How to Win the Girl Cover Image

How to Win the Girl

Author/Uploaded by Sara Ney

how to win the girl Sara Ney copyright Copyright © 2023 by Sara Ney Editing by Jenny Sims Proofreading by Virginia Tesi Carey, Rachel Rumble & Shauna Casey Cover Design by Okay Creations Formatting by Casey Formatting All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is proh...

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how to win the girl Sara Ney copyright Copyright © 2023 by Sara Ney Editing by Jenny Sims Proofreading by Virginia Tesi Carey, Rachel Rumble & Shauna Casey Cover Design by Okay Creations Formatting by Casey Formatting All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems without "express " written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or shared with other people. If you would like to share with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the "author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. contents Prologue 1. Drake 2. Daisy 3. Drake 4. Daisy 5. Drake 6. Drake 7. Daisy 8. Drake 9. Drake 10. Daisy 11. Drake 12. Daisy 13. Drake 14. Daisy 15. Drake 16. Daisy 17. Drake 18. Daisy 19. Drake 20. Daisy 21. Daisy 22. Drake 23. Daisy 24. Drake 25. Daisy 26. Drake 27. Daisy 28. Drake 29. Daisy 30. Drake 31. Daisy 32. Drake 33. Daisy 34. Drake 35. Daisy 36. Drake 37. Daisy 38. Drake 39. Daisy 40. Daisy Chapter 41 42. Daisy 43. Daisy 44. Daisy 45. Drake 46. Drake 47. Daisy 48. Daisy 49. Drake Chapter 50 51. Daisy 52. Drake 53. Daisy 54. Drake 55. Daisy Epilogue Read Chapter 1 of How To Lose At Love Read Chapter 1 of The Secret Roommate About Sara Ney Also by Sara Ney prologue Drake Colter I’m strong, cocky, motivated and I don’t put up with shit. Think you can handle me? “Would you please stop doing that?” The girl in front of me is turned around in her desk chair and giving me the stink eye, gaze trained on the pen in my hand. “Stop what?” I’m not doing anything. “Stop twirling that pen and clicking the top. It’s driving me nuts.” “You mean this?” I give it another twirl between my fingers before letting it hit the hard surface of the lecture hall desktop, rolling my eyes at the back of her head when she huffs, once again facing the projector board in the front of the room. Good lord. Talk about uptight. “Don’t sit here next time if you don’t like it,” I mutter loud enough for her to hear. She turns around again. “Excuse me? I have a right to sit through a class without being distracted.” She looks me up and down. “Some of us are here to learn.” Dude. That’s so unfair—I’m here to learn, too. Mostly. It’s not my fault I have a hard time sitting still in class and even a harder time listening to what the professor up front is saying. Don’t get me wrong, I do my best to focus. If this was one of my football coaches lecturing, I’d be a captive audience. I’d have half a clue what was going in front of the room. But this professor and her assistant keep yammering on and on about atoms and particles and why am I in this class to begin with? Science isn’t my major, Business Economics is. I don’t know nothing about fission and neutrons nor do I care to. This class is a core requirement and one I couldn’t opt out of. I put off taking it two years in a row, so here I am, taking it as a junior. Funsies. I eyeball the chick eyeballing me. “You don’t even know me.” Her eyes narrow. “I know enough.” She turns back around so I’m staring at the back of her head. “You sure told me off,” I mutter again, this time infusing an irritated laugh ’cause she don’t know shit about who Drake Colter is. Just because she’s seen my face around and knows who I am does not mean she knows a single thing about me. Hell, for all I know she thinks I’m my brother, although if she did think I was Drew she may not be shooting me gamma-ray style glares meant to penetrate my soul. See, I’m a twin, and people confuse us all the time, though, to me, our differences are obvious. Where I am outgoing, Drew is more subdued. Nice. Where I speak my mind and say whatever, Drew carefully chooses his words. His hair is dark; mine is dark. He has freckles; I have freckles. He’s tall; I’m tall. He’s single; I’m single. When I look in the mirror, I literally see my brother’s face. Like I said, we’re twins. Identical twins. Yeah, it can be aggravating, but it’s also really fucking cool being connected to another human the way I’m connected to Drew, our bond unbreakable. I love that boring son of a bitch. I’m just not sure I love being mistaken for him every now and again, same way I’m sure he hates being mistaken for me. After the professor at the front of the class dismisses us early, I pack up my shit and hightail it out of there, not bothering to give the girl a second glance. She’s obviously not worth my time or the headache of an apology. Besides, it’s not a crime to twirl a fucking pen. Jeez, lady, chill. Whistling to myself when

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