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Author/Uploaded by Sally McLean

 Copyright 2014 Sally McLean
 Published by Sally McLean at Smashwords
 Smashwords Edition License Notes
 This ebook is licensed for your
 personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given
 away to other people. If you would like to share this book with
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 Copyright 2014 Sally McLean
 Published by Sally McLean at Smashwords
 Smashwords Edition License Notes
 This ebook is licensed for your
 personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given
 away to other people. If you would like to share this book with
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 Chapter One
 Chapter Two
 Chapter Three
 Chapter Four
 Chapter Five
 Chapter Six
 Chapter Seven
 Chapter Eight
 Chapter Nine
 Chapter Ten
 Chapter Eleven
 Chapter Twelve
 Chapter Thirteen
 Chapter Fourteen
 Titles By The Author
 “You’re going to destroy
 the world.”
 Lindsay’s knees buckled,
 dropping her to the floor in a graceless heap. She looked up at the
 ghost of the girl whose death had been her responsibility, though
 she was still fuzzy over the details of how it was her fault. “I’m
 going to do what?”
 “I’m so very sorry
 Lindsay.” Lauren sank down beside her, her face filled with pity.
 “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
 “What wasn’t supposed to
 happen like this? Lauren please, I need to know what’s going
 “You’re going to destroy
 the world.”
 “Yeah, I got that part.
 It was kind of hard to miss,” Lindsay said, bitterness creeping
 into her voice. “I’m more interested in the how and
 “You have to know that
 everything I have done was done for the right reasons.”
 Lindsay knew it was only her
 imagination, but the light in the bedroom seemed to dim ominously.
 “Tell me.”
 Lauren took a deep breath, a
 habit from when she was still alive and actually need to breathe.
 “There’s a demon inside you Lindsay. That’s how you can see me and
 why you’ve been having visions.”
 “I don’t understand,”
 said Lindsay, trying desperately to wrack her brain around the
 latest earth shattering revelation. “I have a demon inside me? How
 is that possible? I don’t feel like I’m possessed.”
 “It’s not possession
 exactly,” Lauren explained. “Think of it more like an incubation.
 The demon is using your body to house it until the time comes when
 it’s strong enough to survive on its own.”
 “I’m guessing that would
 be decidedly bad for me.”
 Lauren nodded solemnly.
 “Why me?” Lindsay asked.
 “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
 “From what little
 information I know, it was down to unfortunate timing and an
 unfortunate decision on your part. Your suicide attempt allowed the
 demon entrance at the exact time it needed to find a host. Your
 soul was just too weak to keep it out.”
 Lindsay wanted the universe to
 open up and swallow her whole. Lauren had been right all along.
 This was all her fault. “What do I do?” she asked, her voice
 struggling to maintain its relatively calm façade. “How do I get
 the demon out of me?”
 “You can’t,” said Lauren.
 “The only way to expel the demon is to destroy it’s
 “Wait a second, you’re
 saying I have to die to get this thing out of me?”
 “That’s not an option any
 more. The demon is a lot stronger than anticipated. That’s how come
 you were able to fight off the Gu’lak out in the woods
 Lindsay shuddered as she
 thought about the vicious dragon-like monster that had almost
 ripped her to shreds, as evidenced by the bloody wound in her
 shoulder. She had come so close to dying…
 The pieces clicked suddenly
 into place. “That’s why you sent me after the Gu’lak isn’t it? It
 was supposed to kill me.”
 Lauren looked away, unable to
 meet the other girl’s angry stare. “You don’t understand. I had no
 choice. They told me it was the only way.”
 “What? Who told
 “Others like me. Elders.
 They showed me what would happen if the demon was allowed to be
 born into our world. You saw for yourself in one of your visions
 what could happen.” Lauren finally turned her eyes back to meet
 Lindsay’s. “They promised me it was for the greater good and I
 believed them. I still do.”
 “Great. Well as long as
 you feel justified in trying to end my life.”
 “How dare you,” Lauren
 snapped. “I am dead because of you. My soul is trapped between
 planes, unable to cross over because it’s tied to that thing inside
 you. Do you have any idea what that’s like?”
 Lindsay felt a pang of guilt,
 but quickly pushed it aside. “You’re not the only one who’s
 suffering you know. Every day I try and find a way to live with
 what I did after my mom died. I have to deal with the shame every
 time my dad looks at me. I feel terrible for what happened to you
 and now you’re telling me that my being alive is going to end the
 world. Like I chose this? Well I didn’t. I made a mistake and if I
 could go back and do things differently I would, but I can’t.”
 “I know you didn’t mean
 for any of this to happen, but it doesn’t change the way things are
 “There has to be another
 “There’s not.”
 Lindsay’s hands balled into
 tight fists, intense rage flooding through her. She leapt to her
 feet. “So that’s it huh? Some bunch of ghostly higher ups decide I
 don’t deserve to live so you try and turn me into a monster’s main
 course. All for the greater good. How do I even know that’s true? I
 only have your word for it. For all I know this is some big revenge
 plan because you’re mad at me for getting killed.”
 “Lindsay, I would never

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