Dangerous Chaos (The Keeper's Series Book 9) Cover Image

Dangerous Chaos (The Keeper's Series Book 9)

Author/Uploaded by Stephanie St. Klaire

DANGEROUS CHAOS STEPHANIE ST. KLAIRE CONTENTS Books By Stephanie St. Klaire Also Read Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 About Stephanie St. Klaire What to Read Next by SSK FREE...

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DANGEROUS CHAOS STEPHANIE ST. KLAIRE CONTENTS Books By Stephanie St. Klaire Also Read Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 About Stephanie St. Klaire What to Read Next by SSK FREE E-BOOK! FREE E-BOOK! FREE E-BOOK! COPYRIGHT © 2023 Stephanie St. Klaire Dangerous Chaos A Keepers Novel This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, or other status is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever known, not known or hereafter invented, or stored in any storage or retrieval system, is forbidden and punishable by the fullest extent of the law without written permission of the author. EDITOR: Jenny Sims COVER ARTIST: The SSK Group FORMATTING: The SSK Group BOOKS BY STEPHANIE ST. KLAIRE McKenzie Ridge Series Rescued Hidden Forgotten Fearless Redemption Brother’s Keeper Security Series The Fall of Declan The Rise of Declan Reclaiming Liam Redeeming Luke Pursuing Dace Hunting Wylie Love, Cass (a series companion novel) The Keeper’s Series Final Deception Familiar Threat Deadly Pursuit Fatal Diversion Royal Reckoning Forced Enemy Trivial Deceit Lethal Jeopardy Dangerous Chaos Corrupt Justice Stand Alone Chameleon Effect ALSO READ Don’t forget to check out Stephanie St. Klaire’s alter ego, USA Today Bestselling Romantic Comedy and Contemporary Author, Stephie Klaire. Get started FREE… CLICK HERE 1 “Wit Meyer, you’re under arrest,” said a man dressed in black fatigues, a flak jacket, and draped in weapon holsters as he pinned Wit to the wall, arms cuffed behind him. It happened so fast that no one had been able to wrap their mind around what had just transpired. The Keepers had stormed a building on a tip their mark was there and instead… walked right into a trap. One they didn’t have an immediate way out of as they all were forced to their knees at gunpoint and held by operatives they didn’t recognize while Wit was being detained. “Charged with what?” Wit hollered as he fought back. “Capital murder,” the man in black deadpanned. “You’re making a mistake.” Cane O’Reilly interrupted from his knees where his fingers were laced together behind his head. “You have the wrong guy.” “No. We don’t,” the man said, looking over his shoulder at Cane and the team as he removed Wit’s obvious weapons and began to pat him down, hunting for more. “Ooh. You gettin’ a little handsy there, brother. If this is you askin’ for a date, you’re goin’ about it all the wrong way. Plus… you aren’t my type.” The man jabbed a fist in Wit’s side. “Shut the hell up.” “You haven’t identified yourselves,” Coy bantered. “Who the hell are you?” The man holding Wit turned to the group and quickly flashed a shiny platinum shield before hanging it back on his belt. “It’s in your best interest not to interfere, or we’ll hook you and take you in for obstruction and any co-conspirator charge I can tack on.” “C’mon, man. I don’t think you know who you’re dealin’ with.” Wit chuckled. “This ain’t gonna end well for you, cowboy.” “Wit,” Cane scolded. “What? I don’t recognize that shield and neither do you. It doesn’t get any more off the books than us.” Wit was turned abruptly to face his arresting agent, back slammed against the wall. “You like it rough, huh?” “Jesus, Wit,” Ronan chimed in, earning a kick to the gut from one of the men holding them at gunpoint. “Hey!” Wit yelled, guilt rolling off his words for antagonizing their newfound enemy. “Leave them alone. You guys bounties? You here to collect our reward? Take it. It don’t need to be like this.” “The bounty is for you,” one of the men in black seethed. “Me? Who exactly do you think I killed?” Wit questioned. “Wit Meyer, you are under the arrest for the brutal murders of Clyde and Meira Skriver.” The man grabbed Wit’s arm and pulled him from the wall. “Come with me.” “Hang tight, man,” Cane yelled. “We’ll get Landry on this. You’ll be home in no time.” The butt of a rifle met Cane’s face as the group of men in all black worked their way backward in an effort to retreat. The unidentified man led Wit from the area first and through a doorway, out of sight from the rest of the Keepers. One by one, the men disappeared through the doorway until only one was holding them at gunpoint from a distance. “They didn’t read him his rights. They aren’t official,” Ryker said under his breath to his team. “This is bad. Are we going to just let them take him?” “Not a chance,” Cane said. “Wait for it.” “Wait for what, cousin?” Ronan asked. “They could be tossing him in a rig right now, ready to haul ass out of here. They leave the parking lot and our chances of retrieving Wit reduce by half.” “Killion, you still live on comms?” Cane asked, hoping his brother was on the other end of his earpiece listening in. “Heard it all, brother,” Killion said back for the whole team to hear. “Killed Wit’s comms since it’s been compromised. I have air support launched and running video from all your body cams through facial rec and everything else I got.” “Damn, he’s good,” Coy said, taking to his feet after watching the final guard disappear through the doorway. “We ready to jump on this?” “Take the lead,” Cane said, following suit. “Everyone knows their job.” The Keepers lined up and trailed through the building carefully and methodically, each knowing what to do and how to do it should

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