Silver Fox Daddy Cover Image

Silver Fox Daddy

Author/Uploaded by Misty Ellis

Silver Fox Daddy An Age Gap Single Dad Romance Misty Ellis Copyright © 2023 by Misty Ellis All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter...

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Silver Fox Daddy An Age Gap Single Dad Romance Misty Ellis Copyright © 2023 by Misty Ellis All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four Epilogue SNEEK PEEK- Saved by the Billionaire Chapter One Summer As the ground rapidly approaches my face, I’m reminded of the term of one’s life flashing before one’s eyes in that split second moment prior to death. But never would I have dreamed that it would have happened to me at the ripe young age of twenty-six. What makes it even worse is the fact that I am not anywhere near dying – except from mortification. Having barely caught myself on my hands and knees before my nose was splashed on the floor, I shuffle and get on my feet as quickly as possible, smoothing my dress down over my butt and thighs. My feet seem to be tangled up in the straps of my purse and there’s a slight burning sensation on my knees. I look down quickly and find, with relief, that there is no bruising or bleeding. The burning may just be from the heat of the concrete pavement. Cowardly, I keep my head down, checking my bun to make sure it has not come undone as well. No way I can look up yet, so I look at a crack in the ground and wonder if it will open up enough to suck me in and save me from the humiliation. But it remains closed. Bummer. I sigh softly. There is no more delaying the inevitable of standing and facing the man who is waiting to speak with me. I simply cannot believe that I just tripped in front of my prospective boss and gave him an eyeful of my delicate parts. “Let me give you a hand.” His deep voice sounds from somewhere above my head. I take the hand he offers, afraid to look up as the heat in my face tells me it is as red as a sun-ripened tomato. And I am pretty sure he is smirking by the tone in his voice. Please kill me now. “Thank you.” His fingers are warm as they curve around mine to help me up the remaining steps. “Lucan Forbes at your service. Miss Madison, I presume?” “Yes. Yes, I am. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Forbes.” “I’m sorry it had to be under these circumstances. I’ve told my contractor time and time again to fix the treading on that step. And now that I have a potential lawsuit on my hands, I will have them here first thing in the morning.” He drops my hand and opens the front door to the mansion. “Lawsuit?” I look up at him in surprise. I was right! He has a big grin on his face – a very handsome face, I might add. I shake my head. “You do not have to worry, Mr. Forbes. I’m not looking to make a quick buck in small claims court.” “Small claims? Do you think that any lawyer would hear my name and look at where you fell and go after a few dollars?” He turns and walks ahead of me as he speaks. I follow silently, admiring the foyer and hallway. I am rendered a bit speechless at the grandeur of the home. At first, when I had arrived at the location, I thought for sure that I had the wrong address. But the guard at the gate had assured me I was in the right place. And when I told him my name, he actually had it on his list of expected visitors. I find myself being ushered into an office. “Have a seat, Miss Madison.” He pulls out a chair from the massive desk and I sink into it. “Thank you.” “Before we begin, are you hurt in any way from the tumble you took? Did you bruise your elbow, knee, twist an ankle, a wrist, anything?” He levels his eyes at me. Of course I bruised something. My pride! “Everything’s fine, thank you.” I smile up at him. “Okay. Great. Shall we get started? Your resumé please.” I hand him the folder I still have clutched in my hand. I look at him surreptitiously and my breath catches in my throat. He is an absolute hunk of a man! His hair is almost completely silver, which makes a perfect foil for his striking blue eyes. He has a slight tan, which makes me assume he must spend some time outside. He looks like a character from a superhero movie. His chest is broad and branches into his strong arms. I can tell, even with a suit on, that he is built. In my imagination, I can easily change his suit into armor. If his hair was longer and blowing in the breeze and he had a spear, he could have stepped out of a comic book. But as to whether he is the hero or the villain, that is still to be decided. I clear my throat and look around the office curiously. I come to the realization that this room alone is almost as big as my entire apartment. The walls are lined with shelves of books which make me rethink my initial assumption that this is his office. It has to be the library. “So, Miss Madison. Can you tell me how you heard about the position?” he asks without lifting his eyes to me. “I found it in the want ads. You outlined that you needed a daytime nanny for your six-year-old son and

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