Lesbian Lumberjack Cover Image

Lesbian Lumberjack

Author/Uploaded by Jones, Kitty

Lesbian Lumberjack Kitty Jones Published by Kitty Jones, 2023. This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. LESBIAN LUMBERJACK First edition. February 24, 2023. Copyright © 2023 Kitty Jones. Written by Kitty Jones. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Lesbian Lumberjack For Lou 1 | Jordan 2 | Clara 3 | Jordan 4 |...

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Lesbian Lumberjack Kitty Jones Published by Kitty Jones, 2023. This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. LESBIAN LUMBERJACK First edition. February 24, 2023. Copyright © 2023 Kitty Jones. Written by Kitty Jones. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Lesbian Lumberjack For Lou 1 | Jordan 2 | Clara 3 | Jordan 4 | Clara 5 | Jordan 6 | Clara 7 | Jordan 8 | Clara 9 | Jordan 10 | Clara 11 | Jordan 12 | Clara 13 | Jordan 14 | Clara 15 | Jordan 16 | Clara 17 | Jordan 18 | Clara 19 | Jordan 20 | Clara 21 | Jordan 22 | Clara 23 | Jordan 24 | Clara 25 | Jordan 26 | Clara 27 | Jordan 28 | Clara 29 | Jordan 30 | Clara 31 | Jordan Epilogue | Clara Melanie Author One lumberjack. One runaway woman. One big, fat mess.Jordan has spent her entire life being bigger, stronger, and more muscular than her three lumberjack brothers. Slated to inherit her father's lumber mill upon his retirement next month, she decides to tour some of his properties to get a feel for the land. When a freak snowstorm hits in the middle of October, she's forced to spend the weekend holed up in one of his rustic cabins.But she's not alone.Clara isn't very good at much, but she's good at running away. That's why she's in the woods, after all - to escape her family's tainted legacy and to get away from the man who's trying to destroy her entire world. When a snowstorm hits unexpectedly, she seeks refuge at the first shelter she finds - a small, cozy would-be hunting cabin.Only, the cabin is already occupied.Jordan and Clara have no choice but to spend the weekend riding out the storm together, but when sparks start to fly, it seems like the lumberjack and the princess have more in common than they think.Their bodies might be able to survive the snowstorm, but can their hearts weather the weekend?This is a sapphic, forced proximity romance featuring lesbian lumberjacks and secret billionaires. For Lou Whether you want to be a lumberjack or love a lumberjack, I wish you all of the happiness in the world. 1 Jordan “Baby, it’s cold outside,” Jake says, stepping into the house. He stomps on the ground, kicking mud and leaves from his boots. There’s no snow, though. It’s only October, but the storms will start coming in about a month. It’s time to start thinking about how we’re going to get ready even though it’s early. None of us wants to get caught unprepared. “Don’t be such a baby,” Justin laughs, joining him in the stomping action. Leaves fall from his boots, too, and I glare at them, hoping they’re planning on cleaning up the mess they’re making. I’d say that ninety-nine percent of the time, my brothers are really good about cleaning up their messes, but even they get lazy sometimes. “It’s not terrible,” Jeremy agrees. “All you need is a light jacket and you’ll be all right.” Jake glares at him and makes a huffing sound. It’s much too dramatic for someone in his mid-twenties, but that’s my brothers in a nutshell: dramatic. The three triplets with their matching faces look over at me, and I know right away that they’re going to want me to settle this little dispute for them. After all, what are big sisters for? I’ve been the middle-man their entire lives and that’s probably never going to stop. At least, not as long as we all live together in my dad’s gigantic house. “What do you think, Jordan?” Jake asks. “It’s cold as hell, right?” He looks at me with pleading eyes, obviously hoping I’ll see the light and side with him, but I only roll my eyes. “I know better than to get involved in arguments between the three of you,” I tell my younger brothers. Jake, Justin, and Jeremy are my three favorite people in the world, but they’re also all very competitive with each other and with me. Even though they often want me to settle debates for them – and even though I generally do it – I need to stop. It’s one of my goals. I don’t want to be entering my 30s and still playing Mom when it comes to their shenanigans. I’m not Wendy, and they aren’t the lost boys. They can work their problems out on their own. “You should get into more arguments with us,” Jeremy laughs. “It would be fun. I’m pretty sure you could take Jake in a fight.” “She could,” Justin agrees. “She punched him that one time.” “Yeah, I’m still recovering from that one,” Jake mutters, rubbing his nose as though it still hurts, all these years later. “I’m sure you’re fine.” I try not to laugh, but it’s hard. I’m muscular and big, just like my brothers. The four of us grew up working the land with our dad, and big muscles were pretty much essential. If you aren’t strong enough to carry equipment or chop down logs, you’re slated for a life in the office, and I never wanted that. The guys finish getting their boots and jackets off and hang everything up. The four of us are in the mud room of our dad’s mansion, which is one of the biggest houses in Snow County. Go figure. We all live here with him for now, but he’s getting married soon and he’ll be moving out. That’ll leave just me and my brothers here. We’ve got some tough decisions to make about whether we’ll continue being amicable roommates or whether it’s time for us to finally grow up and go our separate ways. “What are you doing for dinner?” Justin asks, looking at me. “I ate,” I tell him. It might have been a peanut butter

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