Hidden In Brutal Devotion Cover Image

Hidden In Brutal Devotion

Author/Uploaded by BJ Alpha

HIDDEN IN BRUTAL DEVOTION THE BRUTAL DUET BOOK 1 B J ALPHA Copyright © 2023 by B J Alpha All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Characters...

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HIDDEN IN BRUTAL DEVOTION THE BRUTAL DUET BOOK 1 B J ALPHA Copyright © 2023 by B J Alpha All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents are products of the authors imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events, locations or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Published by BJ Alpha Edited by Cheyenne - Frogg Spa Editing Proofread and edited by Dee Houpt Cover Design by Haya In Designs Created with Vellum Dedication To all my readers who love smut this book is for you. Oh and please read on to Book 2 because things are about to get filthier. Enjoy! Love always BJ. AUTHORS NOTE WARNING: This book contains triggers. It has sensitive and explicit storylines such as graphic sexual scenes, violence, stalker tendencies, and strong language. It is recommended for readers aged eighteen and over. Contents HIDDEN IN BRUTAL DEVOTION Prologue Chapter 1 Tia Chapter 2 Tia Chapter 3 Tia Chapter 4 Tia Cole Chapter 5 Cole Chapter 6 Cole Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Tia Chapter 9 Tia Chapter 10 Tia Chapter 11 Tia Chapter 12 Tia Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Cole Chapter 16 Tia Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Tia Chapter 20 Tia Chapter 21 Cole Chapter 22 Tia Chapter 23 Lucas Chapter 24 Cole Chapter 25 Tia Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Rage Chapter 29 Afterword Acknowledgments About the Author Also by B J Alpha HIDDEN IN BRUTAL DEVOTION Prologue Age Sixteen Thalia Martin’s hand grazes my hip, and my body stiffens under his touch. My eyes snap up to him as he opens the kitchen cupboard above my head, only to find him staring down at me with hunger in his eyes. He licks his lips, the motion sending a sickening tremble through my body. I take a step back, desperate to break any connection, his lecherous stare filling me with trepidation. My skin crawls when his eyes latch on to my T-shirt, as though he was seeing through the baggy gray material straight at my boobs. I even put a camisole on beneath the T-shirt, hoping to hide my generous bust. Just as he steps closer toward me, the kitchen door swings open, and Jace steps into the room, instantly spotting Martin. The swelling around the shiner he has looks worse today, and the undercurrent of tension between them heightens even further. I grab my glass of water and step around the counter so I’m nowhere near Martin, the tension between the two of them still at boiling point. I register Jace’s fists clench and unclench beside him, his jaw tics, and his muscular body tightens with anger. I swallow past the lump in my throat, knowing I need to dispel the atmosphere and quickly. The last thing we need is Jace to screw up his future‍—‍not when he has so much riding on it and when he’s so close to leaving. I ignore the flutter of nervousness in my stomach at the thought of him leaving‍—‍without me. He needs to do this. For us. It’s our only hope. I take a step toward him, but he doesn’t even register me. No, his eyes are set firmly on the asshole behind me, our foster father. My gaze roams over Jace’s body. His basketball shorts hang low, showing a defined V, he’s shirtless as usual, and I want nothing more than to trail my fingertips over each and every firm ridge. His dark hair is a ruffled mess, and his olive skin is still damp from the shower. Jace glances down toward me. “Go to your room, Thalia.” Then, he darts his attention back toward Martin. There’s no way I’m leaving him here, not with the tension in the room, not with Martin antagonizing him like this in a silent stare-off. “I need your help with my math homework,” I lie, trailing a finger down his arm. A trail of goose bumps follows my finger, and he shuffles from side to side, his shoulders easing at my touch. He exhales. “Come on.” Jace places his hand on the lower part of my back and guides me toward my room. Slamming the door shut behind us, we’re finally in our safe haven. I can finally relax. “I hate him,” he spits out. “I know, me too.” I drag the T-shirt over my head and throw it to the floor. Jace’s eyes linger on my exposed chest before he glances away, and he flops down onto my bed with an arm tucked behind his head. “So, what do you need my help with?” How about you? I bite my lip on my snarky comeback and lie down beside him. “I lied.” I stare into his black eyes, his gaze holding mine. He chuckles. “Of course you fucking did.” He knows I saved his ass tonight; Martin is just waiting for an excuse to call the cops on him and destroy his future. Our future. Jace dips his head, and his soft lips find mine. I open my mouth, allowing his tongue to sweep in. His kiss is slow and gentle, calculated, and his large palm trails over my stomach, inching my camisole higher with each movement. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” I hold the nape of his neck and pull him back to me, moaning into his mouth. “Fuck.” His heart is hammering against mine as our kiss becomes frantic. “Please,” I beg. Jace stops kissing me and pulls back, his eyes searching mine. He rests his forehead against mine. He licks his lips. “I wanna . . .” His throat bobs, and he trembles under my touch. He’s nervous. “Can I taste you?” His eyes flick down, and my face flushes

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