Meeting Mister Wright Cover Image

Meeting Mister Wright

Author/Uploaded by Sally Winters

To all the ones who are still looking for themselves… you don’t have to find yourself yet, just don’t lose yourself. EllieThe longer I stare out the car window, the more the sky matches my mood.It’s late spring and I’m in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, Washington instead of my beloved, sunny L.A. where I could be launching at a pool now, getting drunk with my friends, hair up in a bun, my latest...

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To all the ones who are still looking for themselves… you don’t have to find yourself yet, just don’t lose yourself. EllieThe longer I stare out the car window, the more the sky matches my mood.It’s late spring and I’m in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, Washington instead of my beloved, sunny L.A. where I could be launching at a pool now, getting drunk with my friends, hair up in a bun, my latest purchase – a tight, neon pink bikini – plastered to my body, droplets of chlorine infused water rolling right off my body.But no.Charlotte wouldn’t let this happen, of course.I sigh deeply as I stare at the twenty shades of glorious gray that roll and ripple over the sky of… I don’t even know where I am and frankly, I don’t care enough to ask the designated driver that’s currently rolling me towards my destination. I’m not gonna be here for long anyway, hence the confusion as to why Charlotte thought I should be getting a rental.As obvious as it was that I wouldn’t get a private driver here, I don’t understand why I can’t just Uber my way around for the next 24 hours until I’m putting my ass back onto the private jet that will take me home safely and soundly.The car pulls up at something that looks dangerously close to some sort of shed, more than a rental place, and I raise an eyebrow. “We’re here?”“Yes, Madame” the driver replies with a court nod.“Alright…” I hand him a 20 without taking my eyes off the building. “Thank you”I climb out of the car and drag my small suitcase with me, blowing a strand of brown hair that loosened from my pony tail out of my sight.“Good Lord” I mumble before I stand up straight and slap on a winning smile.It ain’t always easy to feign confidence at five-foot-two but if my height can’t disarm even the biggest, most stubborn grump, then my smile sure as hell will.I push open the door to the facility, not without noticing the way the orange lacquer is peeling off and is more like an off-brown in some spots.“Hello…?” I mumble when I find myself standing alone in a small room that smells like cigarettes and wet dog.It’s… almost too much.The walls are painted in all kinds of colors, all of them are faded though. There is a little counter and way behind it I see a sofa with dirty cushions and a blanket on the floor.The walls are filled with pictures and they’re too many to take in.In short; I’m overwhelmed entirely and don’t even know where to look first.The longer you stay here, the more details you notice and how incredibly crammed this tiny space is. I blink way too quickly and feel my heart rate picking up.Ssshhh, it’s all good. No need to get all worked up.I turn my head when I hear someone mumbling quietly, a door in the back of the little shed opens, an old guy comes into view and I almost snort at the walking cliché he is.Long, unkempt, gray hair is sticking out below a dirty, blue baseball cap and he’s wearing a red flannel under his overall that is the same shade of blue as his headgear.Dull gray eyes meet mine from below an impressive set of bushy, white eyebrows and then a genuine smile hits me – full on, with three missing teeth.I almost snort with amusement but manage to hold back in the last second.“You must be Danielle”I almost flinch at the use of my real name, memories flooding my mind and causing my smile to falter.No one’s dared to use my real name again ever since… but how does he know?The man seems to notice my confusion and comes forward towards the counter, blinking at a piece of paper. “A Charlotte Collins called, telling you’d come by today to pick up a car. You are Da…”“Ellie” I immediately reply and put my smile back on, way more halfheartedly though.“Ah” He tips his baseball cap and nods. “Got it. Not that much into using the long version of your name, huh? Totally get it. See, my name is Raymond, but everyone calls me Ray.”I clear my throat.As nice as this guy seems and as much as I hate being distant and rushed, I’d rather leave this place again sooner than later.“So, what are you doing down here, kiddo?” Ray asks and leans against the counter.Small talk.God, no.“Uh, just passing through really” I reply because I don’t have the nerve to explain the real reason to him – that my stepmother sent me here to talk business with some woman that’s interested in our product.Why I had to go is still beyond me since our factory has over 3,000 people working for us but I didn’t have the energy to discuss with Charlotte, knowing how persistent she can be, so coming here for a few hours was actually easier than making a fuzz.“Not much of a talker” Ray nods with a smirk and suddenly I feel like an asshole.He’s an old man that’s probably incredibly lonely here, given we’re in a tiny town in Washington.He doesn’t look like he has children or a wife and he’s been really nice so far actually.“Listen, I’m sorry” I mumble and run a hand over my forehead. “I’m just tired. It’s been a long flight and I didn’t expect this town to be…”I shut my mouth when I see him eyeing me curiously.Silence falls, then he crosses his arms. “Where are you from you said?”“Los Angeles” I reply.The hearty belly-laugh that thunders through the shed in the next moment almost makes me flinch.“Well, Rose Hills ain’t no L.A., I’ll give you that” Ray turns and grabs a set of keys. “How is it there? Never been, although I always wanted to go, but after Mary died I never got out of Rose Hills again.”I swallow thickly, assuming Mary was his wife.“It’s… sunny and

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