The Mirror Cover Image

The Mirror

Author/Uploaded by Lore Townsend

The Mirror The Carte Blanche Series Lore Townsend * * * Welcome back to St. Abigail, the city of enchantment. I am so excited to share Gabby and Charlie’s love story with you. This book is dedicated to all of the women close to me and the women I’ve never met who have told stories like Gabby’s at brunch. I hear you. I’ve been there. You are not alone. Lore For content info and possible trigger wa...

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The Mirror The Carte Blanche Series Lore Townsend * * * Welcome back to St. Abigail, the city of enchantment. I am so excited to share Gabby and Charlie’s love story with you. This book is dedicated to all of the women close to me and the women I’ve never met who have told stories like Gabby’s at brunch. I hear you. I’ve been there. You are not alone. Lore For content info and possible trigger warnings, please visit my website. Connect with me for secrets on your Carte Blanche journey and download a free spicy novella: Join Lore’s Lair Gabby * * * Gabby fumbled a bit with her room key, finally managing to get the door to open. Charlie was close behind, pressed up against her back. “Whew!” she exclaimed. “It's good to be home.” The statement rang true. This gorgeous room on the top floor of the palace-like hotel in Amsterdam was starting to feel like home, even though they checked in only yesterday. Charlie laughed into the crook of her neck, unwilling to release her even an inch. Gabby struggled to get her tight leather jacket off and then spun to face him, his arms wrapped around her middle. “Can we stay here forever?” It was a joke, of course, Gabby didn't actually expect him to say yes and rent them what must be an insanely expensive room for the rest of their lives. But some part of her would have gladly accepted had it been offered. Words couldn't describe the feeling this city gave her. That this man gave her. They just rushed over her in waves of emotion—warm and cold and soft and rough and tingling and crushing and expansive—all at the same time. “You can stay with me forever.” His words dropped into the pool of her mind like a pebble in a calm pool. Gabby did her best to laugh them off, but it was harder than usual. Somehow, even after what seemed like a lifetime of failures in dating, her heart was still willing to believe that true love was possible. Even as she tried her best to shut it down. “Charlie.” It was all she could think to say. She couldn’t very well agree to something like that, especially when it was uttered by a man who had more than a handful of cocktails during dinner. People said things. It didn’t mean they were true. It was when his lips touched down, however, so softly and yet claiming, that Gabby almost let herself believe. Believe that this man could want her. Believe that she could live the rest of her life with someone being so nice to her all the time. Believe that a world existed where she wasn't alone, fending for herself against the harshness of reality. The moment was brought to an abrupt end when Charlie’s phone went off in his pocket. “Shit!” he exclaimed, pulling away just enough to slip it out of his front jacket pocket. “I forgot.” Gabby said nothing, waiting for whatever excuse or dismissal was about to pass through his lips. She had heard them all. “Get your coat on, I'm going to ring the front desk to get us a cab.” “A cab? Where are we going?” The last thing Gabby wanted was to leave the room right now. She had finally gotten this man alone in here, and she had big plans. The night before, they were surrounded by friends and coworkers and, while they had a private room, it was hardly romance central with all the drama and suspense going on. The group flew over together to help Gabby’s friend Noel reunite with her lover Dane, who was making questionable choices when it came to his extracurricular activities. They made it just in time, Noel got to profess her love for Dane, and the lovebirds flew back to the states the following morning, happily ever after. Now it was just Gabby and Charlie and one enormous hotel bed. If Gabby had any chance of breaking through Charlie’s nice guy act, it was going to be in that bed. “Hello. Can we get a car out front? Right away, yes. Sorry we’re in a bit of a hurry,” Charlie said into the desk phone across the room. Gabby stood frozen where he left her, watching. As he hung up the phone and turned to look at her, Gabby felt herself melt into the same gooey puddle she had been in every other minute since the second she laid eyes on this man at the airport back in St. Ab. He was just so freaking gorgeous with his green eyes, red hair, and the smattering of freckles that traced the bridge of his nose and ran up both arms. His easy smile, somehow always pointed at her. She had known of him for years, of course. Somehow, she just never really noticed him before. Or maybe it was the fact that they were in another country. Gabby was feeling awfully free—something that was most unlike her. Generally, she kept her feelings locked down so tight, not even she knew what they were half of the time. Since stepping onto that plane, she had transformed into someone else. Someone who loved and smiled and blushed. Someone who laughed openly and ran her fingers lovingly down the arms of a man who was nice enough to open doors for her. Who is this girl? Deep down, though, Gabby thought she might know. She remembered her from long ago. From before the world had shown its true colors. “Gab?” The word shook her out of her stupor. She took a few steps forward and grabbed her jacket where she had laid it across a chair. “Where are we going?” It wasn’t that she cared all that much what the destination was, she just wanted one last chance to talk him out of it. But it didn’t look like that was going to happen. “It’s a

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