Ash: A Fantasy Lesbian Harem Saga Cover Image

Ash: A Fantasy Lesbian Harem Saga

Author/Uploaded by Harmony Fuller

ASH A FANTASY LESBIAN HAREM SAGA FIRE STARTER BOOK FIVE HARMONY FULLER Copyright © 2023 by Harmony Fuller All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This ebook is licensed f...

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ASH A FANTASY LESBIAN HAREM SAGA FIRE STARTER BOOK FIVE HARMONY FULLER Copyright © 2023 by Harmony Fuller All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Also by Harmony Fuller A Witch, A Familiar, and A Hamster… CHAPTER 1 Darkness, the most oppressive that Alanna had ever felt, enveloped her as she carefully made her way through a maze of limbs, roots, and webbing. In this part of the forest there were no stars, no wind, and no path back. Her magic seemed to expand, warming her limbs as she strained to catch a glimmer of light reflecting off a shell or the faintest hint of the voice that had called her here. Her heart beat faster with every step she took. Each one brought her further from the safety of the clearing. And yet, her need to find the source grew stronger. "Hello?" She called, her voice seeming to fall flat in the stillness. "I'm here. I came." Daughter The voice, while still in her head, sounded somehow louder as she continued ahead. "Where are you?" Everywhere. Nowhere. Come. Her feet found purchase in some unseen substance beneath them, and she moved forwards, following the voice wherever it led. The forest floor felt softer and more giving the further she went, like a carpet of threads had been woven and placed here to lead her forward. "Please," she whispered softly. "I came. Let my friends go home." Home is here. She tripped, her hand shooting out to grab hold of a thick rope of silk that hung down in front of her face. A moment later, the rest of the webbing appeared as something heavy crashed down from the branches above. The cylindrical shape was as tall and wide as she was, and it churned her stomach as it swung back and forth in the gloom. With a strangled cry, she threw herself forward, away from the swinging mass and through the underbrush that reached out to scratch and drag at her calves. Her dress caught on everything as she tried to push through, ripping it further into shreds that eventually only barely managed to cover her as she burst through the confines of the trees. And then everything changed. The world around her shifted as if it too was caught in a dream. Everything was darker and softer. Even the sound of her footsteps became more muted, the texture of the air and the smell of earth – everything seemed to change. For a brief second, she wondered if she should scream for help. Then the thought passed, and she realized she didn't know who or how to call for aid in the middle of a dark dream. She couldn't risk her lovers lives because she followed a voice and a desire. Instead, she let her feet carry her onwards, pausing every few steps to listen for movement or sounds that might indicate someone, or something, else had entered the clearing. After several minutes, however, she lost all track of time as she continued blindly. All sense of direction left her. Soon, she wasn't sure which way she'd come from and whether she would be able to find her way back. Suddenly, though, she heard the familiar clacking of claws against stone. She froze, listening intently as she searched the darkness for the source. Eventually, she saw them, crouching low along the path. There were at least a dozen small Spyders lining her way forward. As she approached, they silently reared, waving four or five legs in the air but never touching her. Daughter of flame. Come. As though summoned by her fear, her magic flared as the voice spoke. She whimpered as her knees buckled, causing her to lurch to one side. The tattered ruins of her dress caught on one of the waving Spyders, and she ripped it free with a cry. Tearing the remaining fabric, she threw it behind her, covering the face of one of the creatures, as the rest fell in line behind her. Fear not. They are drawn to the flame. As we all are. Her hands shook as she tried to keep her fears at bay. With her fingers digging deep crescent marks into her palms, she slowly began to move again, forcing herself to continue walking despite the tremors running through her. This place felt wrong, evil, and unnatural. How could she have let herself be called here alone? The Spyder's clicks filled her mind, and the warmth returned to her core. She moaned, clutching at her stomach as she walked. Her nipples hardened, and her clit began to pulse between her thighs. One of the creatures following her pressed itself against the back of her legs, pushing her forward. The contact left her shaking. "Yes," she gasped as the lust suddenly returned. The Spyder's click turned into an excited hum as it pressed its body against hers. Its scales rubbed against her naked flesh as it pushed itself harder against her. "More," she breathed, leaning into it. "Harder." No The command rocked her as the small creature turned and

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