Hellraisers Cover Image


Author/Uploaded by Rune Hunt

1 Azalea I never thought I was going to be back in town and not be the one in the casket. And never in a million years did I think, my little sister would be inside of it. My eyes stayed glued on the mahogany wood coffin, even at this distance. Part of me ached to get closer, draw a rune on the beautiful red brick wood, and have a final good. But we both already said our goodbye when I left five...

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1 Azalea I never thought I was going to be back in town and not be the one in the casket. And never in a million years did I think, my little sister would be inside of it. My eyes stayed glued on the mahogany wood coffin, even at this distance. Part of me ached to get closer, draw a rune on the beautiful red brick wood, and have a final good. But we both already said our goodbye when I left five years ago. I just didn’t think it would be the last time. I wanted to vomit, , break, and cry. But I couldn’t even bring myself to shed a tear. “You should go over,” an old man’s voice rumbled through the silence. By the way, my hair stood up five minutes ago let me know that he was there. I didn’t bother looking back; instead, my spine straightened. My long purple curls blew around my shoulders, settling in whichever way they desired. “Rather not.” Rocks crumbled under his boots as he stepped closer to me. “She missed you, Zalea.” A growl erupted from my throat, and white hot rage rushed through my veins.. “We both made our choices. She—” “Never held that against you,” he added quickly. Finally, my eyes pried from the casket to him. Dagger didn’t look like he had aged in the last five years. His hair was the same salt and pepper hair I remember as a kid. His bright blue eyes moved to meet mine, a small encouraging smile on his face. My shoulders sagged as if I felt my exterior softening. I couldn’t furrow my brow at him or purse my lips. I almost felt like a child again, and if I did that, he would slap the back of my head. But now, I realized we were both adults with very much adult feelings he could handle. “I only fuc—” His eyes snapped to me and the air around us still. I froze, waiting for him to scream at me. He didn’t even look mad, no furrowed brow, or pursed lips. Just that small smile on his face. Amusement. He was so amused that I almost shit my pants. After a deep chest-rattling breath, I spoke, “I came back to say goodbye. That’s all.” Shoulders sagged, he sucked on his white teeth, and he threw his hands in blue washed jeans. “Come on. Stay for the food at the wake. You could even take some home,” he said, turning around without me, even agreeing. My eyes moved back to the funeral down the hill. They were already pouring the dirt over that beautiful mahogany wood. I couldn’t take my eyes off it, wishing I was closer. I wish I had the nerve to go over there and drop a flower on her casket, but I didn’t have the courage. A scream cut through the air and my hand moved, reaching for the gun holster on my thigh. But the moment my eyes landed on the source, my shoulders relaxed. My sister’s stepmom was crying as my sister’s casket got dirt poured over it. I straightened and shook off a running cold sweat. My eyes scanned the crowd one last time. Atleast a hundred people wew surrounding her grave site, all people she knew or loved. My throat dried. My funeral would have been her… Maggie and Dagger, if the old fart was still kicking. Now, it was just two. The corner of my lips pushed down. Numbness tingled through my veins as the real feeling of loneliness really set in. My fists tightened in a ball and my eyes squeezed shut. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deeeepppp breattthhhsss… My heavy chest struggled with air as I inhaled deeply. Reality hit me again after a few breaths, and I blinked. My heart beat finally slowed down and my fingers stretched and expanded. My eyes glanced around, feeling a bit of awkwardness now staring. My steps faltered as I twisted and walked towards to the front of the cemetery. Nice job calming yourself down, Aza. I tried not to laugh at myself as I trotted down the gravel. Rocks kicked up, scattering down the path further. My therapist said to be nicer to myself. Well, she wasn’t my therapist. She was a girl I met a while ago on the bus ride out of here, whose aura felt like Tinker Bell. Life, airy, and magical. I snorted at my thoughts. Fairies don’t exist. Except for… they do, but they weren’t like how people thought they were. A flash of a large, faceless creature crawling towards me flashed in my head, earning a shiver down my spine. I hate fairies. At the front of the cemetery gates, Dagger leaned against his old beat-up truck. I was surprised he beat me there with his bad leg and all. Was that why he wasn’t with the others? The hill too much for him now? “Why were you not with the others near her casket?” I asked when I got closer to him. Reaching inside his breast pocket, he pulled out a crushed pack of cigarettes and opened it, pulling out a flattened one. He then offered me one. I shook my head, brows pulling together. It has been a while since I picked up one of those. “I punched Celina’s dad,” he grumbled, pulling out a match. The smell of sulfur filled the air, burning my nose in a pleasant way. I didn’t have to ask why. Why not? He was the only family she had left, and he always was a dickhead toward her. My finger dug into my pocket as I nodded. Once my finger wrapped around my keys, I pulled them out. A thought crossed my mind. “He didn’t have anything to do with her…” The word tightened in my throat, stopping me from saying it. It swelled until the pain in my chest came back. “Uh… No.” His face softened a bit

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