The 100th Time's the Charm: She Was Executed 99 Times, So How Did She Unlock “Super Love” Mode?! Volume 1 Cover Image

The 100th Time's the Charm: She Was Executed 99 Times, So How Did She Unlock “Super Love” Mode?! Volume 1

Author/Uploaded by Yuji Yuji; Nami Hidaka; Stephanie Liu; Casey Pritt

 Table of Contents Cover Color Illustrations Chapter One Interlude: Lionett (1) Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Interlude: Carl Chapter Five Interlude: Kithling Chapter Six Interlude: Lionett (2) Chapter Seven Epilogue Afterword About J-Novel Club Copyright Landmarks Table of Contents Color Illustrations 

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 Table of Contents Cover Color Illustrations Chapter One Interlude: Lionett (1) Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Interlude: Carl Chapter Five Interlude: Kithling Chapter Six Interlude: Lionett (2) Chapter Seven Epilogue Afterword About J-Novel Club Copyright Landmarks Table of Contents Color Illustrations 
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 The 100th Time’s the Charm: She Was Executed 99 Times, So How Did She Unlock “Super Love” Mode?! Volume 1
 by Yuji Yuji
 Translated by Stephanie Liu
 Edited by Casey Pritt
 This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
 Copyright © Yuji Yuji, Nami Hidaka 2022
 All rights reserved.
 Original Japanese edition published in 2022 by Drecom Co., Ltd.
 This English edition is published in arrangement with Drecom Co., Tokyo
 All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.
 J-Novel Club LLC
 The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.
 Ebook edition 1.0: May 2023
 Premium E-Book for
 Nice to meet you. My name is Yuji Yuji. This work, which I call 99 Loops (100th Time in English), was born from editing and adding on to a story that I had previously published on Shosetsuka ni Naro and AlphaPolis. Aside from the familiar elements of “just deserts,” “calling off one’s engagement,” “going through loops,” and “obsessive love,” if I had to name a twist that makes this work unique, it’s that all of the male characters who show up are very hot and cold.
 All of them are actually super in love with the main character, Alphina, but they’ve been cursed by the root of all evil (the Saint) and can’t reveal their true emotions. Of course, Alphina believes that she’s totally disliked, but after looping through her life ninety-nine times, she unlocks a cheat that allows her to hear people’s true feelings. After that, she comes to realize just how much the men in her life care for her. That’s the kind of story this is. I hope that you were able to enjoy the men’s hot-and-cold attitudes, as well as how crazy in love they were, alongside a flustered Alphina.
 Now, I’d like to express my gratitude. First, I’d like to thank Nami Hidaka, my illustrator. When I decided that I would write a story about a noble daughter, I’d hoped that I could get Hidaka to draw pictures for it. I didn’t think that my wish would come true. In fact, I still can’t believe it. Thank you so much for designing such cute and cool characters.
 Next, I’d like to thank my editor, Kohara. Thank you for giving me such exact advice when I struggled in my first attempts to write a story of this genre. I hope we’ll work 
 ...Oh, come on! Alphina let out her ninety-ninth sigh. I’ve repeated this so many times, now, that I’m prepared for anything. But...this bitch’s final smile pisses me off no matter how many times I see it!
 When Alphina came to, she was on the parlor room sofa.
 Feeling like she’d awoken from a long slumber, she raised her head and looked around. Three elderly servants as well as her mother, Mary, were nearby. The furniture and red carpet were familiar. On the wall, a portrait of Yulinar, Alphina’s grandmother and a great mage, was hung. It was the parlor of the mansion Alphina had grown up in.
 So my hundredth start is from home? Well, that’s auspicious.
 The last time had started right from captivity. It had been unbearable; she’d been starving. These past few resets, she had challenged herself to see how many cheese pies she could eat from the bakery in the slums before she died. And yet she had ended that run with zero.
 It would be nice if I could eat around five this time! With that thought in mind, she turned to her mother, who was sitting next to her on the couch. “Mother, what month and year is it right now?”
 Her mother, who had the same red hair as her daughter, blinked. “Oh, Alph, what is it? I can understand if you’re feeling out of sorts, but is it so bad that you’re suffering from amnesia?”
 “I’m perfectly calm. My mind is clear.”
 “Today is July 5, 845 Anno Xenos. It’s ten at night. Please get ahold of yourself. If you’re honest about what’s on your mind, then the prince will understand.”
 That was a familiar date for Alphina.

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