly boring town. It was the Secret Spy Society.
 Peggy, Rita, and Dot aspired to be just like the Lady Spies: assigned to clandestine missions, sent off to mysterious locales, and encouraged to mingle with the brightest and most mysterious figures of their time. But for now, they were known as the Petite Private Eyes.
 And today, they were just students. Right now they were—
 HONK!—at band practice.
 The desks shook.
 The chalk rattled.
 In the distance, a stray dog howled along to the bombastic melodies.
 It was a typical Tuesday afternoon. The girls had begun learning to play musical instruments this year, and the whole class was working hard to prepare for the spring concert. At the front of the room was the music director, a stern man named Mr. Volrath. The students followed along diligently, keeping one eye on the flick of his baton moving in 4/4 time.
 Dot, who had a knack for moving quickly and solving problems with her hands, had naturally gravitated toward the drums. She stood at the back of the band, following Mr. Volrath intently and pattering along to the beat.
 Rita, who had an aptitude for all things mathematical and logical, had begun studying the saxophone. All the complex keys and tones fascinated her, and she was quickly becoming an expert at her scales and arpeggios.
 Peggy, who was silly and loud and full of tricks, had chosen the womps and woops of the trombone. Peggy saw opportunities for jokes and diversions all around—even in band class.
 As the band approached their final notes, a thought crossed Peggy’s mind: time for a solo! The song tapered off to a soft diminuendo, but Peggy did the opposite. She crescendoed, growing louder and louder, her trombone slide wiggling back and forth as she made a great, wild, howling—
 Giggles broke out all over the room.
 Mr. Volrath, however, was not so amused.
 “Peggy . . .” he began, sighing deeply. “How many times have I told you that this is not the Peggy show?”
 Peggy knew she should feel bad, but she just couldn’t help herself. Just one more joke, she thought. Peggy brought the trombone back to her lips and blew a forlorn:
 WOMP WOMP . . .
 “That’s it!” Mr. Volrath didn’t usually lose his temper, but now his mustache twitched wildly. “This is practice time for the band! The whole band! One more disruption and you’re out of the spring concert!”
 Peggy rolled her eyes and her cheeks flushed hot. Her stomach twisted with anger and embarrassment. Mr. Volrath stinks, she thought to herself.
 The music director composed himself, smoothing his crisp button-down shirt and clearing his throat. “Terrific work today, kids. I can tell you have all been practicing a lot at home. But we have some work to do”—he shot a meaningful look at Peggy—“though I am thrilled with our progress.
 “As a reminder, our concert is less than a week away.” Throughout the room, students groaned. Mr. Volrath raised his hands apologetically. “I know, I know! Sunday is also the math club competition. But we can’t change the date now. It’s simply too late.” He smoothed his mustache thoughtfully. “I know it’s difficult, but students who are part of both groups must choose which event they will attend. Class dismissed!”
 The students sprang from their seats and the room filled with chatter about homework and recess plans

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