Billionaire Boss Enemy Cover Image

Billionaire Boss Enemy

Author/Uploaded by Robyns, Mira

Billionaire Boss Enemy An Enemies to Lovers Age-Gap Romance Mira Robyns Billionaire Boss Enemy: An Enemies to Lovers Age-Gap Romance Copyright © 2023 by Mira Robyns All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or scanned in any manner without written permission of the author, except in the need of quotes for reviews only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,...

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Billionaire Boss Enemy An Enemies to Lovers Age-Gap Romance Mira Robyns Billionaire Boss Enemy: An Enemies to Lovers Age-Gap Romance Copyright © 2023 by Mira Robyns All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or scanned in any manner without written permission of the author, except in the need of quotes for reviews only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are on construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Contents 1. CHAPTER ONE 2. CHAPTER TWO 3. CHAPTER THREE 4. CHAPTER FOUR 5. CHAPTER FIVE 6. CHAPTER SIX 7. CHAPTER SEVEN 8. CHAPTER EIGHT 9. CHAPTER NINE 10. CHAPTER TEN 11. CHAPTER ELEVEN 12. CHAPTER TWELVE 13. CHAPTER THIRTEEN 14. CHAPTER FOURTEEN 15. CHAPTER FIFTEEN 16. CHAPTER SIXTEEN 17. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN 18. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN 19. CHAPTER NINETEEN 20. CHAPTER TWENTY 21. EPILOGUE Also by Mira Robyns Chapter 1 Ella The sun is blinding this time of morning as I park my car in the parking lot; I shield my eyes from the light as I gather my belongings to head inside. As I walk toward the doors, I take it all in, feeling joy and excitement but also a sense of accomplishment. It had always been a dream of mine to open a youth center; a year and half ago, I took the plunge. It took a year to find the right location and to get everything lined up. We’ve been open for six months now, and while every day is a challenge, it’s a challenge I welcome with open arms. I live in a small, blue-collar town in up-state New York. It’s filled with the working class—most families having two working parents to make ends meet. With the adults being consumed with work, it’s important to have a safe place for children to go, and I wanted to provide that. We not only offer day care for children that haven’t reached school age, but we have multiple rooms for our school aged children to enjoy after school, on weekends, and during school breaks. We offer a variety of classes that regular schools just can’t provide: things like music lessons, art classes, and even foreign languages. So, not only are these children being watched and protected, but their free time is being put to good use. Since this isn’t a state—or even a city— run facility, it’s hard to qualify for grants or funding, and it’s very expensive. Which is why I’m not surprised when I walk into my office and find a stack of bills on my desk. I sunk every dime I had into this place, not to mention taking out a hefty loan from the bank. But I know it will all pay off one day; it takes several years before a new business breaks even in most cases. The first few years are often spent just trying to keep heads above water, and my head is going under fast. I hang up my coat and drop my purse on my desk before having a seat and turning on the small desk lamp. When I pick up the stack and begin sorting through it, I see a variety of bills – electric bill, water bill, food distributor, and something from The Hale Developing Group. I toss the bills to the side and rip open the last envelope. As I read over the letter, my eyes nearly bulge out of my head when I see that this group wants to purchase my youth center. I nearly choke on my spit when I see the number of zeros in their opening offer. I sit frozen for some time, reading and rereading the letter. My first thought is this has to be a joke. I drop the letter onto my desk and open my laptop, doing a quick search on this development group. Sure enough, it’s a legitimate company here in town. There are mixed reviews, some thankful for this group coming in and saving these small-time business owners from financial ruin; others are not so nice. The bad ones accuse this group of swooping in and snatching up failing businesses for next to nothing. They flip the business and then sell it for a huge profit. But…why do they want my business? It’s nowhere near failing…yet. After checking out their webpage, I click on a contact us button. I fill in my info and sternly, but politely, decline their offer. I’ve worked too hard to sell now. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this place. “Ella, we could use you up front,” Brittney, an employee, pops her head in and informs me. “Be right there,” I reply, closing the laptop. I grab the letter, wad it up, and toss it into the trash as I make my way out the door. I head toward the front where the daycare drop off is, stopping next to Brittney. “What’s the problem?” She motions toward the parent struggling to get their toddler to release them. “I’m so sorry,” Mom says, trying her hardest to pry her child’s fingers from her coat. I smile as I move toward them. “Hey, Tommy,” I coo, holding my hands out in hopes he willingly comes to me. Brittney goes back to getting kids signed in and swept away to the nursery. He turns his face from me, burying it in Mom’s neck. “A little birdie told me that we’re having pancakes for breakfast today.” He immediately stops his squirming, turning his attention to me. I smile and nod. “I heard pancakes were your favorite. You know what? They’re mine too. All that yummy, sticky syrup…” He almost jumps into my arms. I laugh, catching him, already moving him toward the nursery. “Say bye, Mom.” He waves and Mom mouths the words thank you as she slips out the door. Inside the nursery, I

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