Master Of Malice Cover Image

Master Of Malice

Author/Uploaded by Traci Sek

MASTER OF MALICEBLOOD RUNS DEEP SERIES TRACI SEK CONTENTS UntitledAuthor Note1. Marco2. Marco3. Harper4. Harper5. Harper6. Marco7. Marco8. Marco9. Marco10. Marco11. Harper12. Marco13. Harper14. Marco15. Harper16. Marco17. Harper18. Marco19. Marco20. Marco21. Harper22. Marco23. Harper24. Marco25. MarcoEpilogueUntitledHeir Of Deceit- Coming April 14thPlaylistAcknowledgments Master Of Malice All rig...

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MASTER OF MALICEBLOOD RUNS DEEP SERIES TRACI SEK CONTENTS UntitledAuthor Note1. Marco2. Marco3. Harper4. Harper5. Harper6. Marco7. Marco8. Marco9. Marco10. Marco11. Harper12. Marco13. Harper14. Marco15. Harper16. Marco17. Harper18. Marco19. Marco20. Marco21. Harper22. Marco23. Harper24. Marco25. MarcoEpilogueUntitledHeir Of Deceit- Coming April 14thPlaylistAcknowledgments Master Of Malice All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted into any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book. This new adult romance is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and the trademarked owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. This book is licensed for your personal use only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the author’s work Created with Vellum AUTHOR NOTE *** Warning This book contains triggers of murder, torture, abuse, sexual tendencies, gang related violence, and alcohol consumption read at your own risk. *** Giovane d'onore — Associate, "cugino", or "connected guy", means man of honor. An associate is a person who is not a soldier in a crime family, but works for them and shares in the execution of and profits from the criminal enterprise. In Italian criminal organizations, "associates" are usually members of the criminal organization who are not of Italian descent, or junior members who may someday rise to become soldiers for the family; this process can take a decade or longer depending upon the family and the individual's qualifications. This can be tricky sometimes; associates with a history of making serious money often command respect beyond their title. 1MARCO My father yanks my head back as he grips a chunk of my hair. I should be used to this shit by now, but every fucking time, it gets stronger, more intense. I’m surprised I still have hair at all. “Don’t you fucking talk to your mother like that boy. I will knock you the fuck out!” His jaw clenches and his eyebrows furrow. I grit my teeth and try to suck in air through my flaring nostrils. “Yes, sir.” I bite out. He lets go, pushing my head forward as I stumble. “Fucking weak asshole can’t even stand on his own two fucking feet, but he’s got enough nerve to fucking have a big ass mouth around his mother.” My father snickers as he lights a cigarette. “He didn’t mean it, Dad. He’s just looking out for me like you taught him.” Alessandra quivers. “He ain’t looking out for you. He’s trying to destroy this fucking family.” My father rumbles, his voice crashing off the walls like thunder. It didn’t scare me. “Oh yeah? How the fuck do you figure?” I shout back. “Boy, you better watch that tone.” He points a finger at my chest, poking it rough with every word he says. “You’re fucking pawning my little sister on some fool she doesn’t even know. It’s like selling cattle to the biggest buyer!” He lunges at me, wrapping his bony icy fingers around my neck pinning me against the wall. My mother and sister gasp but make no move to help me. They know better than to cross my father. “We’re fucking soldiers, you worthless piece of trash. One of the easiest and fastest ways to move up in rank is to marry a higher rank. The so-called fool you speak of is the son of Frank Capinelli, one of the capos. If Alessandra marries his son, Giovanni, we are in. We’re golden and secure in this piece of shit family. No one higher up gives a fuck about street boys and soldiers. So help me God, Marco, if you fuck this up, I’ll bury your ass alive!” His fingers release my neck as he half turns but stops, and before I can move out of the way he whips back around delivering a blow to my abdomen. I grunt, sliding down the wall, gasping for air. “Marco!” I hear Alessandra yell. “Shut up!” My father yells over her. “Maybe next time you won’t go against my authority. It’s time you realize who’s in charge in this fucking house!” He roars, but I don’t flinch. This isn’t the first time he’s hit one of us, mainly me. He always says it’s toughening me up. And maybe he’s right, these streets aren’t for everyone. I find the strength to get back up as my father watches in amusement. I wasn’t done. “Hold the fuck up.” I suck in another deep breath. “You’re pairing Giovanni, my friend, with my sister? They don’t even fucking like each other. In fact, they fucking hate each other.” “I don’t give a shit who hates who. I don’t give a damn who his friends are. It’s done, so shut the fuck up and sit down or get the fuck out!” His face is turning beet red and sweat beads form at the crease of his forehead. I smirk when a thought comes to mind. “You lost a fucking bet to Gio’s father, and now you owe him, don’t you?” My father has always been in the gambling ring. It’s what he does best, what he knows best. And it’s easy to get involved when you’re in a family like this one. He grabs me by my jacket collar. “You’re a motherfucking bastard, aren’t you?” he growls so close to my face. “I guess that punch wasn’t strong enough to knock some goddamn sense into your stupid ass head.”

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