The Dragon God Cover Image

The Dragon God

Author/Uploaded by JC Andrijeski

The Dragon God BRIDGE AND SWORD: BOOK NINE JC ANDRIJESKI Copyright © 2023 by JC Andrijeski Published by White Sun Press Cover Art & Design by Camila Marques (2022) Ebook Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additio...

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The Dragon God BRIDGE AND SWORD: BOOK NINE JC ANDRIJESKI Copyright © 2023 by JC Andrijeski Published by White Sun Press Cover Art & Design by Camila Marques (2022) Ebook Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please visit an official vendor for the work and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work. Link with me at: Or at: Mailing List: White Sun Press 2023 BRIDGE and SWORD SERIES DARK SEERS (Book One) MATED SEERS (Book Two) "Le Moulin" (short story) - FREE in exclusive box set when you sign up for my mailing list! ROGUE SEERS (Book Three) SHADOW SEER (Book Four) "Fireplace" (short story) - FREE in exclusive box set when you sign up for my mailing list! SEER KNIGHT (Book Five) SEER OF WAR (Book Six) BRIDGE OF LIGHT (Book Seven) SEER PROPHET (Book Eight) DRAGON GOD (Book Nine) SWORD & SUN (Book Ten) For the real Revik, wherever he may be… Breaking himself against the rocks for the ones he loves 'I’lenntare c’gaos untlelleres ungual ilarte The Gods love and keep you, most beloved brother Contents Synopsis Prologue 1. Ten Months Earlier 2. Nine Months, Fifteen Days 3. Eight Months, Five Days 4. Right Hook 5. Excuses 6. Dragon 7. Kiss 8. Running 9. Trust Me 10. The End Of A Race 11. Norad 12. Faux Pas 13. The Last Night 14. Gone 15. Watching Death Approach 16. Change Of Plans 17. Hong Kong 18. Prodigal 19. America 20. Voice 21. Denver Airport 22. Beneath, Where He Would Not Go 23. Expected 24. The Red Door 25. Mirror, Mirror 26. Nothing Ever Dies 27. Like Lightning In High Clouds 28. Interspecies Negotiations 29. Heads Of State 30. Fall Of An Empire 31. Second Op 32. Cover Story 33. Book And Lizard 34. Dragon Fire 35. No One 36. Anniversary 37. Who’s Next 38. Not Caring 39. Three Months 40. Found Out 41. Rumors 42. An Open Door 43. Being Led 44. Uncanny Valley 45. Creature 46. Nephew 47. One Month 48. Stop Talking 49. Myther 50. A Distant Voice 51. Goodbye Girl 52. Brother Mine 53. Rain Comes Softly 54. The Last President 55. The Wall 56. Action And Reaction 57. Hated 58. Countdown 59. Tree Of Knowledge 60. The Beach, Revisited What to read next - BLACK IN WHITE What to Read Next: I, ANGEL New Serial Episodes Join the Light Brigade! Reviews are Awesome Sample Pages Prologue / Palace 1 / Suspect 2 / First Interview Books in the Seer Worlds… Thank You Note About the Author Synopsis “In the end, those damned Mythers got it right. The Dark Angel of Death, the Bringer of Destruction… it was me all along.” Allie and Revik barely escape Dubai with their lives, and neither leaves that Dreng stronghold unscathed. Revik’s light and mind are compromised, as is the light of their daughter, Lily. Either or both could be turned with the flip of a switch, forced to kill or sabotage everyone they love. Both are tied inextricably to Shadow and the Dreng via their seer’s living light. All they can do is run. The forces of Darkness, led by Shadow, take chase. Meanwhile, Shadow and his followers continue to grow stronger, cover more ground, expand their sphere of influence. They can’t run forever. Allie knows they can’t. Revik knows it, too. He comes up with a plan––a crazy plan, one that might wipe out everything and everyone he and Allie hold dear. A plan Prologue THE BEACH It was Revik’s idea. Most of the truly crazy plans in the end came from him. The ones that required us to turn ourselves inside-out, to maybe tear some part of our souls apart in the process. But desperate times call for desperate measures, as the saying goes. These were desperate times. Moreover, my husband might be a romantic at heart, but when it came to military ops, his brain was in charge. His brain was a cold-hearted bastard pragmatist, through and through. He’d warned me about that part of him back when I first met him. Of course, he’d often accused me of the same. And really, we both agreed to this. We both added our own enhancements, our own thoughts, our own details to the overall plan. We both agreed we needed to do something drastic, something that the other side wouldn’t be expecting. Both of us agreed to risk

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