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Author/Uploaded by jess whisper

AwakeningThe Legacy of the Light Bringer: The Celestial Divide Book Onejess whisperCelestial LLC Copyright © 2023 jess whisperAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any...

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AwakeningThe Legacy of the Light Bringer: The Celestial Divide Book Onejess whisperCelestial LLC Copyright © 2023 jess whisperAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.ISBN-13: 9781234567890ISBN-10: 1477123456Cover design by: Art PainterLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2018675309Printed in the United States of America Contents Title PageCopyrightChapter 1: AriaChapter 2: RaelChapter 3: AriaChapter 4: RaelChapter 5: AriaChapter 6: RaelChapter 7: AriaChapter 8: AriaChapter 9: RaelChapter 10: AriaChapter 11: Shopping and DemonsChapter 12: RaelChapter 13: AriaChapter 15: AriaChapter 15 Rael:Chapter 17: ArielChapter 18: Getting Ready to PartyChapter 19: The Fall BashChapter 20: War RoomChapter 21: The BondChapter 22: AriaChapter 23: The New Year’s BallChapter 24: AriaChapter 25: BlissChapter 26: Something UnexpectedChapter 27: The QuestChapter 28: ShockAbout The Author Chapter 1: AriaAs the evening unfolds, the sky becomes a grand canvas adorned with vibrant hues of oranges and purples. It's the backdrop to my mundane routine, a small escape before my grim reality of the night shift at Mike's Diner. It's a dingy, run-down place that has seen better days. The faint, persistent flicker of the neon sign does little to mask the peeling paint and the grimy windows. Inside, the air is thick with the smell of overused oil, stale coffee, and burnt toast. The floors, sticky and worn, have seen countless spills and mishaps.Despite the diner's lackluster appearance and the endless exhaustion, it fuels, it's all I can get right and pays the bills, a grim reminder of my financial limitations.Hours later, when my shift is winding down, I run into Jake. He's leaning against a counter, a smug smirk on his face. It's an expression I've come to associate with arrogance and insincerity. It's like he's a player in a game only he understands, and I am simply another piece on his board.Jake was known around campus for his arrogance and his belief that he was God's gift to women. He caught sight of me and waved me over with a smirk."Hey there, Aria," he drawled, looking me up and down in a way that made my skin crawl. "I haven't seen you around much lately. Too busy slaving away here, I guess."I gritted my teeth, refusing to let him get under my skin. Assholes like Jake, I knew how to deal with. With my walls firmly in place, I pulled out the snark."Well, Jake, some of us have more important things to do than bask in our own self-importance."He chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "Ah, but why work so hard when you could just let someone like me take care of you? I bet I could show you a good time."I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow. "Is that what you call it? A 'good time'? You might want to work on your sales pitch. Does that stuff even work on the airheaded bimbos I usually see you groping?”Jake's smirk only grew wider. "You're feisty, Aria. I like that in a woman. But you know, you're missing out on some great opportunities by being so stubborn."I stare at him, my patience wearing thin. My voice is steady, cold even, as I say, "Jake, unlike you, I don't have time for mindless games. I have real work to do."His smirk falters, replaced by an expression of surprise. I take this as my cue to exit, leaving Jake behind with his dumbfounded look.As I stride away, a sense of accomplishment fills me. I'm not just another piece in someone's game; I am the master of my own fate. A sense of quiet strength seeps into my bones, renewing my resolve and determination. My past might have been chaotic, but here, in the present, I am resilient, I am relentless, I am in control.Sitting under a towering oak tree on campus, the sounds of campus are all around me. I see Lily approaching in my peripheral vision, her yellow sundress a cheerful burst of color against the subtle hues of the setting sun. She carries her favorite green sandals in her hand, her bare feet whispering stories against the cool grass as she comes closer."Hey, Aria!" Lily exclaims, her voice a sudden, welcomed interruption in my focused silence. She makes herself comfortable next to me, her green eyes sparkling with excitement. "You look like you could use a break." She grins at me, mischief coloring her features. "There's a party tonight at Sigma Chi, tons of hot guys with rush week happening. I think we should go. You haven't had a fun night out in ages!” “Frankly, girl you need to get laid.”A party? With my big exam coming up and the constant specter of triggers lurking around any corner, I instinctively bristle at the idea. But as I meet Lily's eager gaze, my resistance starts to wane. I realize that amidst the barrage of coursework and part-time jobs, and my omnipresent fear of being hurt, I've forgotten what it feels like to just let loose."Alright," I sigh, my resolve breaking down. "But just for a little while, okay? I have work early tomorrow."A victory cheer escapes Lily. She claps her hands together, her delight radiating from her. "Deal! You won't regret it, I promise."That night, as we step into the overflowing, dimly lit Sigma Chi house, a cocktail of excitement and apprehension bubbles up within me. The music throbs in the air, forming an infectious undercurrent that threads through the room. The scent of sweat and spilled drinks hits my senses, cloying and heavy. I see Lily darting ahead, already immersed in the rhythm of the dance floor, her red curls creating a fiery blur with each movement. I follow her lead, threading my way through the sea of bodies, a strange unease clinging onto me.

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