The Summer Party Cover Image

The Summer Party

Author/Uploaded by Rebecca Heath

 First published in the UK in 2023 by Head of Zeus Ltd,part of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
 Copyright © Rebecca Heath, 2023
 The moral right of Rebecca Heath to be identified as the author of this work has been asser...

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 First published in the UK in 2023 by Head of Zeus Ltd,part of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
 Copyright © Rebecca Heath, 2023
 The moral right of Rebecca Heath to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.
 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
 This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
 ISBN (ANZTPB): 9781804540992ISBN (E): 9781804540978
 Cover design: Emma Rogers
 Head of Zeus LtdFirst Floor East5–8 Hardwick StreetLondon EC1R 4RG
 For my Sisters – Fiona and Kirsty
 Thank you for always being there. Beach summers and heartbreaking farewells alike.
 Title Page
 29 January 2000
 1. Present Day
 2. Present Day
 3. Present Day
 January 2000: Three weeks before the party
 4. Present Day
 5. Present Day
 January 2000: Twenty days before the party
 January 2000: Nineteen days before the party
 6. Present Day
 7. Present Day
 January 2000: Eighteen days before the party
 8. Present Day
 9. Present Day
 January 2000: Seventeen days before the party
 10. Present Day
 11. Present Day
 January 2000: Sixteen days before the party
 12. Present Day
 13. Present Day
 January 2000: Two weeks before the party
 14. Present Day
 January 2000: Twelve days before the party
 15. Present Day
 16. Present Day
 January 2000: Eleven days before the party
 January 2000: Eleven days before the party
 17. Present Day
 18. Present Day
 January 2000: Ten days before the party
 19. Present Day
 January 2000: Nine days before the party
 20. Present Day
 January 2000: Eight days before the party
 21. Present Day
 January 2000: One week before the party
 22. Present Day
 January 2000: Six days before the party
 23. Present Day
 January 2000: Five days before the party
 24. Present Day
 January 2000: Four days before the party
 25. Present Day
 January 2000: Four days before the party
 26. Present Day
 January 2000: Three days before the party
 27. Present Day
 January 2000: Two days before the party
 28. Present Day
 January 2000: One day before the party
 January 2000: One day before the party
 29. Present Day
 January 2000: The night of the party
 January 2000: The night of the party
 30. Present Day
 31. Present Day
 32. Present Day
 33. Present Day
 34. Present Day
 35. Present Day
 About the Author
 An Invitation from the Publisher
 29 JANUARY 2000
 The heavy beat of the music thrums through the girl’s body in time with the pounding of her heart. She’s alone for a moment in the crowded party, but then she sees him across the room and nothing else matters. He’s leaning against the mantel, all languid grace, and he’s talking to someone else, but when he catches her eye, he winks. And an actual shiver races down her spine.
 He’s going to meet her later, outside, under the vine-clad arch by the fountain at the foot of the garden. A place for privacy. A place for lovers. Her body warms at the memory of the promises in his lips and his expert hands.
 There are butterflies, too.
 She hasn’t done anything like this before, but she trusts him not to hurt her, physically at least. She has no illusions about what a boy like him will do to her heart. But with her third glass of the delicious punch almost empty, she can’t bring herself to care. Because he’s chosen her.
 The hours pass in a blur of music and dancing and more punch, and trying not to pinch herself to be certain this is actually her life. When she finally winds her way through the garden to the rendezvous, she stumbles twice. Intoxication and nerves make her knees tremble.
 The twinkling fairy lights mark the paths as if someone has caught the earlier fireworks in tiny glass spheres. White and yellow flowers bloom in perfect stars, their tropical scent heady in the warm night air. She wonders, as the lights spin around her, whether she should have been sipping water these last few hours.
 No. Courage was needed, and it’s not like she’s out of control. A few missing minutes, but nothing important. She takes a breath, fights nausea. No regrets.
 There’s a boy already there in the shadows. He lifts his head. Clearly, he’s been waiting for her. Her heart trips in its beat. ‘You?’
 He moves closer, more assured than she would guess. ‘Were you expecting someone else?’
 Her lips part to answer, but he’s right in front of her now and lowering his head towards hers. ‘You look so beautiful,’ he whispers.
 His intention is clear but there’s plenty of time for her to back away. She doesn’t.
 One kiss won’t hurt even if he’s not… She lets his mouth claim hers. And the butterflies in her belly roar into dragons. She never expected this. Not with him.
 He makes a sound of encouragement and she arches closer. His hands slip from her shoulders to her waist, to the curve of her hip. Heat skitters from the contact, and she kisses him deeper. His fingertips find skin left bare by the summer dress. Her breath catches. The faint sounds of the distant party are lost in their heavy breathing and the ricochet of her pulse in her ears. Thoughts of interruption are fanciful; they are truly alone here.
 She could scream, and no one would come.
 He pulls back a little. She feels the

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