The Alpha’s Secret Twins Cover Image

The Alpha’s Secret Twins

Author/Uploaded by Kayla Wolf

The Alpha’s Secret Twins Rejected Mate Wolf Shifter Romance Alpha Wolf Island Book 1 Kayla Wolf Copyright © 2023 by The Wolf Sisters Books. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the publisher...

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The Alpha’s Secret Twins Rejected Mate Wolf Shifter Romance Alpha Wolf Island Book 1 Kayla Wolf Copyright © 2023 by The Wolf Sisters Books. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Contents Chapter 1 - Renfrey Chapter 2 - Syrra Chapter 3 - Renfrey Chapter 4 - Syrra Chapter 5 - Renfrey Chapter 6 - Syrra Chapter 7 - Renfrey Chapter 8 - Syrra Chapter 9 - Renfrey Chapter 10 - Syrra Chapter 11 - Renfrey Chapter 12 - Syrra Chapter 13 - Renfrey Chapter 14 - Syrra Chapter 15 - Renfrey Chapter 16 - Syrra Chapter 17 - Renfrey Chapter 18 - Syrra About the Author Books by The Wolf Sisters Chapter 1 - Renfrey It felt strange to be back at the Halforst Council headquarters after such a long time away. Stranger still to know this was likely to be his last visit to the grand old building that had been the center of his world for his entire adult life. Renfrey had been finding himself lingering in the hallways more than was his habit, studying details that had always been part of the scenery. He hadn’t realized, for example, just how many paintings were hanging on the walls. It seemed like just about every major battle in Halforst’s history was commemorated somewhere along these narrow hallways, neat plaques below every painting bearing details of the conflict. Brave wolves, weapons bared—jaws full of sharp teeth, or glinting blades held aloft in defiance of their demonic foes. And the demons themselves. Artists never got the demons right, and for good reason. Staring for even a few seconds too long at a demon could damage the mind of even a seasoned demon hunter. If safety came at the cost of artistic accuracy, well, that was a reasonable price to pay. Was it vanity to wonder if a few of his own battles had made it to canvas? Maybe. But it wouldn’t have been a surprise if they had. After all, Renfrey had been one of the Council’s top demon hunters for over a decade now. And that was why he was here today, he reminded himself, pulling himself away from contemplation of a scene daubed heavily in red and black. Not for art appreciation, but for a mission bigger than anything he’d tackled before. Despite his lingering, he was still the first to arrive for the final briefing. He’d always made a habit of getting to places early. He took a seat to the right of the head of the table, knowing the Councillor would likely be conducting the meeting from there, and settled in to wait for the rest of the group to arrive. He hadn’t been told who else would be going on this mission, but he suspected there would be some familiar faces. He’d met most of the Council’s demon hunters during his years here, even worked with a fair few of them. But this mission, he knew, would be different from anything that had come before it. Whoever these wolves were, he knew they’d be trusting him with their lives—and vice versa. The thought sent an uneasy shiver down his spine. Putting his own life at risk to fight demons had never bothered him. Having other people relying on him, though, that was a different matter. But this wasn’t a mission that one wolf could take care of alone. Like it or not, he was part of a group effort now… and from what he’d gathered from his initial briefing, he was likely to be in charge. It wasn’t long before the room began to fill up with wolves, each taking a seat at the table in silence that Renfrey chose not to break. As he’d expected, there were some familiar faces, as well as some strangers. Eventually, there were six of them at the table. All men, he noticed with some surprise. The gender ratio among demon hunters was fairly even, at least in his experience—it was strange to see no women at the table. Coincidence, or a decision made with intent? It was unlikely many answers would be forthcoming. The Council kept their decision-making processes secret, for good reason. Any information shared with a demon hunter risked falling into the hands of the beasts they hunted, which would put the whole of their world at risk. And the wolves of Halforst hadn’t survived as long as they had by taking unnecessary risks against their ancient enemy. It was Torren who first broke the silence in the end, clearing his throat and spreading his hands on the sleek wooden table they were seated around. He was one of the wolves Renfrey had worked with before—he remembered him being hot-headed, a little too impatient for his own good, but his instincts were razor-sharp and he was one of the strongest fighters he’d ever met. Most wolves favored fighting in one form or another, but Torren was equally skilled in both his wolf form and his human one. If he had a weakness beyond his impulsivity, it was his vanity, Renfrey thought with amusement, watching him push his sweeping silver-blond hair out of his eyes. A hazard for a warrior, but Renfrey wasn’t about to make himself an early enemy by suggesting a cut. “I’m guessing we all got the same briefing on this?” Torren said, his silver eyes shifting from face to face. Darion nodded, his expression stony. Renfrey had been a little surprised to see him here—he was certainly a powerful warrior, but he’d imagined that

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