Dirty Little Secrets Cover Image

Dirty Little Secrets

Author/Uploaded by Kristin Coley

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Epilogue Filthy Little Rumors Dirty Little Secrets This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or even...

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Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Epilogue Filthy Little Rumors Dirty Little Secrets This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSFirst edition: February 23rd, 2023 Copyright © 2023 Kristin Coley Written by Kristin Coley Chapter One Bounty hunting 101 – distract the target. “Marlowe! Whatcha doing in this shithole?” Craig shouted his standard greeting as I walked in to the bar. “Busting balls and taking names,” I answered idly, my gaze scanning the room for my bounty. He eyed my outfit. “You’re looking –” He paused, scratching his head. Craig might’ve been drunk but he wasn’t that drunk. “Nice,” he offered hopefully. I smirked at him. “You mean I’m looking cheaper than a five dollar hooker with a pissed off pimp?” “Something like that,” he agreed, bobbing his head like what I’d said hadn’t gone straight past his cheap beer buzz. “Beau know you’re here?” “Marlene know your Wednesday night bible study is held at the Devil’s Den?” I snapped back, beyond irritated that everyone – and by everyone, I meant the whole damn town - seemed to think I needed Beauregard Hawthorne the Third aka Sonny’s permission to do anything. Craig’s mouth drew in and he grumbled, “Now, that’s none of your business, Marlowe. Don’t you go telling tales to my wife.” “Well, then you don’t go telling tales to Sonny,” I retorted, my attention waning as I finally spotted the a-hole who’d jumped bail sitting in the corner. “Why you call Beau, Sonny? I always wondered that,” Craig mumbled, but I was already walking away, not that I would have answered him anyway. Keith eyed me as I sauntered to the bar. “I don’t want trouble, Marlowe. I want a nice, quiet night.” “Too late,” I answered and he sighed. I eyed the length of stained plywood they called a bar as I questioned him. “Cheyenne?” She was supposed to be the one working tonight. She owed me and I was pretty sure she was still bitter about Sonny turning her down a couple weeks back so she wouldn’t be calling him. He sighed, but answered me. “Kid’s sick. I’m covering.” Crap. Just my luck. “Give me a beer.” I drummed my fingers on the counter, hiding my surprise it wasn’t sticky. “I can’t serve you,” he griped, shaking his head and I leaned forward. “I ain’t buying and as long as it’s unopened, there’s no law that says I can’t carry an alcoholic beverage around,” I replied smoothly. He shook his head, but reached for a beer bottle. “With your smarts you could be a doctor or a lawyer. Why you staying in this small, backwards ass town?” He asked tiredly, but I could sense his genuine curiosity. “Not everyone is college material,” I answered with a wink, my stock response, because it seemed no one could grasp the thought that I actually loved this crappy town and all its idiosyncrasies. “Can you at least make sure Beau is outside before the blood flies? I don’t feel like sweeping up sawdust tonight.” “Sure,” I lied easily, knowing there was no way in hell I was getting out that door without blood. He squinted at me, no doubt well aware I was lying. I wiggled the beer bottle at him, “I better hurry.” Keith only grunted and reached for the broom as I sashayed across the bar floor, the red soles of my borrowed shoes sticking occasionally. Honey Rose was going to be wildly jealous of the adventure her shoes were on, and the only thing that could possibly make it better was if I got blood on them to boot. I walked right up to the dumbass who’d decided to jump bail, leaving Pops holding the bag. “Oh, my! I’m so clumsy,” I gushed after bumping into his chair, and rested my hand on his chest. “Can you forgive me?” I held up the cold beer in offering. “I’ll buy you a drink.” Bounty hunting 101 – distract the target. Dickwad stared, his eyes never making it above the cleavage my push up bra had created out of thin air. “You can have anything you want,” he slurred with a sloppy leer and I rewarded him with a grateful smile. “You’re such a gentleman,” I said admiringly, one finger stroking his chest. “I bet you’re the kind of guy who takes good care of a woman,” I purred dangerously, followed by the sound of chairs scraping the floor as some of the guys at nearby tables moved away from our table. Sonny’s reputation was as well-earned as mine. He tugged me closer. “I sure do,” he answered, his hot breath blowing over my face and I wrinkled my nose in distaste. “You have a seat right here,” he patted his lap and my lip curled. “How about we take a walk instead?” I offered, taking a step back, dangling the beer in one hand as I held out my other hand. “It’s a little crowded in here,” I added coyly. He jumped out of his seat so fast we both almost went down, but I managed to keep us upright. The beer on the other hand wasn’t as lucky as it shattered at my feet, soaking my borrowed shoes. “Oops,” he mumbled, blinking at the floor. “I’ll get another one,” he continued, about to stumble to the bar where Keith cleaned a glass, shaking his head in warning at me. I redirected my target, grabbing his hand. “You won’t need that where we’re going,” I promised with a wink and he grinned like it was his lucky day. A couple of guys shifted restlessly, their gazes darting between me and the door. I calculated the time and knew if one of them had called

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