Seducing Baily Cover Image

Seducing Baily

Author/Uploaded by Skye, Autumn

Seducing Baily Autumn Skye Published by Autumn Skye, 2023. This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. SEDUCING BAILY First edition. May 24, 2023. Copyright © 2023 Autumn Skye. Written by Autumn Skye. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six...

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Seducing Baily Autumn Skye Published by Autumn Skye, 2023. This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. SEDUCING BAILY First edition. May 24, 2023. Copyright © 2023 Autumn Skye. Written by Autumn Skye. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Epilogue Chapter One I walked into the Pink Rose Club that day expecting to do nothing but have a drink and let the morning roll off my back. Professor Brennan's Eastern Civilization class had been brutal. That lady hated me and I was beginning to reciprocate the feeling towards her by the end of the semester. History had never been my thing. I wasn't good at remembering birthdays, so to remember the exact day some battle took place a couple centuries ago was asking a bit much of me. It was strange, I supposed. I'd majored in accounting and dates were numbers, so you'd think I wouldn't have a problem breezing through that class. But no, it hadn't worked out that way. Luckily, that was the last final I had to take. I wasn't sure if I passed or not, but at least I could say I was officially on summer break while I tried to figure out what college graduates did with the rest of their lives. Adulting was kind of hard, from everything I'd heard. It was one in the afternoon when I sat down at the bar. I kept it simple and ordered a light beer. Truth be told, I wasn't a heavy drinker. I mostly enjoyed a glass of white wine here and there with my dinner, but Professor Brennan had put me through it the last few months and right then I really wanted a fucking beer, maybe even two. I'd barely taken my first sip when the bells on the door started jingling. Rays of sunshine lit up the usually dimly lit place for a split second before someone walked in and shut it behind them. I didn't bother turning to see who it was. I really wasn't there to find a hook up, though I had met my last girlfriend in the Pink Rose. It hadn't worked out with Kaitlyn. It had only lasted around six months, but they'd been a really good six months that had passed too quickly. Neither of us had a thing against one another. Kaitlyn just wasn't in relationship mode. Basically, I fell hard and she didn't, but that wasn't her fault. Sometimes it just happened that way. The blond who'd just walked in took a seat beside me. This time I did give her a sideways glance out of curiosity, the generic kind of curiosity when you're just wondering who is sitting next to you even if you don't actually give a rat's ass. I wasn't checking her out, in other words. I couldn't have if I'd wanted, because her hair was hanging in her face. All I really saw was that she was dressed in jeans and a red tee. I also couldn't help but notice she smelled good. Whatever perfume she was wearing wasn't cheap. It was just enough to arouse the senses, but not overwhelming. There was a hint of a flower I couldn't name. Not roses, but maybe lilac? Anyway, she smelled like summer. She ordered a beer and I went back to sipping mine, minding my own business when she spoke to me in a voice that sounded surprised and excited and above all else, familiar. “Baily?” I knew the voice before I gave her another look. This time she was staring directly at me and to say I recognized her would be an understatement. I'd spent most of my teen years crushing on her. I'd thought I'd never see her again, but here she was, smoking hot as ever. “Tori Willis, wow, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever,” I said. Tori had been my sister, Anita's, best friend all through high school. They were both three years older than I was, so they hadn't spent much time hanging out with me, but I'd spent plenty of time spying on them. Or rather, I should say spying on Tori. She'd spent a lot of hot days lounging with Anita by our pool. She'd always worn the same teal bikini that either exposed or enhanced every curve, and Tori had a lot of curves. Calling her voluptuous was another understatement. But those days were over. My sister had gotten married and moved clear across the country. Tori had taken a job in another city and hadn't been around in ages. I was the only one still living at home, but that was about to change, as well. I'd studied my ass off for the last four years and I was pretty sure I'd done well enough on finals to be receiving my degree. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I planned to find a job and move into my own place soon. Not for a few more months, though. My parents were out of town. They'd decided to spend the majority of the summer in Florida and I'd agreed to stay put and house sit. Naturally, my overprotective mother and my obnoxiously proud father planned to come back long enough for my graduation ceremony next week, but then they'd be off again and gone until September. I explained all of this to Tori as we drank our beers. Then we drank two more while she caught me up on what had been going on with her. She had a great job managing a cocktail bar in Kansas City. She was on vacation for the next two weeks and had come back to St. Louis to see old friends and spend time with her parents. “I really wish Anita

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