Under the Oak Tree: Season 2 (1) Cover Image

Under the Oak Tree: Season 2 (1)

Author/Uploaded by Suji Kim

UNDER THE OAK TREESeason 2 (1)Suji Kim Copyright ©️ 2023 by Suji Kim Originally published as "Under the Oak Tree" (in Korean) in the Republic of Korea in 2017 by RIDI Corporation. English translation copyright by RIDI Corporation, Republic of Korea. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief q...

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UNDER THE OAK TREESeason 2 (1)Suji Kim Copyright ©️ 2023 by Suji Kim Originally published as "Under the Oak Tree" (in Korean) in the Republic of Korea in 2017 by RIDI Corporation. English translation copyright by RIDI Corporation, Republic of Korea. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address RIDI Corporation. www.ridicorp.com ISBN 979-11-6960-624-0 Contents Title PageChapter 1: PrologueChapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40Also by Suji Kim Chapter 1: Prologue The banquet hall rang with the parrot-like chatter of Wedon’s nobility. As soon as Riftan Calypse entered, silence descended on the crowd. The Lord of Anatol strode through the tension in the room, exuding authoritative power.Avid curiosity, fear, and admiration mingled on the faces of the noblewomen as they darted glances at his cold exterior. Hiding their blushes behind fans, they whispered in each other’s ears while the men held their breaths in equal parts terror and awe.When he had first stepped foot in Drachium, these were the same aristocrats who had staunchly opposed the uncouth beast encroaching on their territory. Now, the tables had turned, and those who had once openly mocked him were forced to hold their tongues.In only a few years, Riftan Calypse forged strong alliances with the southern nobles, emerging as a formidable force within Wedon. He was now expanding his influence to the north and west. The zeal with which he pursued the endeavor had startled even the eastern nobles — his greatest adversaries — into throwing their hands up in defeat. The younger lords would hover around him whenever he made an appearance, hoping for the chance to talk to the legendary knight. The more conservative noblemen would discreetly slip away to the outskirts.Riftan himself was indifferent to their reactions. He marched to the arched doorway at the end of the hall, not sparing a glance at the gossiping crowd nor to those lingering for a chance to sweet-talk him.He reached the door and addressed the attendant stationed outside. “Inform His Majesty I wish to seek an audience with him.”The attendant scurried into the room. He was granted permission to enter not long after, and he strode in with his auburn cape fluttering behind. Inside, King Reuben III was lounging on a velvet chair.“You are late,” said the king with a crooked smile. “Is this your way of showing you are above currying favor with the crown?”Riftan swept his eyes over the congratulatory gifts piled next to the king’s seat and smiled sardonically. “I believe your other vassals have paid homage to the crown’s honor well enough without me, Your Majesty.”“That does not mean you can neglect your duties,” King Reuben grumbled with a sour expression.He tilted his chin toward the chair in front of him, motioning for Riftan to be seated. As soon as Riftan obliged, an attendant offered him a full goblet.King Reuben promptly emptied his drink first and continued like a disgruntled child, “Today is the last day of the celebrations. I was beginning to think you would not make an appearance.”“I thought it would be best if I did not, Your Majesty.”King Reuben cocked an eyebrow at his apathetic response.Gazing down at his goblet, Riftan added in a deadpan manner, “I wished to avoid certain company as much as possible. We could not have the celebration of your first grandchild be marred by bloodshed.”The king shook his head at the threat in Riftan’s words. “Good heavens, are you still not content after plucking the duke’s fangs?”Leaning back, the king heaved a long sigh.“I believe you have sufficiently crushed the man’s spirit. Your influence is now enough to pose a threat. The duke’s, on the other hand, is not what it used to be. He is older, more domineering and ill-tempered. His health is failing as well. Makes the man look almost pitiful. He would no doubt refuse to admit it even at knifepoint, but he is terrified of you. Though, I suppose that is not entirely surprising considering how you have been twisting his arm. I was told you recently gifted him a chest of severed heads.”“They all belonged to the assassins he sent to kill me,” Riftan replied dryly. “I merely returned his sentiments.”“What you are doing is slowly terrorizing the man out of his wits.” The king smiled crookedly again as he poured himself more wine. “It might have been more merciful had I allowed you to execute him two years ago.”Sparks seemed to flare in Riftan’s dull eyes at the king’s sarcastic remark. For Riftan, who held a grudge against the royal family for preventing him from waging war against the duke, it was not a jest that landed lightly.Gripping his goblet to suppress his rage, Riftan said menacingly, “I did not know you held him so close to your heart, Your Majesty. Have you not spent the last decade resorting to all sorts of schemes to put the duke in his place? Or use my wife, despite her grave injuries, as a weapon to wound his pride? Why should Your Majesty show any sympathy for him now?”King Reuben slammed his goblet on the table, the smile vanishing from his face. “You intend to hold that against me for a long time, don’t you? Would you have me kneel before you and beg for forgiveness?”“Your Majesty, I only ask for one thing,” Riftan said through gritted teeth. “That you do not intervene in my conflict with the duke. I do not think I will be able to stand by while the crown acted mediator again.”“Is that a threat?”“I am imploring you.”King Reuben’s eyes blazed with fury for a moment before he abruptly heaved a sigh.

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