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Author/Uploaded by Carolina Mac

WHIP THE AGENCY: YOUNG GUNS BOOK THREE CAROLINA MAC Copyright © 2023 by Carolina Mac WHIP - 1st ed. ISBN 978-1-989827-99-4 All rights reserved The moral right of the author has been asserted. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business...

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WHIP THE AGENCY: YOUNG GUNS BOOK THREE CAROLINA MAC Copyright © 2023 by Carolina Mac WHIP - 1st ed. ISBN 978-1-989827-99-4 All rights reserved The moral right of the author has been asserted. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent buyer. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated. Book Layout © 2017 BookDesignTemplates.com CONTENTS Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter One Monday, April 17th. To achieve discipline among the ranks, you don’t have to crack the whip, you just have to hold it in your hand. Violent Crime Squad HQ. Airport Road. Austin. Blaine repeated his new mantra to himself a couple of times before starting the morning briefing. He’d never been one for rules. He was a rule bender/breaker himself, but now that he had this squad of his own and the crew were all in their twenties, he might need loose guidelines to keep them between the ditches. Early twenties, most of them just out of their crazy teens. Young and feisty. Trained to the max and pawing the ground. Anxious to show their stuff. There were bound to be clashes he hadn’t anticipated. Better to be ready to nip trouble in the bud than to be blindsided. He went over the manpower he had and didn’t have. Liam was wounded—at home on the ranch and working cold cases with Jesse. That might work out well for the Chief. Solve some old ones, but it still left the squad a man short. Liam was a solid Texas Ranger. Knowledgeable of the law. Quick and smart. One of his best men. Neil was out. He’d passed the training and become a Texas Ranger so he could work with Farrell, only to find the sights and sounds of violent crime weren’t for him. Neil would play ball for the summer in the State league and start law school in the fall. Annie and Farrell couldn’t have been happier with Neil’s decision. Becoming an attorney was more in line with his personality. Blaine’s starting lineup for this morning was Casey, Tommy, Farrell, Montana, Dusty, Jimmy Jeff, Mick, and himself. Gillette was at home with a sick baby and after her short stint working with the squad, Blaine had made it clear she was only a substitute and that was all she’d ever be. She would never have a permanent position on his team. It gave Blaine great satisfaction to put her in her place on behalf of Farrell. He glanced around at the squad members as they sat at their stations. Backs turned to their computer screens so they could focus on him and what he had to say. “Drugs and prostitution are running rampant and crimes connected to those two items, like every other fuckin crime—” Blaine smiled and kept going, “robbery, muggings, rapes, and murders are on the rise. We got a call from Chief Lopez at Austin PD and he’s begging us to help push the gangs back. I said we’d give him a helping hand and that’s what we’re going to be focusing on for the rest of April.” “How are we gonna do that, boss?” asked Jimmy Jeff. Slow talker from Louisiana, Blaine liked Jimmy a lot. He was going to make a fantastic cop. “I’m going to show them the whip,” said Blaine. “The gangs think they know police procedures pretty well and what the cops can and cannot do while performing their duty under the law, but I’m going to show them things I’m willing to do to push them back—things they aren’t expecting. They will be surprised and angry and the club bosses are going to cry foul and call their fuckin lawyers. A lot of them will end up dead if they give me grief. That’s the direction I’m going.” Blaine glanced down at his notes. “I’m referring to this op as The Whip and for the duration of Whip month, you will suit up in your tactical gear as soon as you check in every morning.” “We starting today, boss?” asked Montana. “We are. As soon as the meeting is over, y’all can get your gear on. Be sure to have shotguns in your trucks along with extra ammo.” He pointed a finger, “Any of y’all get shot because y’all are out of ammo, don’t look at me for sympathy.” “No sir,” said Montana. “What gangs are we going after first, boss?” asked Farrell. “Lopez got a list from his gang squad and these are the ones ramping up and causing the most trouble.” Blaine had copies already printed off and he passed them out. “At the top of the list we have the Austin Crips, then the Austin chapter of the B-team. The Austin Aryans, a.k.a. the Brotherhood, the Eights, and the South Tango. There are dozens more—no end to the fuckers—but we’re starting with these five.” “How are we gonna handle it, boss?” asked Tommy. “We can’t go after all of them at once.” “One turf at a time,” said Blaine.

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