Dragon's Desire Cover Image

Dragon's Desire

Author/Uploaded by Destiny Draco

DRAGON’S DESIRE DESTINY DRACO DRACOVERSE PRESS Copyright © 2023 by Dracoverse Press All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Website: http://www.thedracoverse.com Newslette...

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DRAGON’S DESIRE DESTINY DRACO DRACOVERSE PRESS Copyright © 2023 by Dracoverse Press All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Website: http://www.thedracoverse.com Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/dracoverse CONTENTS Welcome To The Dracoverse… 1. Kiercy 2. Kiercy 3. Kiercy 4. Peter 5. Peter 6. Peter 7. Peter 8. Kiercy 9. Kiercy 10. Peter 11. Kiercy 12. Peter 13. Kiercy 14. Peter 15. Kiercy 16. Peter 17. Kiercy 18. Peter 19. Kiercy 20. Peter 21. Kiercy 22. Peter 23. Kiercy 24. Peter 25. Kiercy 26. Peter 27. Kiercy 28. Peter 29. Kiercy 30. Peter For More Information Preview 31. Hailey 32. Sloan WELCOME TO THE DRACOVERSE… The World As We Know It… The time is now. But ten years ago, the Veil began to fall. And the world began to change. The Veil was initially constructed by the Witches of Mesopotamia during the early days of humanity. It shielded mundane humans from seeing what they could not understand - a paranormal world of shifters, vampires, witches, and fae. As humanity began to spread and grow, so too did those who lived on the other side of the Veil. There were times when the Veil thinned, and someone would think they saw a ghost. Or find evidence of magic. Some humans walked both worlds, but to those in the know, the watchword was always silence. Until ten years ago, when the Veil finally collapsed and fell, forcing those with paranormal abilities to come out to society. People have speculated why the Veil finally fell. Was it the increasing number of humans and paranormal beings that came to dwell on the planet? The advent of near instantaneous information and connectivity? Or something more malicious? Regardless of how it happened, the fact of the matter is that for the last ten years, human beings have had to share a world that they thought they lived in by themselves. They discovered that there were others who walked among them, known as meta humans, that were very different. Into this world one hopes that both sides can come together and find common ground. As of today, that’s all it is still. Hope. 1 KIERCY What’s a girl like me doing in a place like this? Kiercy thought to herself as she strolled down the eight tunnel towards the 42 St Port Authority. Her curly, light brown hair, with blond highlights, bounced with every step. Her slight, yet curvy frame was mostly covered up by her long trench coat. The sound of her combat boots created a dull thud with each step that didn’t echo far down the long tunnel. She pulled on her collar to try and bundle it more against the damp cold of the night, while she lifted her high cheekbones momentarily as she whispered an incantation to assist with night vision. Her light brown irises glowed red momentarily, and the dimly lit subway station was suddenly very easy to perceive. “This tip had better not be bullshit,” she mumbled to anyone close enough to hear… which nobody was. Then she saw what she had come for. At the end of the tunnel, tucked into an alcove was a man huddled over woman. With her low light vision that spread into the infrared spectrum, she could see the woman’s heat was fading fast, but the man… had no heat at all. “Vampire,” she hissed through gritted teeth. She ran then, to catch up to them, but the vampire heard her approach and jerked his neck sideways to see her approach. He hissed like a cat, and Kiercy could see blood dripping from his fangs, down his chin. His pale blue eyes almost glowed in this eerie gloom, and pale skin contrasted sharply against his mop of black hair that hung greasily around his face. “I didn’t realize it was BOGO night,” his voice was tenor, and smooth, but laced with insidious malice. “Won’t you join me for supper?” He stood up slowly with limbs exaggerated, like an animal puffing itself up. At six foot three, he didn’t really need it as he towered over Kiercy. If Kiercy was intimidated, she didn’t show it, but her hands drifted slowly down to the coat buttons at her waist. When she spoke her voice was strong, but lilting. “I’m afraid I won’t be joining you for dinner, but you’ll be joining me for a chat.” “Oh, I do love conversation over food, but my meal is getting cold. As you seem to have fine manners, won’t you excuse me while I finish up? Then we can discuss anything you like, as long as it’s concerning your imminent death.” Kiercy pulled hard against her trench buttons and they snapped open revealing her PEACE uniform. She cast her coat off and it fell to the concrete. The vampire recoiled and even took a step back as he looked to every shadow. He clearly expected more agents to descend upon him. She laughed then, as his angst rose and fear pulled at him. “I’m sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying about my imminent death?” “You think you won’t be dead soon, pig? I don’t see any backup for you. What’s a pretty little thing like you going to do against a vampire like me?” As he spoke, he took menacing steps toward Kiercy. Fearlessly, she stood her ground and inserted the fingers of both hands into some silvered knuckles. The vampire froze in his tracks as the knuckles caught a bit of light and glinted. “I won’t be needing any backup to deal with you.” Then the vampire lunged for her, no doubt thinking he could catch her by surprise and use superior speed. What he grabbed, where he saw Kiercy standing, turned out to be thin air, as though she was a ghost. He whispered, “A

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