Mated By Two Cover Image

Mated By Two

Author/Uploaded by Walsh, Tammy

MATED BY TWO TAMMY WALSH CONTENTS Get Your Epic Epilogue Collection! 1. Raya 2. Tres 3. Essak 4. Raya 5. Tres 6. Essak 7. Raya 8. Tres 9. Essak 10. Raya 11. Tres 12. Essak 13. Raya 14. Tres 15. Essak 16. Raya 17. Tres 18. Essak 19. Raya 20. Tres 21. Essak 22. Raya 23. Tres 24. Essak 25. Raya 26. Tres 27. Essak 28. Raya 29. Tres 30. Essak 31. Raya 32. Tres 33. Essak 34. Raya 35. Tres 36. Essak 37....

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MATED BY TWO TAMMY WALSH CONTENTS Get Your Epic Epilogue Collection! 1. Raya 2. Tres 3. Essak 4. Raya 5. Tres 6. Essak 7. Raya 8. Tres 9. Essak 10. Raya 11. Tres 12. Essak 13. Raya 14. Tres 15. Essak 16. Raya 17. Tres 18. Essak 19. Raya 20. Tres 21. Essak 22. Raya 23. Tres 24. Essak 25. Raya 26. Tres 27. Essak 28. Raya 29. Tres 30. Essak 31. Raya 32. Tres 33. Essak 34. Raya 35. Tres 36. Essak 37. Raya 38. Essak 39. Essak 40. Tres 41. Raya 42. Tres 43. Essak 44. Raya 45. Tres 46. Essak 47. Raya 48. Tres 49. Essak 50. Raya Want Raya & Tres’s Epilogue? Leave A Review Owned By The Alien Sneak Peek 1. Alice Read More By Tammy About Tammy GET YOUR EPIC EPILOGUE COLLECTION! Join Tammy’s newsletter to get exclusive access to every epilogue she ever writes, stay updated with new releases, and more! Join Tammy’s newsletter here. Tap here to see all of Tammy’s books. Join the fun in her Reader Group on Facebook. RAYA I’d never felt so vulnerable my entire life. The beasts snarled and growled, muscles larger than anything I had ever seen before. They could snap me in half and use my bones as toothpicks. Their skin colors warped and morphed into shades I didn’t even have a name for. And they were fighting. For what? you might ask. For us, the girls lined up before them, dressed in slutty negligees that had seemed funny when we’d first changed into them, but now we realized we were the butt of the joke. Shrugging your shoulders brought it up enough to expose your bare ass and for your tits to almost spill from the front. The beasts ogled us, sniffed us, licked us, grabbed great handfuls of us, and rubbed themselves against us. Their sizes were intimidating, to say the least. They were in Shyat, which meant their mating hormones went through the roof and they had to mate with a female for a solid seven days in order to fully sate themselves. We females signed up for the job to get pregnant with their seed. And so for a whole week, we mated with them… non-stop. Each of us racing to achieve our individual goals… By all reports, it was a wild week of mayhem, and no human female had ever complained… And so, I signed up. But nothing could prepare you for the sight of alien males in their prime — and when I say prime, I mean primal. They were big, with perfect physiques like something you would see on an Olympic athlete. The beasts snorted and roared and made me feel a million different forms of wrong… But they were my only chance. Humans had become incapable of impregnating each other. We require the seed of aliens to impregnate us — I know, I know, it sounds like the setup of a bad erotic thriller on late-night channels you wouldn’t normally watch… only this is real life now. This is the way it is. But the truth was, I needed it even more than the other females lined up here. A whole lot more. And so, we dress up in barely-there clothes to excite the alien males who, so far as I could tell, hardly needed the motivation. I can’t believe I actually signed up for this. There was always the option to turn and leave. I was under no contractual obligation to stay… But I knew I would stay, and the reason for me was clear: The scientists back home had found I was infertile. My body produced eggs… they just wouldn’t accept human sperm that came anywhere near them. My eggs were their kryptonite. I was the problem. Not the men with their low sperm count, not environmental or social issues… but because I was infertile. With no other way for me to have a child, I either came here to see if these fertile fellows had it in them to give me what I needed… or I would have to come to terms with the fact I was never going to have my own children. And at the age of twenty-nine, that was something I wasn’t ready to accept. Not yet. Not until I’d tried everything. And this was the option of last resort. I had no preconceptions. I didn’t expect to fall in love with these monsters, and I was certain they would not fall in love with me — I doubted beasts like these were even capable of love! I only knew they would either knock me up or they wouldn’t. I shut my eyes and blocked out the howls and cries and baying. I felt like I’d been tossed into a hungry lion’s cage. Beside me was a short waif of a girl called Bor with flowing blue hair and purple skin. She’d seemed confident when we changed into our slutty clothes but now she didn’t seem quite so up for it. “I… I can’t do this!” she wailed, stepping out of our line. “Let me out of here! I can’t mate with these things! They’ll tear me apart! Let me out! Let me out!” She turned and ran for the door, banging on it with her tiny fists. It only further garnered the beasts’ attention. They approached her, sniffing, snorting, lapping at her feet and toes. She squealed and curled into a ball, which only exposed her sex and made her even more vulnerable. “All right, all right,” the madam said, waving a finger at the beasts as if they were nothing more than misbehaving boys. “You know the rules. No means no. Off with you.” The alien males gave the waif one last look before turning back to the rest of us. As the madam (her name was Soin) consoled the girl, the beasts selected their females and dragged them out of the room. One by one, they left… Until

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