Disturbance Cover Image


Author/Uploaded by C.D. Samuda

C.D. SAMUDA DISTURBANCE Omerta Book 2 Published by Yorkside Press All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 by C.D. SAMUDA This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without the expressed permission of the author or publisher. For information contact: Author: www.cd-samuda.com [email protected] https://facebook.com/cdsamuda Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ch...

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C.D. SAMUDA DISTURBANCE Omerta Book 2 Published by Yorkside Press All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 by C.D. SAMUDA This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without the expressed permission of the author or publisher. For information contact: Author: www.cd-samuda.com [email protected] https://facebook.com/cdsamuda Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR Connect : ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chapter 1 September 7 … 6:34 AM Nando sat upright in the bed, his breathing labored and his heartrate erratic. Sheens of sweat glistened off his bare muscular chest, back and arms. Closing his eyes, he tried to catch his breath and recall the dream that startled him awake. Nothing surfaced. A soft hand caressed the bicep on his right arm, her touch bringing a sense of calm to him. “Bad dream, honey?” she asked in a sleep riddled voice. Nando turned his head to look at the beautiful woman he was about to marry in a few weeks. The best thing that ever happened to him was meeting her. He’d always imagined that the woman he’d marry would be around his age, but the six-year age gap between them wasn’t even noticeable. At twenty-eight, she was just as, or even more, mature than he was. “Did I wake you?” asked softly. Her hazel eyes were half open as they stared up at him. It was early morning, the light from the new day filtering in through the sheer curtains. The glow of the early morning sun kissed her sand and sable complexion, and just like magic, his dick hardened at the sight of her plump breasts. “Baby, come here,” she replied, widening her arms. “Let me kiss the bad dream away.” Nando turned and entered her warm embrace, cupping her face and devouring her lips. Their kiss was soft at first then growing intense as the fire ignited between them. Hands and lips explored each other, as the fire bloomed into a raging inferno. Wrapping her legs around his thighs, she pulled him closer. As he entered her, they both groaned with pleasure. Their soft moans and pretty groans filled the room as their bodies writhed together in ecstasy. After their passion had dissipated, they cuddled together, their breathing labored. While Nevaeh caressed his torso with her warm fingers, Nando tried to recall the dream from earlier. He knew it was a bad dream as it left a dreadful feeling in his chest. But for some reason he could not recall it. Nevaeh pulled away the covers and started to rise from the bed. “I have to get ready for work,” she pushed him away as he tried to pull her back down. “Have you met with the wedding planner yet?” She had been doing all the planning herself, with the help of her best friend, but due to some additional responsibilities at work, she needed help. This wedding planner was also a friend who was fitting her into her busy schedule. She kissed his cheek before rising from the bed. “I’m meeting her for breakfast before heading into the office. You wanna join us?” “Nah,” he replied, getting up as well. “You take care of the wedding stuff.” “It’s your wedding too. You should have a say in what goes on.” Nando chuckled. “Neve, I guarantee you that the only say I need to have in the wedding are the words ‘I do’. Just go plan the wedding of your dreams and have her send me the bill.” “I don’t like the idea that you don’t get to have an input.” He walked over to her and pulled her close. “Babes, I got the woman of my dreams, what more do I want?” “Awww, you are so sweet.” “I’ll marry you anyhow, just name the place and time and I’ll show up in a tux, unless you don’t want me in a tux.” “I want you in a tux.” “You sure?” his eyes twinkled as a smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. “Because I can also wear my birthday suit.” She playfully punched his upper arm with a laugh. “You’re not wearing your birthday suit to our wedding. Save that for the honeymoon.” “Just making sure.” She twined her arms around him, her voice taking on a sultry tone. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, you wanna join me in the shower?” “I thought you’d never ask.” He slapped her ass and watched it jiggle as he followed her into the bathroom. Nando couldn’t wait to marry this woman and wondered if his excitement about the wedding was what brought back his nightmares. It was strange that for decades he’d had the same nightmare about his parents being murdered until the day he met Neve. The moment he fell in love with her the nightmares stopped, up until a few weeks ago. The only difference was in the last couple of weeks he couldn’t recall the dreams when he awoke. Neve gauged the shower to her ideal temperature while he lathered her body with her scented soap. Even though they just made love a half hour earlier, sliding his lathered hand over slippery breasts and down her abdomen got his dick jerking up. Nando devoured her lips and pushed her up against the tiled shower wall. “Try not to get my hair wet, Nando,” she protested. One of the things he loved about her was her natural hair which she wore in tight curls. Her golden bleached ends brought out the gold undertones in her complexion and matched her eyes perfectly. But it was her full fleshy pink lips that stole the show. Just as how they were beautiful to look at, they were more delicious to devour. Nando wasn’t certain if the fire coursing through him right now

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