Shadow Realm Cover Image

Shadow Realm

Author/Uploaded by Art Saborio

Shadow Realm Angel and Demons Paranormal Romance Art Saborio AS Holdings and Assets Publishing Copyright © 2023 by Art Saborio All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as perm...

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Shadow Realm Angel and Demons Paranormal Romance Art Saborio AS Holdings and Assets Publishing Copyright © 2023 by Art Saborio All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact [email protected] The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Book Cover by Ari from MM Book Covers First Edition, 2023 Other Books From Author Art Saborio G et a FREE book! CLICK HERE TO JOIN MY READER MAILING LIST Once you join, you will get more free content, early release notification of my new books, and other content you'll love. BOOKS Dark Realms Series The Curse (FREE) Shadow Realm Thirst – A Vampire Story (Coming Soon) Contents 1. PROLOGUE 2. CHAPTER ONE 3. CHAPTER TWO 4. CHAPTER THREE 5. CHAPTER FOUR 6. CHAPTER FIVE 7. CHAPTER SIX 8. CHAPTER SEVEN 9. CHAPTER EIGHT 10. CHAPTER NINE 11. CHAPTER TEN 12. CHAPTER ELEVEN 13. CHAPTER TWELVE 14. CHAPTER THIRTEEN 15. CHAPTER FOURTEEN 16. CHAPTER FIFTEEN 17. CHAPTER SIXTEEN 18. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN 19. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN 20. CHAPTER NINETEEN 21. CHAPTER TWENTY PROLOGUE Kelsey TannerHow I love the sound of it all. Those wet, moist, and delicious sounds. Moisture is part of the process. It’s the icing on the cake. Men love my scent and taste. They can’t get enough of me. They get lost in the ecstasy of it all. The grinding, moaning, and release are all they need. I exist for it. Every man wants me. Every man needs someone like me. That’s why I’m so successful in controlling and devouring men. I take them all. They are so delicious. First, I milk them of their energy. The process is slow and can take months. Then, through grunts, thrusting, and orgasms, I take their spirit. Finally, when they think it’s over, I move in for the kill and take their souls. Why do I do this? Well, I’m a succubus; it’s what I was created to do. But don’t feel sorry for the men. I can assure you they deserve every bit of what I do to them. The History of the RealmsThe Fall—The period of an extreme imbalance of despair and chaos fed through human sin.In the beginning, there was a balance between things of Shadow and things of Light. The one who oversaw all light and shadow, the Lord of Light, created Beings from dust and smokeless fire. Those made from the dust had no other desire but to serve the Lord of Light. Yet, those created from the smokeless fire were given the gift of free will. The Lord of Light had enough Beings dedicated to him and needed others who could think for themselves and help the realm grow in creative ways. These Beings lived in paradise, as all creatures did during those times. The realm of Light was home to all Beings. They did not bleed, but they could perish and return to dust or smoke.Yet the calm did not last, and an uprising destroyed the peace. The Lord of Light’s most influential advisor, Lucifer, became jealous of never getting the recognition he thought he deserved. Many Beings took his side. On the day of the uprising, the sun was in the process of setting, and the smell of the evening air swept over the green valley. Before the last bell of the day rang, a legion of one thousand male and female supporters loyal to Lucifer assembled in the valley below the Light Tower. Swords and other weapons were handed out under the cover of large trees in the orchard. The sound of a horn broke the evening calm, and the group began the long march from the lower valley toward the Light Tower. The mountain path was narrow and steep but didn’t discourage them.Their swords were razor sharp and forged with steel and powerful runes to protect them from the realm’s white magic. Golden chariots lead the charge. They were fashioned with steel spikes, made to rip flesh from bone, which stuck out at all angles. They were useful and cut down anyone blocking their advancement. The legion quickly overpowered the small outposts at the mountain’s base. Hundreds perished on both sides, returning to smoke or dust.But the crafters had designed the chariots for open land battles. They were not made to navigate the narrow mountain ascend. The skills to navigate the chariot in tight spaces were not among the group; over eighty percent of the chariots slid off the cliffside, and their riders fell to their deaths. They made it to the first gate. It stretched across the length of the path from the mountain’s side to the cliff’s edge. The wood ran deep. Its depth was twenty feet and height fifty feet. Even the tallest of Beings could not advance over the wall and white magic keeps them from flying over. The first gate only had a small dispatch of non-elite warriors. Their primary task was to keep the doors closed and secure. Prior to Lucifer’s uprising, the first gates had never been tested by a battle-hardened group. Since the beginning of time, harmony was the norm. There were little skirmishes here and there, but all were easily dispatched and the culprits banished from the realm. This time, things were different.By the time the group ascended to the first gate, their numbers were less than half. The air reeked of sweet dust and smoke-filled flesh. As they approached, no one was manning the gates, and they easily passed through. Lucifer had infiltrated the units there and dispatched them so his legion could more easily advance forward.This was not the case when they reached the second gate. This was the Light

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