The Amish Bachelor's Bride: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance Cover Image

The Amish Bachelor's Bride: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance

Author/Uploaded by Pamela Desmond Wright

 “I don’t know you, Noem,” Lavinia confessed.
 “And I certainly don’t want to jump into something I might regret later,” she added.
 Knowing it would be an arrangement in name only, Noem considered retreating. But since he’d come this far, he decided to press ahead. Between them, they’d have three youngies. Surely that would be enough to build a li...

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 “I don’t know you, Noem,” Lavinia confessed.
 “And I certainly don’t want to jump into something I might regret later,” she added.
 Knowing it would be an arrangement in name only, Noem considered retreating. But since he’d come this far, he decided to press ahead. Between them, they’d have three youngies. Surely that would be enough to build a life on.
 “I know I can’t replace Josiah. Nor would I ever try. And I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. You will have your own room—and plenty of privacy.”
 “Danke.” Rocking gently, Lavinia returned her attention to the infant in her arms. Framed by the soft light emanating from the hearth, a wistful expression caressed her features.
 Lifting her head, Lavinia drew back her shoulders. “After Josiah passed, I prayed Gott would show me where my life would go next,” she said softly. “I can’t explain how I know it, but I believe Gott sent these kinder for me to care for.”
 “Then will you be my wife?”
 After a brief hesitation, she tightened her hold on his hand.
 “Ja,” she said in a dulcet tone. “I will.”
 Pamela Desmond Wright grew up in a small, dusty Texas town. Like the Amish, Pamela is a fan of the simple life. Her childhood includes memories of the olden days: old-fashioned oil lamps, cooking over an authentic wood-burning stove and making popcorn over a crackling fire at her grandparents’ cabin. The authentic log cabin Pamela grew up playing in was donated to the Muleshoe Heritage Center in Muleshoe, Texas, where it is on public display.
 Books by Pamela Desmond Wright
 Love Inspired
 The Cowboy’s Amish Haven
 Finding Her Amish Home
 The Amish Bachelor’s Bride
 Visit the Author Profile page at
 Pamela Desmond Wright
 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing,and obtaineth favour of the Lord. 
 —Proverbs 18:22
 This book is dedicated to my street team and beta readers. I am grateful for the support and encouragement each member gives me.
 Special thanks to my editor, Melissa Endlich,and my agent, Tamela H. Murray.I would not want to walk my journey as an author without them to guide and encourage me.
 Chapter One
 Chapter Two
 Chapter Three
 Chapter Four
 Chapter Five
 Chapter Six
 Chapter Seven
 Chapter Eight
 Chapter Nine
 Chapter Ten
 Chapter Eleven
 Chapter Twelve
 Chapter Thirteen
 Dear Reader
 Excerpt from Depending on the Cowboy by Jill Kemerer
 Chapter One
 Humble, WisconsinPresent day
 The sky was leaden, the day as cold and overcast as Noem Witzel felt inside. Chilly fingers of a gusty spring wind tugged at his long coat, drawing its folds away from his body. Barely aware of his surroundings, he watched the cemetery workers lower the coffin into its place deep in the ground. The bishop stood at the head of the grave, reading a passage from the Bible.
 The wind kicked up, caressing the nape of his neck. Shivering, Noem drew the little girl standing beside him closer to shield her from the elements. Bundled in a coat and mittens and holding a stuffed bear in one arm, his four-year-old niece sniffled. Bewildered by the loss of her mamm, she clutched his hand for dear life. It was too early in the morning for youngies to be out, but it was the only time the bishop was available to conduct the services.
 Throat tightening with emotion, he glanced to his right. His daed, Gabriel, stood nearby, dressed in black from head to toe. Bitter agony etched the old man’s features. A few feet away, the Englisch woman he’d hired to bring them to the cemetery cradled a swaddled infant. Unhappy in the stranger’s arms, his nephew released a piteous wail.
 Noem blinked against the blur rimming his vision. Three days ago, his schwester had passed away. Left behind were her two small kinder.
 Ending his prayer, the bishop closed his Bible. Bending, he scraped up a handful of soil and cast it into the grave. The dirt struck the top of the coffin, scattering atop the plain wooden surface.
 “Here lies Callie Evans,” he intoned. “May her soul rest in the hands of the Lord.”
 “Amen,” the small group finished, concluding the simple service. Apart from the bishop and gravediggers, no other folks from the community were in attendance.
 Following the bishop’s lead, Noem also scooped up a handful of the dirt. He tossed it into the depths, as did Gabriel. Confused by the ritual, Penelope stood motionless. It hadn’t yet registered that her mamm was gone forever.
 “It’s okay, Penny,” he said, trying to reassure the little girl over the sound of her bruder’s wails. “We’re going to take care of you and Jesse.”
 She looked at him with sad eyes. “I want to go home.”
 Heart squeezed by her plaintive plea, he choked back a sob.
 This is going to be so hard.
 “I wish you could. I know you’re scared, but you’re going to have to live with me and your groossdaadi now.”
 Lips quivering, Penelope dropped her head. Her grip on the stuffed bear she held tightened. “Is Mamma coming soon?”
 Despair twisted his insides. Feeling as if he’d been attacked by a beast from a dark place, he attempted to keep his emotions in check. “No. She isn’t.”
 Miserable and shivering, Penelope buried her face in the faux fur toy. “I want Mamma.” A sob racked her body.
 Noem said nothing. Now wasn’t the time. Later, he would sit down and try to explain why she’d never see her mamm again.
 Done with his part, Bishop Graber walked up. He was a plain-faced balding man, and sympathy etched his expression. “My condolences on your loss.”
 “Danke,” Noem said, reverting to Deitsch. “I appreciate you allowing Callie to be buried beside our mamm.”
 “Callie has passed, and so have her sins. Even though she was excommunicated, my job isn’t

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