Diem Cover Image


Author/Uploaded by Nina Lincoln

DiemSaints & SinnersNina Lincoln Copyright © 2023 Nina LincolnAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,...

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DiemSaints & SinnersNina Lincoln Copyright © 2023 Nina LincolnAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of America Contents Title PageCopyrightPrologueChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveChapter ThirteenChapter FourteenChapter FifteenChapter SixteenChapter SeventeenChapter EighteenChapter NineteenChapter TwentyChapter Twenty-OneChapter Twenty-TwoChapter Twenty-ThreeChapter Twenty-FourChapter Twenty-FiveChapter Twenty-SixChapter Twenty-SevenChapter Twenty-EightChapter Twenty-NineChapter ThirtyEpilogue Books by NinaMeet NinaDid You Know... PrologueJunior YearMaeveThe first bell rings overhead and I flinch, before brushing my unruly hair back from my face.Over my shoulder, someone shouts before breaking into laughter, but I’m rooted to the spot. I can’t move and the pounding in my chest only beats harder when I summon a shy smile that slowly fades at his blank stare. Why is he looking at me like I’m a stranger?Notwithstanding everything that’s happened in the last few weeks, he’s known me virtually my entire life. We ran around together in diapers for fucks sake.Yet, here he stands, his dark eyes glazed with boredom. A hollow feeling takes up residence in my chest and I swallow the unease pushing at my throat. This isn’t Diem. Even after the boys I knew grew into men and shut me out of their world, Diem still had a smile for me. He was, no is, my last lifeline to the family we created out of our respective fathers' friendships.“Diem?” I ask, dropping my gaze when he crosses his arms.Side note, the sexy tattoos and corded muscle are a yummy distraction under normal circumstances but now, the action feels decidedly indifferent.He doesn’t bother to answer and although dread is pressing at my already constricted lungs, I persevere because I’m tired of being me. The moody girl who pales in comparison to her handsome, genius brother.“What's going on Diem?” I ask before biting my tongue. The pain grounds me as I hoped it would. It’s a cheap tactic but it’s my pain after all. I should be able to hide behind it without judgment.“Going on? Nothing,” he says lazily, his dark eyes moving over my shoulder.When his lips pull into a smirk, I follow his gaze, spying some chick down the hall giving him a flirty smile.“Diem?” I whisper, swiping my sweaty palms against my jeans.I mean I didn’t expect moonlight and roses, but complete indifference was never a consideration. Frankly I’m at a loss. “What do you want?” he says, and my heart sinks to my toes. “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”In the middle of what? Breaking my stupid heart? Again.Absently I note, my fingers are numb as I clench them into a fist. What’s happening? I don’t know but I have a feeling I’m looking at a Sinner, the Diem everyone else sees. He’s hiding behind the mask. The question is, why?This Diem solves his problems with his fists. He’s a mean motherfucker with a nasty reputation. I’m not naïve, I know they run this school. I just thought I was different. Shuffling uncomfortably, I bow my head and damn myself for it. Why can’t I be a cold ass prick like Ollie?Ollie. Maybe he’s backed off because of the possible fallout with my brother?I mean, I know this is complicated, but we shared something special. Right? He finally truly saw me after years of pining for him like a total loser. Oliver would probably die if he knew but whatever, I’m willing to take the risk. Just because he’s been friends with Diem forever doesn’t mean we can’t be more, but I know it’s not that simple. Ollie, Ramsay, even Diem have morphed from the boys I remember into a force to be reckoned with. The transformation was gradual but now, they’re practically revered like gods. Somewhere along the line, they chose a darker path, ignoring me in favor of building their nefarious kingdom and forcing me to give up on my juvenile crush. That is until last night, when Diem finally looked at me, really looked.Now I’m wondering if I haven’t been all sorts of a fool. I know Diem is a player. I just never thought he would play me. Still, if this is his brush off, then I’m going to make it as uncomfortable as possible. Which is why I lick my lips and summon a breath to say, “Well, I wanted to talk about yesterday.”I fumble over the words because despite my mission to make him admit it out loud it doesn’t mean that my heart isn’t a bloody pulp in my chest.“Look, I’m kinda busy. Besides, aren’t your friends over there?” he says, his icy eyes meeting mine. Icy. That word usually defines Ramsay to a T, but not Diem, who’s always so passionate. Diem’s the heart of their group where Ramsay is the brain and my brother, well I’m not sure. Lately, he seems practically dead inside.“My friends?” I say dumbly. I thought he was my friend.“Yeah, you know,” he says with a shrug. “You should be with them.”“What are you saying?” I whisper.Despite his apparent brush off, there are still a thousand butterflies whooshing around in my stomach. It’s an affliction that formed when I was thirteen and has only grown over the years. He opens his arms wide, and I pulse as I stare once again at his muscles, bare for me to admire, the veins in his arms bulging against the stretch. His dark tattoos, dark as his soul no doubt, are stark against the white institutional walls behind him. Sighing dramatically, he says, “Your friends are over there.”I’ve spent countless hours salivating over those sexy arms. He’s a real-life god mingling with mere mortals, and I’d like to know what runs behind his usually fiery dark eyes.

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