My Neighbor, The Vampire Cover Image

My Neighbor, The Vampire

Author/Uploaded by Brenna Harlow

My Neighbor, The Vampire Shadowing Jane Book 1 Brenna Harlow Contents Copyright Dedication 1. Samuel 2. Jane 3. Samuel 4. Jane 5. Samuel 6. Jane 7. Samuel 8. Jane 9. Samuel 10. Jane 11. Samuel 12. Jane 13. Samuel 14. Jane 15. Samuel 16. Jane 17. Samuel 18. Jane 19. Samuel 20. Jane Pre-order Book 2 Author's Note Also by Brenna Reviews Help Authors Author Links Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Brenna...

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My Neighbor, The Vampire Shadowing Jane Book 1 Brenna Harlow Contents Copyright Dedication 1. Samuel 2. Jane 3. Samuel 4. Jane 5. Samuel 6. Jane 7. Samuel 8. Jane 9. Samuel 10. Jane 11. Samuel 12. Jane 13. Samuel 14. Jane 15. Samuel 16. Jane 17. Samuel 18. Jane 19. Samuel 20. Jane Pre-order Book 2 Author's Note Also by Brenna Reviews Help Authors Author Links Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Brenna Harlow All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Cover by Dedication To all the girlies who wanted more smut during their Twilight or Vampire Academy era. Fang bangers for the win. 1 Samuel “You’re obligated to be here, Samuel.” Rune watches me from his seat across the room, a brandy in one hand and a girl’s wrist in the other. He smiles, teeth gleaming red beneath the blue light. “An obligation I never asked for, Lord Rune. You know that.” My eyes narrow, but I remain slouched in my chair, watching his body language closely. He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “This is the way the world works, my boy. You’ve been obligated since the moment you entered our family.” “Family?” My responding question, spoken with so much loathing, isn’t one he wants to hear. His friendly mask drops, revealing the true killer he holds inside. Rune’s pupils enlarge until they’ve filled most of his irises. His thin, pointed hands claw around the antique arms of his chair. “Have you already forgotten about my brother, Samuel? Your maker?” I relax my features, feigning subservience. “Of course not, Rune. His loss was a blow to us all.” A picture flashes behind my eyes, so clear and beautiful. Lord Barros slack against the hardwood floor, the sweetness of his blood coating the air in its aroma. His limbs twisted, his head flattened. The vision is so clear I can almost taste it. Rune smiles then, his personality shifting like clockwork. He straightens his back, clasping the human’s arm in a firm grip. She wobbles, her naked limbs weak from both blood loss and Rune’s venom. Despite the utter terror she should feel, her bruised lips are lifted, smiling up to the heavens as if she’s flying there now. Blonde hair slopes over her shoulders, skating the tops of her breasts. There are bite marks there. In fact, fresh wounds dot her entire body, some cut, others inflicted by brute force. The sight of her is the only thing about this meeting that has me on edge. It isn’t that she’s naked and bloody, or that she holds any notoriety. My problem is her very presence, as it’s a reminder of things I still can’t control. An addiction I’ll never fucking kick, no matter how much I work the program. Rune eyes me, a brightness growing in his gaze. He must see the remnants of self-torture in my stare, and he absolutely loves it. He’s no different from any of the others. I’m a spectacle, a side-show for all vampire-kind. The killer who hates eating his veggies. It’s why they’ve summoned me, I’m sure of it. Rune flings the girl’s wrist outward, propelling her forward. She stumbles before falling, her ass slapping over my knee with force. I position her so that she’s further away, not liking my proximity to her warmth. She doesn’t seem to mind either way, with her eyes glazed and flickering over the blue-lit ceiling. “Go ahead, Samuel. I’m sure you’re absolutely famished.” Rune grins again, this time baring his teeth. His words are an order, not an invitation. Declining wouldn’t be an option even if I tried. My monster has already heard the soft patter-patter of her heart. My eyes fixate on the fresh blood seeping from a wound near her shoulder, and it’s as if I can feel it vibrating, calling to me. I lean closer, my attention divided between this unbearable need and keeping my composure. Rune thinks seeing this will give him more power over me, and maybe it will. But when my lips touch her skin, sliding along the crimson liquid, I give in to my darkness. I lap her wound like a dog would its bone, clinging to her body with more vigor than I should. Her blood burns its way down my throat, both agonizing and pleasurable. Rune disappears. His office vanishes. The calming blue light fades. There’s nothing but myself and the poison. And it tastes fucking exquisite. After my meeting with Rune, I make my way out of his building and onto the bustling city streets. It’s darker in New York this time of night, when businesses have closed up shop and turned off their neon signs. Unfortunately, there’s not enough darkness to gaze up at the stars, but that’s the price one must pay to make it in the big city. And that’s exactly what I’ve been invited to do, to stay and make nice with the human population while I await the annual gathering of the elite. But the problem with the Night Order is that an invitation is always an order, and those who disobey write their own obituary. I travel two blocks on foot before hailing a cab. Always the optimist, I came to the city without transportation. Rune dislikes seeing me almost as much as I dislike him, and this was supposed to be a simple in and out transaction. I show up, speak niceties with the enemy, and return to New Mexico. But now I’m needed. “Where to?” The driver asks, his crinkled eyes reflecting in the rear mirror. I tuck my fingers into my jean pocket, fishing out my phone. “Hilton,” I reply, smiling as pleasantly as I can fake. “Whichever is nearest.” The middle-aged driver laughs, his voice deep and unbothered. He finds me normal enough, which is good. As he turns the corner, I dial

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