Baby for my Boss Daddy Cover Image

Baby for my Boss Daddy

Author/Uploaded by Misty Ellis

Baby for my Boss Daddy Misty Ellis Copyright © 2023 by Misty Ellis All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents 1. Chad 2. Tara 3. Chad 4. Tara 5. Chad 6. Tara 7. Chad 8. Tara 9. Chad 10. Tara 11. Chad 12. Tara 13. Chad 14. Tara 15. Chad 16. Tara 17. Chad 18....

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Baby for my Boss Daddy Misty Ellis Copyright © 2023 by Misty Ellis All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents 1. Chad 2. Tara 3. Chad 4. Tara 5. Chad 6. Tara 7. Chad 8. Tara 9. Chad 10. Tara 11. Chad 12. Tara 13. Chad 14. Tara 15. Chad 16. Tara 17. Chad 18. Tara 19. Chad 20. Tara 21. Chad 22. Tara 23. Chad 24. Tara EPILOGUE SNEEK PEEK- Chapter One Chapter one Chad “Christ! Watch what you’re doing!” I can’t believe this. One second I am talking to Jed Martin, CEO of Mountain Athletics, and the next, I am covered with some fruity drink concoction. Here I am, standing in my soiled Armani suit. The waitress staring at me like a deer in headlights. “Oh, my gosh,” she says quickly, her sapphire-colored eyes are glued to where she spilled the drink. She mutters, “I’m so sorry—” “You got that right,” I snap. I look at my suit, the liquid sliding down the left side of my suit jacket. “Let me get a napkin,” the waitress offers. She steps back and grabs from a stack of napkins on a nearby tray. As she reaches toward me with it, I snatch the wad of napkins from her hands. “Don’t,” I warn. “I can do it myself, thank you.” I swipe at the suit jacket with the napkin. Mr. Martin clears his throat and addresses the waitress, “Maybe you could get some club soda—” “It’s ruined,” I mutter angrily, “Jesus, what kind of people did they hire for this thing anyway?” “Excuse me?” she retorts. I look up at her and meet her glaring eyes. Her brow is wrinkled with a hand on her hip. “Oh, now you say ‘excuse me’. Right after running into me like some kind of deranged freight train.” “Hey, that was an accident!” “Do you have any idea how much this suit cost?” Bits of napkin are now sticking to the fabric. I scoff, giving up on the task. “You just ruined a three-thousand-dollar suit.” She crosses her arms smartly, and with a wiseass smirk across her face, she replies, “I didn’t know they charged three grand for Party City penguin suits.” I glare at her, and she glares right back. The nerve! “Do you have any idea who I am?” “No, but you look like an idiot in a wet penguin suit,” she smarts. Anger bubbles in my veins. Who hired this woman? “Get me something to clean this up,” I snarl at her through clenched teeth. She rolls her eyes and storms off. The gall! I watch her annoyingly pretty ass in the black dress she’s wearing sway away from sight. The audacity! “Hey.” I look up to see that Grace has sidled next to me… and also that Mr. Martin is gone. I huff to myself. “Great. Just fucking great.” “Chad, are you okay?” I take a breath in an effort to calm down. Just my luck. The night I need to make a good impression and some waitress comes along and spills a drink on me. “I’m fantastic,” I say sorely. Grace looks at me with a skeptical eyebrow. “You don’t look so fantastic. Is there something wrong?” “I’m fine,” I reply, “Just… some ditzy waitress just spilled a drink on me and ruined my suit.” She looks me over for a moment, then says, “You look fine to me. It’s a dark suit, Chad. No one can tell anything was spilt on it, really.” “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” “Don’t be such a smart aleck,” she replies. “Do you want me to get you some club soda?” “No, I sent the waitress to get something for me. It’s fine.” I’m looking at the wet spot on my suit. Okay, so maybe you can’t really see it. I take another deep breath. This isn’t the end of the world. She nods. “Well, I just wanted to remind you to bid on the silent auction tonight. It’s important to the company that you make a big gesture toward the charity.” “I know,” I say, still a little annoyed. I dare a look around the crowd and spot Mr. Martin standing and talking with a cluster of people standing near the dance floor. “Just bid for me,” I tell her. “Um… Are you sure about that?” “Yes. See that guy over there?” She looks to where I’d just nodded my head. “Jed Martin?” “Yeah. He’s the CEO of Mountain Athletics. Only the biggest account in the room. I need to get his attention and keep it long enough to convince him to give us an advertising contract.” “I see.” “It’s a big opportunity. One that waitress might’ve wrecked for me. I don’t know if I can salvage the conversation with him.” She brushes a bit of lint off my shoulder and smiles. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just go over and talk to him. Maybe apologize for the commotion with the waitress?” “Yeah, yeah, I can do that,” I say absently. Right now, I am busy crafting the rest of my pitch to Martin. “Good,” Grace pats my shoulder,” You do that, and I’ll go make a bid for you.” “Great. And make it look good. Money’s no object.” She smiles gently. “Of course.” Grace walks away, leaving me to my own thoughts about this whole situation. I have a little bit of a calmer head now, so I’m thinking a little more clearly. Funny how it’s only when the anger drains away that there’s clarity, and right now, I’m feeling a little shameful. I shouldn’t have blown up at that waitress that way. I let my temper get the better of me over what amounted to little more than spilt milk and I’m a little ashamed of myself about it. Not just because of how I must’ve looked

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