Reign of Hell House Cover Image

Reign of Hell House

Author/Uploaded by Dakota Wilde

Reign of Hell House BOOK THREE A KILDALE ACADEMY NOVEL DAKOTA WILDE HADES PUBLISHING COMPANY, LLC Reign of Hell House (A Kildale Academy Novel: Book Three) Copyright © 2023 by Dakota Wilde. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form including electronic or mechanical means except if given written permission from the author or to use for brief quotations. All forms of...

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Reign of Hell House BOOK THREE A KILDALE ACADEMY NOVEL DAKOTA WILDE HADES PUBLISHING COMPANY, LLC Reign of Hell House (A Kildale Academy Novel: Book Three) Copyright © 2023 by Dakota Wilde. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form including electronic or mechanical means except if given written permission from the author or to use for brief quotations. All forms of pirating are prohibited. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real events, people, or locations is completely coincidental. Songs, products, TV shows, movies and famous peoples mentioned are used in a fictional capacity in name only and in no way are affiliated with this book, and do not represent the artists or companies. Cover Design Made by Dakota Wilde with Canva. Interior Graphics made with Canva. Created with Vellum Contents Content Warning Map Playlist Recap Part I Prologue 1. Chapter One 2. Chapter Two 3. Chapter Three 4. Chapter Four 5. Chapter Five 6. Chapter Six 7. Chapter Seven 8. Chapter Eight 9. Chapter Nine 10. Chapter Ten 11. Chapter Eleven 12. Chapter Twelve 13. Chapter Thirteen 14. Chapter Fourteen 15. Chapter Fifteen 16. Chapter Sixteen 17. Chapter Seventeen 18. Chapter Eighteen 19. Chapter Nineteen 20. Chapter Twenty 21. Chapter Twenty-One 22. Chapter Twenty-Two 23. Chapter Twenty-Three Part II 24. Chapter Twenty-Four 25. Chapter Twenty-Five 26. Chapter Twenty-Six 27. Chapter Twenty-Seven 28. Chapter Twenty-Eight 29. Chapter Twenty-Nine 30. Chapter Thirty 31. Chapter Thirty-One 32. Chapter Thirty-Two 33. Chapter Thirty-Three 34. Chapter Thirty-Four 35. Chapter Thirty-Five 36. Chapter Thirty-Six 37. Chapter Thirty-Seven 38. Chapter Thirty-Eight 39. Chapter Thirty-Nine 40. Chapter Forty 41. Chapter Forty-One 42. Chapter Forty-Two 43. Chapter Forty-Three 44. Chapter Forty-Four Part III 45. Chapter Forty-Five 46. Chapter Forty-Six 47. Chapter Forty-Seven 48. Chapter Forty-Eight 49. Chapter Forty-Nine 50. Chapter Fifty 51. Chapter Fifty-One 52. Chapter Fifty-Two 53. Chapter Fifty-Three 54. Chapter Fifty-Four 55. Chapter Fifty-Five 56. Chapter Fifty-Six 57. Chapter Fifty-Seven 58. Chapter Fifty-Eight 59. Chapter Fifty-Nine 60. Chapter Sixty 61. Chapter Sixty-One 62. Chapter Sixty-Two 63. Chapter Sixty-Three 64. Chapter Sixty-Four Epilogue Also by Dakota Wilde Acknowledgments Playlist About the Author Content Warning Please check the author’s website for a detailed list of content warnings. Playlist Listen along on Spotify. Recap WELCOME BACK TO KILDALE ACADEMY. When we last saw our characters, Salem had been pushed through the veil, while Skye emanated a burst of light. The boys were on the beach after having their demons take over their bodies, leading them all to the veil. Hellhounds are on the loose, and Leighton Ledger has found his way to onto the beach as he tries to intervene. If you find any errors, please do not report them to Amazon, but please email the publisher at [email protected] . If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell. -Virgil Part One Prologue PRESTON: SOMEWHERE OFF THE COAST NEAR POSSESSION… 1890 SONG: ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT RAINS BY RONIIT, SAINT MESA The boat dips as the waves crest over the top of the barely buoyant vessel. My brothers and I had scrimped every last copper, pulling our funds to buy ourselves this ship. And now it’s being torn apart by the elements. The boat is taking on water and soon we’ll have nothing left. This storm crept up out of nowhere, swallowing us within minutes, leaving us fighting for our lives. We were inexperienced and arrogant enough to attempt to change our fortunes. Now look where that’s gotten us. In the middle of a thrashing, angry ocean. It’s as if Poseidon himself poured all his rage into the water that now threatens to capsize us. Saltwater sprays in my eyes, drenching my clothes and sloshes the woolen socks in my boots while I grip the helm with white knuckles. I know my efforts are futile, but I can’t seem to let go. Images of what I’d hoped for our future evaporates before my very eyes. The wind rips into the sails, shredding them to tatters. My brothers hang onto whatever they’re able to as we’re tossed about on the angry waters. My heart leaps into my throat as the bow of the ship slams straight into a tall wave, submerging us for what feels like years before rocking back up to the surface. “Preston! The ship is lost!” My brother, Beaumont yells as his face is whipped by the wind. A crack fills the air as we’re jostled from our positions. My hands slip, and my feet slide out from under me, my boots squelching against the grain. The wheel turns without my hands to hold onto it. My fingers slide against the wet boards as I try to stand up. I see a smattering of rocks ahead and I scramble to grab hold of the helm, but it’s too late. Our boat crashes into the rocks, splitting the already half sunken ship into shards. The wood planks explode upon impact, and we’re plunged into the icy depths- at the mercy of the torrential storm and unforgiving tide. I kick into the water with everything I have, fighting against the strength of the ocean as it sucks me down into its belly. Water fills my mouth, and my sight is comprised of only a blur of the twisted ocean waves that sling me about. Bubbles of water and salt grab at my flailing form as I sink deeper with the broken ship below me. Black ridges form against my eyes as my lungs scream out for air, begging for me to take a breath. But I know if I do that- I’ll die. Panic claws at me as I search frantically for the top, desperate to get out of here alive. I feel my limbs become sluggish with each stroke I take. Each kick has less momentum behind it than the last, as I quickly succumb to the inky waters that wish to claim my soul. Despair claws at

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