Return to Dawson Falls Cover Image

Return to Dawson Falls

Author/Uploaded by Taylyn Woods

Return to Dawson Falls Taylyn Woods Copyright 2023 by Taylyn Woods All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent / permission of the author, except by reviewers who may quote passages to be printed in a newspaper or magazine. Chapter 1 “I just don’t understand why? He hasn’t changed who he is, and he is not going to change. A leopard won’t change...

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Return to Dawson Falls Taylyn Woods Copyright 2023 by Taylyn Woods All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent / permission of the author, except by reviewers who may quote passages to be printed in a newspaper or magazine. Chapter 1 “I just don’t understand why? He hasn’t changed who he is, and he is not going to change. A leopard won’t change its spots.” Sighing, Aubree rolled her eyes as Margrett, her grandmother, continued with the same line of questions when it came to her relationship with Gerald. She was tired of the conversation, especially after the day she had. After an early morning dance coaching session, full day of classes, and three after-school cheer coaching sessions, Aubree was ready for a hot bath and bed. But, she would have to endure this phone call until she pulled in the driveway. If she had just answered the phone when her grandma called three days ago this would not be a topic of conversation today. “Well, the dick can’t be that good for you to stay,” Margrett huffed. “What else does he have to do to break you before you walk away? Until you use the good sense God gave, you will continue to make excuses for him and hold those broken promises together. I don’t understand to leave. She had some things to do before she walked out for good; if she did. “I know you don’t call yourself getting sassy with me! I will come through this phone and choke you out! Don’t rush me off the phone. I know you have suffered at his hand. Lord only knows all that you been through that you haven’t shared with me. But I guess you want to be like your momma and—.” “Okay, now it is time to hang up. Good night!” Aubree yelled, hanging up the phone. She hated when her grandmother started talking about her mother or compared her to her mother. She would never be like Diane living her life depending on a man to give her everything. She was living her life for herself and didn’t need a man nor anyone else to have the life she desired. At least that was the lie Aubree continued to tell herself so she wouldn’t feel like a fool for staying. Aubree knew she had to decide soon because every time Gerald pulled the disappearing act, Aubree ended up paying for something in his absence. Most of the time it was in the ballpark of four to five figures which she could no longer afford to do. Gerald drained her bank accounts dry; not to mention her soul. At this point Gerald was a roommate that paid the rent and utilities when he had the money; if he did that on time. Aubree just needed a little more time to get things in order before she walked away from Gerald for good. Her grandmother didn’t understand that she wanted to break all ties with Gerald so there would be no reason for her to come back to him. Opening the car door, Aubree noticed the house was pitch black dark, no lights, and she always left the lights on when she knew she would be home late. Aubree used the flashlight on her phone to see to unlock the door. Aubree reached for the light switch on the wall as she entered the house and flipped the switch to turn on the lights. A clicking noise was all that could be heard as Aubree stood there waiting for the room to light up. “What the hell?” Aubree whispered. She turned around and looked out the door to see that the other houses in the neighborhood had power. “No, no, no! Not this time! He wouldn’t do this to me again, fucking bastard!” Stumbling over the ottoman to get to the kitchen, Aubree hoped this was just a wiring thing. Luckily, she kept candles on the counter and knew where the lighter was. Gerald told Aubree before he left that he took care of the rent, utilities, and cable, and he would be back soon, but that was almost a month ago when Gerald left without giving his destination. In the last two years this had become the norm for their relationship. He claimed to be out of town on business and stayed gone for months at a time with no contact. In the past, Aubree worried herself sick wondering about his whereabouts and who he was with, but now Aubree looked forward to the peace and quiet during his trips except for times like now. Gerald’s extended absences always resulted in Aubree having to cover the cost of something he promised to pay; Aubree hoped she could pay it without draining all that she had saved so far. He didn’t concern himself with much about Aubree unless another man wanted her, or she actually left him which only happened once. He left her unprotected, open for anyone or anything to happen to her. This was the one thing she could count on him for… was to leave her without food, shelter, clothing, care, and basically everything she needed to survive. “I should have stayed gone when I left the first time.” Aubree found the number for the electric company and called the afterhours customer service line. After going through the prompts with the automated system, the operator finally answered. “M.E. Electric Company payment line. How may I help you?” the operator asked. “Hi, yes, I am calling to find out if a payment was made on the account.” Like she didn’t know why I was calling, Aubree thought. She could hear the clicking sound of the keyboard as the operator entered information. “Please verify your address and phone number on the account,” the operator requested. Aubree provided all the information needed and waited to hear the response from the work. Each click of the keys caused her stomach to

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