Their War Cover Image

Their War

Author/Uploaded by Invi Wright

Their WarINVI WRIGHT Copyright © 2023 Invi WrightAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or ot...

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Their WarINVI WRIGHT Copyright © 2023 Invi WrightAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.ISBN-13: 9781234567890ISBN-10: 1477123456Cover design by: Art PainterLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2018675309Printed in the United States of America Completed Worksby Invi Wright***STANDALONEThe ProfessorAineLord of DreadTHE FEMALE SERIESThe FemaleHer MalesTheir WarChev’s MateRock’s BullyPLEASE SEE TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR ALL BOOKS ON THE AUTHOR WEBSITE: Thank You***The largest thank you possible to my husband.Also, to my Patreon subscribers. Your support is the sole reason I'm able to do this, and I can't even put into words just how much you mean to me!Inesha ThompsoAshleigh DrewBhaviniEmily AnneLeilani S. Melissa ChildsMarlo BurtonJack Lewis LandsmenDakota LaneGigielleLone Hornbech BüngerMaria Anderson Artemis Howl LandsmenLora Beth FarmerVanessa Turpin Contents Their WarCopyrightCompleted WorksThank You123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233EpilogueBooks In This SeriesStay Connected 1_____CHARLOTTEA STRAND OF Aziel’s black hair falls into his eye as I step into his office, and he mindlessly pushes it away before rubbing at the stubble covering his jaw. He didn’t shave this morning as he usually does, and he took just enough time to yank on a black shirt and pants before heading downstairs to meet with the Wrath war generals.Aziel’s black eyes flash to me before he turns to the general standing on his left.There are three in total surrounding Aziel’s desk, two with their backs to me. I eye their matching brown uniforms and dark, cropped hair as they lean forward and peer at the large map covering the majority of Aziel’s desk.The war generals are intimidating to be around, and I wrinkle my nose as a wave of their power hits me. It doesn’t affect me as it once did—thanks to Aziel’s bond—but I can still sense it.I’ve been around these men before, but this is the first time they’ve ever been inside our home. Aziel summoned them after Rock’s announcement, and they’ve been working on a plan to dismantle Mammon for hours now.As the Queen of Greed, Mammon holds a lot of power, and Aziel believes that if she steps back, Valentine and the ogres will follow.“These mountains are too wide for most demons to teleport across. Mammon’s soldiers will have to climb or go around, and it should slow their journey,” the Wrath general on Aziel’s left says. I think his name is Raum, but I’m not positive. All Aziel’s generals have traditional demonic names, and I struggle to remember them.Raum’s arms are covered in black tattoos, and they shift on his skin as he leans forward and taps on an area on the map. I can’t see it from here, but I assume he’s pointing to the mountains he just spoke about.The other generals bend their necks to get a better look, the men tall even for demons. It makes sense that Aziel would have large men as his generals, the Wraths placing significant value on physical strength.The general directly across from Aziel shakes his head.“Unless they cut through the lava fields,” he says.I raise a brow at the mention of the lava fields. Silas took me there on a date once, and I couldn’t imagine anybody, let alone an army, trying to navigate them. The area Silas took me to stretched as far as the eye could see, and the heat was unbearable. We were a good distance from any of the actual lava, too.Aziel purses his lips, his eyes darting along the map before he picks up a red marker and circles two spots.“This is where I want your units stationed,” he says, capping his marker.I take a second step inside the room.Another wave of thick power fills my lungs, the scent intense. Aziel and his generals exert more than necessary, which I assume is a response to stress.It would’ve brought me to my knees before, and I’m glad for the immunity Aziel’s bond provides.“That leaves the valley unprotected,” Raum points out.I shift my weight from foot to foot, waiting for Aziel’s inevitable anger over having a weakness in his plan so publicly acknowledged. Instead, to my complete surprise, Aziel uncaps his marker and redraws the second circle.“This better?” he asks.Raum grunts, and I take that as a yes.I didn’t realize Aziel could be so collaborative. He was always so commanding in his meetings with Levia, the King of Envy.Aziel runs a hand through his hair before waving over Rock. The shadow enters the room and slides past me, his dark robes swishing around his hazy form, before slotting himself between the two Wrath generals standing across from Aziel.“Remind me what areas you overheard Valentine discussing,” Aziel says.Rock clears his throat and takes the red marker from Aziel’s hand, and I lean forward to try and peek at what he’s doing. I want to know what’s going on.My movement seems to draw Aziel’s attention, and I freeze as he frowns and turns in my direction.“Charlie, why don’t you go see if Silas needs help?” he suggests.The hidden meaning behind his question isn’t hard to discern. He wants me to leave. A small part of me wants to argue and insist I be allowed to listen, but instead, I give a slight nod and exit the room.I can feel Aziel’s stress through the bond, and I’m sure my lingering is distracting.Silas’s office door is cracked open, and I peek inside to see him sitting behind his desk on his laptop. He looks stressed, and he pushes the sleeves of his brown sweater up his forearms as his black eyes dart over his computer screen.I’m sure he’s aware I’m here, but he doesn’t look up as I push open the door the rest of the way and take a few steps into the room. We haven’t discussed where things stand between us after our

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