The King's Weapon Cover Image

The King's Weapon

Author/Uploaded by Neena Laskowski

The King’s Weapon Copyright © 2023 by Neena Laskowski All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, places, characters, and events are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual individuals, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, witho...

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The King’s Weapon Copyright © 2023 by Neena Laskowski All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, places, characters, and events are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual individuals, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. First Edition published April 2023 Published by Neena Laskowski Map Design and internal illustrations © Neena Laskowski Cover Design © 2023 Moon Press To those who ever thought they were less, you are more than enough. Contents Pronunciation Guide Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Epilogue Acknowledgments Pronunciation Guide Please note: these are fictional characters and places. The following pronunciations are simply the way the author pronounces them. However, if you, the reader, have a different way of pronouncing the names, please do so. People & Gods: Barinthian - bar-in-THI-an Domitius - do-mi-TEE-us Esmeray - es-mer-ay Fynn - fin Graeson - grey-sin Kalisandre - kal-ih-SAN-dra Lysanthia - lis-an-THI-uh Misanthia - mis-an-THI-uh Myra - my-ra Pontanius - pon-TAN-EE-us Rian - rye-an Ryla - rye-la Sabina - sa-BEE-na Sebastian - sa-bash-tin Tanzia - tan-ZEE-uh Terryn - tare-rin Valrys - val-ris Kingdoms: Ardentol - ARE-den-tall Borgania - bor-GAN-EE-uh Frenzia - Frenz-EE-uh Kadia - Cade-EE-uh Pontia - Pont-EE-uh Ragolo - Ra-GOL-o Tetria - te-TRI-uh Chapter 1 No one else mattered. No one but her mark for the night, who to Kallie's disappointment, had chosen an old tavern that reeked of stale bread, mold, and sweat. Every step Kallie took squished, making her question why she had worn her favorite pair of black leather boots tonight. Even though she frequented the taverns in the lower city during her spare time—which, granted, was too rare for her liking—this one was her least favorite by far. It was cramped, unkempt, and the drinks were subpar. She had no idea how the establishment was in business still, but it probably had to do with its cheap prices. Although, the prices did nothing to improve the quality of the alcohol or the service. The tavern did, however, have one perk Kallie could appreciate: no prying eyes. Its occupants were always too drunk and too absorbed in their own fantasies to notice anything or anyone out of the ordinary. She suspected that was why her mark had chosen this place to meet his acquaintance. Kallie leaned against the brick wall and looked beyond the edge of her black wool hood as she scanned the room for the fourth time. The tavern was more packed than usual tonight. No doubt a result of the king's upcoming ceremony that had all seven kingdoms of Vaneria restless. Men and women crowded the small tables with pints of lukewarm ale in their hands and bland chili on their tables. As midnight neared, Kallie's favorite time was approaching. The time of the night when inhibitions and morals faded as more drinks were ordered and downed by the glass. Sweat glistened behind the ears of men who drank one too many pints, bodies relaxed and swayed as the fiddler plucked a new tune, and lips became looser. An insatiable hunger for a never-ending night hung in the air as anticipation bounced off the sticky walls. In the far corner of the establishment, patrons placed bets on who the princess would choose to marry in the coming days. And Kallie watched it all with a smirk on her face. None of them knew she had all of the answers on the tip of her tongue. Perhaps, another night she would have joined in on the fun. But as much as Kallie yearned to lose herself in the crowd, the pressures of her father weighed heavily on her. And Kallie's desire to prove she was capable to her father was far greater than her desire to let loose. She had a job to do, and Kallie could not fail. She wouldn't. She would have plenty of time to do whatever she wanted once the plan came to fruition. So Kallie waited. And waited. Her lukewarm beer, which was only half-consumed, sat forgotten on the high-top table beside her as she observed her mark. In his mid-twenties, he was a little older than Kallie. He wore a plain, black fitted jacket atop a white button-up, both of which were too clean and too well-tailored for this tavern. He had cleanly cut ginger hair and a freshly shaven beard. His attempt at aloofness was dismal, for his scabbard, which hung forgotten at his side as he sat on the barstool, had Frenzia's crest sewn onto it. If someone wasn't paying close attention, their eyes would easily glance over the minute details. However, Kallie wasn't like most of the people here. She was well-trained, well-attuned to the small details. She knew immediately who the man was: Prince Sebastian, the brother of the recently anointed King Rian and the newly promoted captain of Frenzia's largest fleet. As his acquaintance got up to leave, Sebastian called the innkeeper over and ordered a second drink. Pushing herself off the wall, she abandoned her pint, pulled her cloak down, and sauntered over to the bar. "I'll have what he's having," Kallie said to the innkeeper, who then nodded and turned away. As Kallie leaned over the edge of the bar, she felt a sticky residue beneath her palm. Her insides squirmed, but her face remained unfazed. Sebastian cocked his head in challenge. "Are you sure about that?" "If it's good

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