Little Valentine Cover Image

Little Valentine

Author/Uploaded by Eva Marks

Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Eva Marks All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places or incidents are products of the author’s imagination and used in fictious manner. Any resemblance toactual people, places or events is pure...

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Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Eva Marks All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places or incidents are products of the author’s imagination and used in fictious manner. Any resemblance toactual people, places or events is purely coincidental or fictionalized. A Note From the Author A Note From the Author Little Valentine is a steamy novella, containing explicit and graphic scenes and kinks intended for mature audiences only. Trigger Warnings Bondage, BDSM, pet play, sharp objects play and all sorts of edging, a bit of degradation, pregnancy. Contents About the Book 1. CHAPTER ONE 2. CHAPTER TWO 3. CHAPTER THREE 4. CHAPTER FOUR 5. CHAPTER FIVE 6. CHAPTER SIX 7. CHAPTER SEVEN 8. CHAPTER EIGHT 9. CHAPTER NINE 10. CHAPTER TEN 11. CHAPTER ELEVEN 12. CHAPTER TWELVE 13. CHAPTER THIRTEEN 14. CHAPTER FOURTEEN 15. CHAPTER FIFTEEN 16. EPILOGUE More Books from Eva Marks Thank You! About the Author Coming Soon About the Book Running a business with Hudson who’s my husband, soulmate and Dominant can be as rewarding as it is challenging. I want to keep pleasing him, be his good girl and the hardworking woman he married and fell in love with. But when I’m so tired, distracted by my sense of smell that works overtime and uncomfortably bloated, it’s hard. Maybe that’s why when Hudson sees through me and demands I take some time off after our Valentine’s day tonight, I say yes in a heartbeat. Because, really, that’s all I need. Some rest. Right? CHAPTER ONE Hudson When all else fails, a cold shower is my go-to. The season has nothing to do with it, whether it be the crisp cold of the winter months or the warmer summer ones. If my mind needs clearing, then freezing water coursing from the showerhead down my hair and bare muscles do the job. It carries fresh oxygen to my body, invigorating my brain cells, and rerouting dormant paths. I don’t cut corners, and don’t spend anything less than ten minutes under the freezing stream. I don’t hide from the pain accompanying it. I own it, my self-possession is unflappable. Always have throughout my thirty-seven years on this planet, always will. It’s an innate trait, a force I was born with. And it extends to every aspect of my life. See, the power I hold over Avery—my beloved submissive twenty-five-year-old wife—the control I have over her and myself alike, it’s an extension of me. It isn’t a show. I’m not acting a part. I’m a Dominant with every fiber of my being. It’s been the person I am, even before I educated myself and knew how to label it, manifesting itself first in the non-sexual aspects of my life. During my school years, I hadn’t gone out and partied, hadn’t hung around the mall, or spent mindless hours online. I was on a mission: to have a perfect GPA, slay my SATs and nail down my extracurricular activities as a debate team leader, be the head of the swimming team etcetera, etcetera. I didn’t feel like I was missing out. I had a mission: to major in accounting, get a good job, climb the ladder, and get into an MBA program. The sooner the better. A goal I nailed like a hammer. Right after my internship at a prestigious accounting firm, I had jobs lined up for me all over the country. I chose to stay on the West Coast, in San Francisco, and started in Whitlock’s finance division. Needless to say, I stormed in guns blazing. I’d spent long hours at the retail company, and studying the business allowed me to come up with improvement suggestions. I’d been confident in my abilities and had no shame whatsoever to present them to higher management, overstepping my bosses, demanding to be heard. As mentioned, I’m the owner of my reality. While I’m here under the ice-cold water, with one purpose of clearing my head leading me, I’m no different. I’m concentrated, focused, determined. Just like I have been in the shower today, for the last fifteen minutes or so on this early Wednesday morning in the middle of February. My skin is red, blood rushing through my invigorated body. Unfortunately, the answers I’ve come up with are not for the issue I’ve been seeking to resolve. For the quarter of an hour I’ve been here, I’ve considered and found a solution for the two unresolved issues Avery and I have been facing the past couple of weeks. I’ve chosen which one of the three suggestions Avery offered to remodel our home office I favored. Everything’s clear as day to me. Clearer than the mirrors decorating our special room for our special taste in sex. So what in the ever-loving fuck is keeping me from conjuring an idea for a Valentine’s gift for my wife? It shouldn’t be this hard. She and I have talked plenty over the three years we worked together. Didn’t stop getting to know each other four months later, when we reunited. Through the eight months of starting a business, getting engaged, and finally getting married two months ago, my wife and I have opened up to each other about any thinkable subject. We talk about everything, all the time. Part of it is due to our strong bond, the unbreakable love we share. The other is a result of our lifestyle; if a Dom is oblivious to a crack in the relationship or a sub hiding something from him, for whatever reason, mistakes are bound to follow. Avery is my one true soulmate, the woman I’d sacrifice my life for if it ever came to that. She’s more precious to me than air, the rarest gem created by nature. For me, there’s been no one like her, nor will there ever be, and I’ll protect, love, and shield

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