Owned By Two Cover Image

Owned By Two

Author/Uploaded by Tammy Walsh

OWNED BY TWO TAMMY WALSH CONTENTS Get Your Epic Epilogue Collection! 1. Lizzy 2. Blor 3. Lizzy 4. Blor 5. Lizzy 6. Blor 7. Lizzy 8. Blor 9. Lizzy 10. Blor 11. Lizzy 12. Uhti 13. Lizzy 14. Uhti 15. Lizzy 16. Uhti 17. Lizzy 18. Uhti 19. Lizzy 20. Uhti 21. Blor 22. Uhti 23. Lizzy 24. Blor 25. Uhti 26. Lizzy 27. Uhti 28. Blor 29. Uhti 30. Lizzy 31. Blor 32. Uhti 33. Lizzy Want Lizzy, Blor, & Uhti...

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OWNED BY TWO TAMMY WALSH CONTENTS Get Your Epic Epilogue Collection! 1. Lizzy 2. Blor 3. Lizzy 4. Blor 5. Lizzy 6. Blor 7. Lizzy 8. Blor 9. Lizzy 10. Blor 11. Lizzy 12. Uhti 13. Lizzy 14. Uhti 15. Lizzy 16. Uhti 17. Lizzy 18. Uhti 19. Lizzy 20. Uhti 21. Blor 22. Uhti 23. Lizzy 24. Blor 25. Uhti 26. Lizzy 27. Uhti 28. Blor 29. Uhti 30. Lizzy 31. Blor 32. Uhti 33. Lizzy Want Lizzy, Blor, & Uhti’s Epilogue? Leave A Review Owned By The Alien Sneak Peek 1. Alice Read More By Tammy About Tammy GET YOUR EPIC EPILOGUE COLLECTION! Join Tammy’s newsletter to get exclusive access to every epilogue she ever writes, stay updated with new releases, and more! Join Tammy’s newsletter here. Tap here to see all of Tammy’s books. Join the fun in her Reader Group on Facebook. 1 LIZZY Now I understood why they made us sign non-disclosure agreements. They had to know forcing women to sign such documents was like waving a red rag to a bull. There was no way they could stop women from gossiping about their experiences of being locked in a room with gorgeous alien males and their insatiable appetites. The males went into heat over a week-long period they referred to as their “Steyatt” and would Seed whatever female they found themselves locked in a room with. Females like me. I glanced left and right at the alien females lined up on either side of me. We heard the alien males before seeing them. They howled and grunted and groaned as they thundered down the hallway on the other side of a flimsy door on the opposite side of the Claiming Room. As the snarls grew louder, I shuffled back a little and rubbed my bare thighs together. They had dressed us up — or should that be dressed us down? — in slutty negligees that left little to the imagination. If I breathed in too deeply, my breasts were going to pop out the front. The other females wore the same masks of concern I was. But they held their own, refusing to shy away, and only straightened their backs and raised their chins defiantly. It was one thing to be defiant before a beta human male, it was quite another to be defiant before what sounded like the hounds of hell themselves descending upon us at that very moment… For the longest time, I thought the reason anyone signed up to be Seeded by an alien male was as an adventure — to inoculate themselves against the claustrophobic lifestyle the majority of the human race now lived under. I knew that was certainly my case. Having a gorgeous kid was just about the most exciting thing I could imagine. The fact my baby would come with scaly skin and sharp fangs was a happy bonus! The governments of the world were happy with human females mating with alien males as it meant we could more easily ingratiate ourselves into the fabric of the cosmos. What was better for intergalactic relations than breeding with neighboring species? All those decades ago, aliens had come down from the heavens to give us a way out of the demographic death spiral we couldn’t escape from. We would mate with their males in Steyatt, who would in turn Seed us and our future generations. It was a win-win. But standing there now with the baying beasts on the other side of the door, drawing nearer each second, I began to question my decision. Sure, I wanted a kid… but did I want my body destroyed in the process? The males would satiate themselves with our bodies while pumping us full of their Seed in the process… For seven whole days. Initially, humans believed the aliens’ offer was a trap but when the first (brave) few of us began to emerge with bellies full of babies, women the world over rushed the Seeding Facilities to become the next in line. That happened fifteen years earlier. I was but a teenager at the time and wasn’t interested in school or studies — or even boys for that matter. Everything seemed so pointless when a relationship could end without children emerging from it. I had seen first-hand the effect the promise of children had on women — mostly the female teachers and women around my neighborhood. People had become desperate for a solution, for a way out — for a future. That was how I found myself now standing on a yellow cross on the floor of a Claiming Room. The mark was a cross within a circle, looking for all the world like… Like a bullseye. The floor shook and the door rattled on — now that I took a closer look at it — hinges that had been replaced at least half a dozen times. Just when the noise rose to a cacophony so loud it made my eardrums hurt, the door swung open and smashed against the Claiming Room wall with a deafening crack! The male creatures paused for just a moment — not out of choice but at the fact they had managed to get themselves jammed in the doorway. They each reached through with grasping hands and claws and hooves, raging to get through first. It was not a reassuring sight. They were going to tear us to shreds! But the Assistants dotted about the room didn’t seem too perturbed — as if this were just another day at the office! Finally, one of the beasts got a little leverage and smashed another of the other creatures in the face with its bony hooked elbow, and raced through the doorway. After that, it was a flood. The creatures thundered across the narrow open space that separated us. The first creature — a huge hairy minotaur-like monster with flaring nostrils and pierced ears — shoved one of the other females toward the door at the distant end

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